Part 46

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I walk up to mom with Draco slightly behind me. "This is him?" mom whispers as I grab one of my suitcases from the trunk. "Yup." I say. "He is handsome!" she says "I know." I reply looking at him, "It is not polite to stare." he says. I giggle and place the suitcase on the trolly. "Mom, this is Draco. Draco, this is my mom." I say. "Good to finally meet you." Draco says shaking her hand. "Great to meet you too!" mom says smiling. I can tell she likes him. "Ok great, you have met, now can you help with my baggage?" I ask. "Yes ma'am." Draco says and grabs the last two suitcases and places them on the trolly. I grab Dexter from the front seat and place him on top. "Ready?" mom asks. I nod. "Draco, would you like to join us at breakfast?" mom asks, he looks at me. I nod. "I would love too." he responds then. I smile. "Well lets go then before you two miss your train." mom says. "I know a good place." Draco says grabbing my hand, while pushing the trolly with his other one. I grab the trolly too so he doesn't have to push it by himself. "Sounds good." mom says and Draco takes us to this little restaurant in the station. "Ladies first." he says and mom and I walk in first. We look for a place to seat and find one. Draco places the trolly next to the table. "So, how was your week?" Draco asks, looking from me to mom and back to me. "It was great to have my little Olive back home. I really missed her." she says then whispers "Does he know about that man?" in my ear I nod and smile at her. "Especially after this Summer..." she then continues. I can hear that she still struggles with it. "I get that, I am sorry you had to go through that! I wish I could've helped sooner." Draco says politely. "Oh dear, I am already glad you helped my baby through the times after. I know it was hard on her." mom says, I feel my eyes fill with tears again. Draco places his hand on mine, on the table, and rubs his thumb over the back of it. I smile at him. "Really Draco, thank you for taking care of her. She really needed it." "No problem at all." he says looking at me then smiling at mom. After breakfast the three of us make our way to platform 9. "We need to run through this wall to get to the correct platform." I inform mom. "What?" mom asks, I giggle. "Could you take this?" I ask Draco as I point to my trolly, he nods. "Come on mom, grab my hand and just run." I say and hold my hand out. She grabs it and we run through the wall. "Wow. That was weird." mom says when we are standing on platform 9 3/4. "I know, the first time I did it I didn't know what was going on." I say and drag her to the side before Draco runs through. He looks so good, shit. And he is mine. How did I get so lucky? Mom nudges me and pulls me out of my thoughts. "Come on the train will leave in a couple of minutes." she says. We walk towards the train and Draco hands my baggage to the man who is putting the rest in. There isn't much since it is still in the middle of the break. "Have fun you too! And write me sweetie! I will miss you!" mom says when we stand in front of an entrance to the train. "I will mom! I will miss you too!" I reply pulling her into a hug. "I love you." she says and pulls away. She then pulls Draco into a hug. I can see he hesitates but hugs her back. "Take care of my baby." I hear mom whisper to him, he pulls back and smiles at me, taking my hand. "I will, I promise." he says. "Bye mom!" I say and hug her one last time. Then a whistle sounds and Draco and I get in. We take a seat near the window and wave mom goodbye and the train leaves the station. "Your mom is a strong woman, I can see where you got that from." Draco says when he sits down next to me. I look up at him. "She is." I agree with her and lay my head on his shoulder. "I have missed you." I say. "I have missed you too, so bloody much." he says as he places his hand on my thigh and squeezes it. I place my hand on top of his and close my eyes. "Sorry I am tired." I say. "Don't worry, I will be fine." he says and chuckles. I fall asleep. I feel Draco shift and open my eyes and lift my head off of his shoulder. "Sorry didn't mean to wake you." he says. He then sits with his back to the door and signals me to lay back with my head on his chest. I do so and he places his arm around me. We sit like that and talk about how our week has been, and about nothing really. The train comes to a stop and we get out. "Oh its been a week and I am so happy to be back at Hogwarts." I tell Draco excitedly when we walk to the carriages. "And we aren't even there yet." he says chuckling. I blush, "I know." I say. "You are cute when you do that." he says. "Do what?" "Blush." he says making me blush even harder. "See that is what I mean." he says throwing his arm over my shoulder and leads me to a carriage. I hop on and so does he. The ride is about 10 minutes so not to bad. "So what are we going to do this week?" I ask him. "I don't know honestly. Just hang at the castle I guess." he shrugs. "Sounds great. Mom and I have been out of the house almost all week so I am actually exhausted." I admit. "It is settled then, we will just stay in the rest of this week." he says. The carriages stops and we get off.

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