Part 109

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"We are almost done!" I say back. "Can we come in?" Ron asks. I look at Hermione to see if she is ready, she nods. "Yeah sure." I reply. And Ron opens the door, but he is not alone. Draco is with him. I turn around. "Hey you." he says I jump into his arms. "What are you doing here?" "I heard there was a wedding, and I knew you'd be here. So I had to come." he replies. "Can I kiss you?" he whispers, I bit my lip. He takes this as a yes and kisses me. "Gross!" Ron jokes. I only kiss Draco harder from his reaction. "Get a room!" "Well if you two get out, we would have one." I say. Ron rolls his eyes and walks out of the room, Hermione winks at me and follows Ron. "Happy to see me now are we?" Draco jokes. "Well, to be honest I missed you. We kind of left on a weird note, and I didn't now what we-" "Were?" he asks, knowing I am struggling to make words. I nod. He cups my face in his hands and kisses my lips softly. "I know, it was weird last year. But I hope we can go back to what we were. Because I miss you, and us." he kisses me again. "Me too." I kiss him back passionately. He breaks the kiss and kisses my cheek, to my neck and stays there. Then he starts undressing me but I stop him. "Draco, we have a wedding in a couple of minutes." I whisper in his ear. He groans "Sorry." I giggle. I can feel the mark he left in my neck. He lets go of me, and I walk to the mirror. I gasp. "Oh my god! Draco!" the mark is bigger and brighter than I thought. He smirks at me, comes to stand behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Sorry." he chuckles. I turn around in his arms and place my hands on his chest. "You look really good in that tux, did you know?" I fix the jacket. "Well I know that, but I like hearing it from you." he says I giggle at his reaction. "God, Olivia, I have missed your cute little laugh, your lips, your body, just you. I missed you." I blush at his words. He pulls me in for a hug and holds me thight. "Come on lovebirds. We are here to celebrate another pair of lovebirds." Ron says as he walks past the room. "What about you and Hermione than?" I yell him after. "What about who and me?" Hermione asks, she looks at who is walking in front of her and blushes. "Me and Ronald? No." she says I giggle. "No, don't deny!" I say. "Lets go, before they start the ceremony without us." she changes the subject, I give Draco a look and both of us start laughing. "Oh shut it." Hermione says and walks away. I grab Draco's hand and walk with him downstairs. "Oh you look lovely Olivia." Molly exclaims when I walk down the stairs with Draco. "And you must be Draco." she says. Draco lets go of my hand to shake Molly's hand, not knowing she doesn't do that. She ignores his hand and pulls him into a hug, Draco doesn't know what to do. Which makes me giggle, he glares at me. Eventually Molly let's go of him. "Wow, what happened to you Weasley?" Draco asks looking at George. Right. "Death Eaters attack." Draco turns white. I grab his hand quickly. "I am sorry." he says. "Why?" George asks. "Oh, just that it happened." Draco quickly replies. He then looks at me, I know he wants to know if they know that he is one of them. So I shake my head. "Boys, you go ahead and help Mr. Weasley with the tent." Molly says and the Draco, Harry, Ron and George walk outside, since everyone else already is outside. Hermione, Ginny, Molly, Fleur and I stay inside. I still haven't seen Fleur since yesterday, I reckon she is getting ready. "I am going to check up on fleur. Ginny dear would you help me?" Molly says after a while. Ginny nods and follows her mother upstairs. "What's the Minister of Magic going here?" I hear George asks from outside. I look at Hermione "The Minister of Magic?" I ask her, she shrugs her shoulders. Ron and Harry walk inside with the Minister. "To what do we owe this pleasure, Minister?" Harry asks when we are all standing in the kitchen with the Minister. "I think we both know the answer to that question, Mr. Potter." the Minister replies. Then he walks to the seat area and sits down. We follow him and sit down as well. He takes out a little package and places it on the table in between us. "And this is..?" Harry asks. Then the Minister takes out a piece of parchment, which he then lets go and unravels itself. "Here in is set forth the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. First, to Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my deluminator. A device of my own making in the hope