Part 51

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"Just remember, your Patronum can only protect you for as long as you stay focused. So, focus, Luna." "Expecto Patronum!" Hermione says and there comes a otter swimming through the air around her. "Wow, Hermione!" I say. "Think of the happiest thing you can think of!" Harry says. I put my wand back up in the air and say: "Expecto Patronum!" and a blue light flies of the tip of my wand and it forms a dog the St Bernard. "You did it Olivia! You did it!" Hermione says. "I know!" I exclaim. "What did you think of?" I feel my cheeks turn red and say "Draco..." with a very large smile. "Oh my god, that is so cute!" Hermione exclaims. I giggle. Now almost everyone has their Patronus and it all looks so good, it gives me so much joy. But then the chandelier starts to swing, and everyone goes silent. Everyone's Patronus dissapears and we hear a big thud comming from the door. "This can't be good." I whisper to Hermione. Who shakes her head at my comment. And another thud, and another one. Now everyone's attention is at the door. Another thud, and the glass breaks. The glass falls of the wall. There is a little piece of a brick gone so we can hear who is on the other side. "I'll make short work of this." Umbridge says. Of course it is Umbridge. I sigh. "Bombarda Maxima." she says, Harry pulls Nigel aside with him. Then the wall explodes. And Nigel and Harry go flying towards us, since they were still very close to the wall. Bricks go fying everywhere. One hids my head and I fall to the ground. "Bloody hell." I say. I look at the wall, well where the wall used to be. And there they are: Crabbe, Umbridge, Filch and a couple more students. Draco isn't there? So he really didn't join the Squad. I sigh a sigh of relief. But I celebrated to early. There he is, with a gross look on his face and yanks Cho toward the open wall. "Draco?" I whisper, feeling a tear run over my cheek. "Get them." Umbridge says and they all run into the Room and grab us. Draco walks over to me and grabs me. "Are you hurt?" he asks. Wiping his hand over my cheek, there is red on his fingers, my blood, from the brick hitting my face. "No, get off." I say and yank myself out of his grib. "How dare you?" I say and walk away. "Olivia, baby please." he starts. I turn around to face him. "Shut up Malfoy." I say and turn back around as an other student grabs me and drags me towards, what I think will be, Umbridge's office. But we end up at Dumbledore's office. "I've been watching them for weeks. And see 'Dumbledore's Army' proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning, Conrelius." Umbridge says when we are in Dumbledore's office. " All you fearmongering about You-Know-Who never fooled us for a minute. We saw your lies for what they were a smoke screen for your bid to seize control of the Ministry." Umbridge says to Dumbledore. "Naturally." he just says. "No, professor." Harry says. "He had nothing to do with it. It was me." he says. "Most noble of you, Harry to shield me but as has been pointed out the parchment cleary says 'Dumbledore's Army' not 'Potter's'. I instructed Harry to form this organization and I, and I alone, am responsible for its activities." Dumbledore states. "Dispatch an owl to the 'Daily Prophet'. If we hurry, we should still make the morning edition. Dawlish, Shacklebolt you will escort Dumbledore..." Fudge says. "To Azkaban." "NO!" I yell trying to get loose from the grip of the student who is holding me. But he only tightens his grip. "Shut up." he says. "To await trial for conspiracy and sedition." Fudge continues. "Ah, I thought we might hit this little snag." Dumbledore says and walks behind his desk. "You seem to be laboring under the delusion that I'm going to- what was the phrase? 'Come quietly.' Well, I can tell you this. I have no intention of going to Azkaban." Dumbledore says. "Enough of this!" Umbridge says. "Take him!" she then yells. Dumbledore winks at Harry, then Fawkes comes flying from somewhere, and Dumbledore claps his hands over his head. Then a heat wave comes over us and Dumbledore is gone. "Wo. Well, you may not like him, Minister, but you can't deny Dumbledore's got style." Shacklebolt says. The guy who was holding me let go of me and I run out of the office. Harry, Cho, Hermione and Ron right behind me. "Olivia, baby!" I hear Draco say but I keep running towards the exit of the castle. I need to get out of here. But when I get to the doors I see Filch climb his ladder again with a new rule. Well this time it is an anountsment. Harry, Hermione and Ron come to a stop behind me. Filch hammers a nail into the wall and hangs the anountsment on the nail. 'Dolores Jane Umbridge has replaced Albus Dumbledore as head of Hogwars School f Witchcraft and Wizardry.' it says. "Bloody." I say and run out of the castle. "Olivia." I hear Draco say again, who has followed me out onto the courtyard apperently. "No Malfoy, stop." I say. "Malfoy?" he asks. "Yes Malfoy, you heard me right. I am done with you. You lied to me! You betrayed me! You rented me out! I hate you." I say and storm past him. Not even knowing where to. "Olivia baby please let me explain." he says grabbing my hand. I yank it out of his grip but turn to him. "You can't just call me baby after what you did! As a matter of fact you don't get to call me anything anymore. We are done Draco. You messed up. I hate you." I say. And turn back around and sprint into the Forbitten Forest. 


The Sn Bernard, is my Patronus. I thought I just use that as Olivia's Patronus as well! So tell me what is your Patronus? 

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