Part 21

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About 20 minutes after they went inside there are red sparks coming from within the maze. Two professors quickly make their way over to where it was coming from, only to come out with Fleur minutes later. Then Viktor walks out, not knowing what happened to him. As if he was bewitched. Another 10 minutes later we see a flashing light come from the middle of the maze. "Did Cedric or Harry find the Cup?" I ask. Hermione and Ron shrug. But neither of the boys come back to here. Chatter starts. "We wait another 15 minutes then professors go in and look for the boys." Dumbledore says. I feel Draco look at me, I look back at him. He has a worried look on his face. Does he care that Harry and Cedric aren't back yet or is he worried about me? "Are you ok?" he mouths I nod then his face goes back cold when Crabbe puts his hand on his shoulder. I sigh, why does he do that? Harry and Cedric fall on the ground in the middle of the stadium. Making everyone cheer. "Oh my god they made it!" Hermione yells. We all cheer. But that quickly changes when we realize: Cedric, is dead. "For god's sake Dumbledore what happened?" someone says. "He's back. He's back." Harry says crying over the body of Cedric. "Voldemort's back. Cedric he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there." Harry cries. "It is all right, Harry. It's all right. He's home. You both are." Dumbledore says to him. "Keep everybody in their seats" Fudge says. Whispering something to Snape and McGonagall. "The body must be moved, Dumbledore. There are too many people." Fudge turns to Dumbledore. Cedric's father tries to make his way to his son, his dead son. "Let me through." he exclaims. "Let me through. That's my son! That's my boy." he cries kneeling next to Cedric "It's my boy!" I start to cry, yet another death. When did this become my life? Why did I have to go to Hogwarts, if we stayed in Italy I wouldn't have to go through all of this. WHY? I think crying. Hermione hugs me. Moody takes Harry away, back to the castle I think. This time Draco runs over to me and hugs me tight. Not caring what other people might think I hug him back, crying in his chest. "Sshhh baby girl, you are alright I am here." he whispers. "What are you doing here Malfoy?" Ron asks ripping Draco away from me. "Comforting my girlfriend!" Draco exclaims in angrily. "Your what?!" Ron says. I look at Draco, did he really just say that? "You heard me!" Draco says looking angry at Ron. "My girlfriend." he repeats and takes my hand and drags me out of the crowd. "Why did you do that?" I ask sobbing still. "Do what?" "Tell practically everyone I am your girlfriend." "Because, you are!" he says "And I couldn't bare seeing you cry like that, I wanted to have you in my arms, I didn't care." I stop walking and hug him. "You!" Ron says running towards us. "You! How dare you date him?!" he says pointing at me anger in his eyes. "He can't be trusted! Let go of her now!" Ron says to Draco. When he doesn't he repeats: "I said let go of her!" He then grabs me and pulls me towards the castle. Into the Gryffindor common room. "How dare you! Date that disgusting piece of shit!" he then says. "Because I like him!" I say crying. "Don't speak to me until you break up with him!" he says storming up the stairs. "RON! I can't!" "I told you! Don't speak to me!" and he is gone. I break down crying on the floor of the common room. When Neville walks in. He runs op to me and sits down next to me holding me. I cry, Ron is making me choose between him and Draco. How does he expect me to do that? I can't. "What happened? I saw you and Draco hug and then you were gone." he says, a little annoyed. "Ron, Ron happened." is all I can get out through my cries. Cedric is dead ,Mr. Crouch is dead, I have to choose between my best friend and boyfriend, my life can't get any worse. "What do you mean Ron happened?" Neville asked confused. I explain what happened all while still crying, so it doesn't make any sense really.


I am walking through the halls of the castle, not being able to sleep. "Hey baby girl." I hear Draco say softly to not wake the paintings. "You!" I nearly yell. He throws his hands in the air. "What?" "You!" I say again. "We would keep us a secret! For a good reason! Now Ron won't talk to me until I break up with you! All because you needed to hug me in front of everyone!" I say angrily. "What? So you just go blame me?" he says his eyes are filled with anger. "Yes! You heard me right! Because of you my best friend doesn't want to talk to me anymore." "Fine, if he is so important to you, maybe we should break up! So you can go talk to him again!" he says. "Fine, maybe we should!" I say. "Good, go back to your best friend than. This-" he points between us "is over!" and he walks away. I feel my heart break. I fall to the ground, crying again. When I hear footsteps coming up from behind me. "Making late night walks again now are we" Snape says. Good I am in trouble again.  I stand up and turn to him "Yes sir sorry." "Go to bed now! I will see you in Dumbledore's office first thing in the morning!" he says and walks away. I make my way back to my room.  We weren't even dating 1 week and we already broke up. 

I Know You Fancy Me ||D.M.||Where stories live. Discover now