that, when things seem most dark, it will show him the light." the Minister says, and opens the package on the table and takes out what I think is the deluminator, then hands it to Ron, who starts studying it. "Dumbledore left this for me?" he asks "Yeah." the Minister replies. "Brilliant. What is it?" then he pushes on a button and the lights nearby us float into the device. Ron closes it and reopens it, then the lights float back to their lamp. "Wicked." Ron sights. "To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of the Tales Of Beedle The Bard in the hope that she find it entertaining and instructive." the Minister continues and hand Hermione the book. "Mom used to read me those.The Wizard And The Hopping Pot. Babbitty Rabbitty And The Cackling Stump." Ron chuckles and looks at us, when none of us reply he says: "Oh, come one. Babbitty Rabbitty? No?" he says we shake our heads. "To Olivia Emma Soulton, I leave my pocket watch." the Minister continues, in a hurry. "That's all he said? Not why or anything?" I ask taking the pocket watch from the Minister, who shakes his head. "To Harry James Potter," he quickly moves on "I leave the snithc he caught in his first quidditch match at Hogwarts as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill." he takes out the snitch and hands it to Harry, very carefully. Harry takes it and looks at the Minister a little confused. "Is that it, then?" Harry asks. "Not quite. Dumbledore left you a second bequest... the Sword of Godric Gryffindor. Unfortunately, the Sword of Gryffindor was not Dumbledore's to give away. As an important historical artifact, it belongs-" "To Harry. It belongs to Harry. It came to him when he most needed it in the Chamber of Secrets." Hermione interrups him "The Sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor Miss Granger. That does not make it that wizard's property. And, in any event, the current whereabouts of the Sword are unknown." "Excuse me?" I say "The Sword is missing. I don't know what you're up to, Mr. Potter, but you can't fight this war on your own. He's too strong." the Minister says. "Well, if that is all?" I say standing up, annoyed with this man already. "That is all, thank you for your time." he says, almost as annoyed with me as I am with him. He stands up and walks out the door. "Well that was rude, Oliviva." Hermione says. "I don't care, I don't like the man. "Are you ready? The ceremony is going to start." Molly says, walking down the stairs with Fleur and Ginny behind her. Fleur looks absolutely stunning. "Wow, Fleur!" I exclaim and walk up to her to hug her, "You look gorgeous." "Thank you, you do too!" "Well, let's go now shall we?" Molly asks. We nod and we follow her outside. "Only, Hermione, Harry and Ron know." I whisper, about the Death Eater thing we were talking about earlier, into Draco's ear once we sit in our chair for the ceremony. He grabs my hand and holds it thight. As if he is scared something is going to happen. "Whats wrong?" "Nothing, just happy that I can hold you again." he smiles at me. I squeeze his hand. Feeling the ring I gave him two years ago. It surprises me that he is still wearing it. "You still wear it too." he states. I do. The ceremony was gorgeous. So lovely how they can celebrate their love for each other in this time. I could never, not even with Draco, not even for how much I love him. The party is in full swing and everyone is dancing, it is a wonderful sight. "Come on baby girl, lets dance." Draco says holding his hand out for me to grab. Butterflies fill my stomach when he calls me baby girl. It has been a while since he has done so. It is like he knows the affect he has on me. He smirks at me. "Like it when I call you that?" I slap his arm and grab his hand. He pulls me up from the chair and walks us to the dance floor. Where Harry and Ginny are dancing togheter already. Ron and Hermione are standing beside the dance floor. Before I walk onto the dance floor I grab their hands and pull them on there with me as well. "What?" Hermione exclaims "This is a good song! You can't stand on the side lines with this one!" I yell over the music. Draco pulls my by my waist onto the dance floor and we start to dance with Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Harry. We dance the night away. It is the best night I had in months. I am with my friends, family actually. The boy I love is here as well. The best night, I tell you. It can't get worse. Or so I thought.

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