Part 93

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After a train ride what felt like days we finally get to Hogwarts. There are already many students walking through the halls as we make our way through the castle. "It's so easy for them to get to you." Hermione says as we walk through the halls later. Ron is already lost and the students are all running past us and chattering very loudly. Hermione is holding a Daily Prophet. "You're bloody lucky you weren't killed. You have to realize who you are, Harry." she says. He is lucky he wasn't killed in the little battle at the Burrow over the break. Bloody, Merlin knows what we would've done if he were killed. "I know who I am, Hermione, all right?" Harry says irritated. It is the umpteenth time she tells him this, so I understand why he is irritated. "Sorry." he says. We walk past a couple of students when I hear Lavender giggle. Bloody, her giggle is the most annoying thing ever. "Lav, come on. Of course I'll wear it." Ron says. They are sitting on a couple of steps by a window. "That's my Won-Won." she says in her sqeaky voice, then she squeezes his cheek. I put my hand over my mouth not to giggle at the expression on his face. He looks so annoyed. Look who finally woke up and found out how annoying she is. "Excuse me, I have to go and vomit." Hermione whispers, and turns around to walk away. I put a hand on Harry's shoulder. He looks at me, I nod towards Hermione to tell him I am following her, he nods and I walk after Hermione. I catch up with her and we walk towards the library. "I am sorry." I say. "What for?" she asks confused. "That he is still with her." "Don't worry, it is whatever." she says grabbing a book from a shelf and walks towards a table to sit down. I spot Neville and Luna sitting not to far from where Hermione wanted to sit down, so I grab her hand and drag her towards them. "Hey you." I say and sit down acros from them. "Hey, how was your Christmas break?" Luna asks smilling at us. "Good, nothing much." I reply. We talk a little more untill it is time for dinner. We get to the Great Hall and most students are already sitting at their tables. "Good evening students. Welcome back to Hogwarts. I hope you all had a great break!" McGongall says. "Enjoy the feast." she says and the food appears back on the tables. It always fascinates me how the food just appears on the table. And the fact that the second it does Ron is always the first to grab the chicken or worst. "Hey, how was your break?" Fred says, I just now notice that it is him I am sitting next to. "Good, I am sorry about the Burrow." I reply, he shrugs his shoudlers. "Nothing new I guess. It is always a risk." he replies. "No don't say that. It is not true. You could not have expected it. It is something new." I say. "Well, we all knew it would happen one day, we just didn't know when." he replies. "Right Georgy?" he turns to George who nods. "It is true, we knew it would happen." I sigh and look over my shoudler. To look at Draco, he is busy eating and talking to his friends. "What is it?" Fred asks putting his hand on my shoulder and looking in the direction of Draco, who is still occupied. "Nothing." I say and turn back to the table. "If you says so. Shouldn't you eat?" he changes the subject. I shake my head. "Not hungry." "You always say that, I think you really should eat something Olivia." George replies. "I agree Olive. You really should." Fred says, why did the way he said my name make my heart flutter?  I sigh. "Fine, but if I puke it is your fault." I point to them, they chuckle. But nod their head, happy that I grab a piece of chicken and bite in it. I have to admit, the chicken here is always very good. "See? Food is good." George jokes. I nod at him. "I know food is good Georgy, but I just am not hungry." I reply when my mouth is empty. I eat the chicken and then wait for everyone else to be done eating. "I am glad you at least ate something Olive. It honestly worries me when you don't eat." Fred says as he helps me stand up from the bench. "Don't worry, I am fine, really. I am just rearly hungry." "I know, and that worries me. And that you aren't hungry does not mean that your body doesn't need food." "Fred, please, can we not talk about this again? It is sweet that you care, but I have told you a thousand times that I am fine." I say now a little irritated. "I know sorry, now go rest, school starts tomorrow." he says as we walk into the Gryffindor common room behind every other Gryffindor. I nod and say good night to everyone and head to my room. Hermione follows me. "What was that?" "What was what?" "You and Fred. The two of you have been getting real close lately." she says, then she gasps. "Do you like him?" "What?! I am with Draco, how dare you ask me if I like Fred!" I exclaim, mad. "Bloody, sorry. I don't know, it's just-" "No Hermione just stop talking please. Sorry, I am not in the mood for this right now." I say as I undress myself to get into my pyjamas. "Ok, sorry. Good night." she says a little irritated. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I just am not really in the mood for anything right now. I am tired, sorry. I am going to bed." I say and pull the covers over me, up to my neck. "It is fine, don't worry. Good night." she replies. "I am going to shower, I will be right back." and she is out the door. Great.

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