Part 42

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I wake up from the sun shining in my eyes. I groan. "Why so grumpy? We are going home today!" Hermione says, I look at her, she is still packing her stuff. "Why didn't you do that earlier? Why wait for the last minute?" I ask her and sit up. "I forgot." she says "Okay. Well I am grumpy, because it is early in the morning and I want to sleep." I say. "You can sleep on the train, I am sure neither Harry or Ronald would mind if you laid on their shoulder." Hermione says folding her last shirt and putting it in her suitcase. "I know, but I still have to grab breakfast and make my way to the train, and that will take long!" I whine and get out of my bed. "Don't be a cry baby." Hermione says making me giggle. I grab my clothes. "I am going to shower really quick before heading to the Great Hall, if I am not back before you want to leave, just go I will meet you there." I say walking out the door towards the bathrooms. I undress myself and jump in the shower. When I am done showering I grab my towel and dry myself, after that I get dressed. I quickly brush my hair and walk back to the room, Hermione is already gone. I put my last stuff in my suitcase and walk to the Great Hall. "Good morning sunshine." Ron says. I huff at him. "What is your problem?" he asks, Hermione giggles "She is just tired and wants to sleep." "Well here is your pillow." Ron says tapping on his shoulder. "Thanks." I say, I grab an apple and take a bite. "Harry are you ok?" Hermione asks making me look at him, he does not look good. He looks restless. "He had a nightmare about my dad." Ron says, I look at him shocked. "What happened?" I ask Ron or Harry, I don't even know. "He was attacked, and really bad injuries." Ron says sad. "Is he ok?" Hermione asks. "I don't know, Dumbledore says he will make it though, so I guess. I want to go home as fast as possible." "Me too." Harry says, it is the first thing he has said all breakfast. "Let's get to the train right away. Make sure we are there early." Hermione says and we all agree. We walk to the front door. "I am going to say goodbye to Draco first. Could you wait here?" I ask them once we get to the door. "He is already standing behind you." Hermione says pointing behind me, I turn around. I look at him, he seems disappointed, as if he thought I would leave without saying goodbye. "Okay, I will be right back." I say walking towards him. He smiles when he sees me walking towards him. "Hey, I thought you were going to leave without a goodbye." he says pouting. I giggle. "I would never." and kiss him passionately. He holds me by my waist and pulls me against him. He then breaks the kiss. "You are coming back a week early right? So we can spend it together?" "Of course silly, I promised you!" I say and kiss him again. He smiles against my lips. "I will miss you." I say against his. "Me too." he says and I break the kiss. "I have to go." I say and kiss him one more time. He doesn't let go off me. "Draco, babe, please I really have to go!" I say again. "One more kiss baby girl." I giggle and kiss him. I pull his hair making him groan. I slip my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues fight together for a while then I pull away. A little out of breath. "Bye babe. I will see you next week." I say and struggle to get out of his grip. Finally succeeding I walk back to my friends. "Took you long enough." Ron states I roll my eyes at him. "Let's just go before Draco wants to kiss her again and won't let her go anymore." Hermione says I giggle and feel my cheeks burn. I turn around one more time to wave at him, he stares at me intently. But smiles and waves back. We get to the train and our stuff is already inside. "Let's find a seat." I say. We get in and find an empty compartment almost right away. We are still early so it isn't a surprise. Hermione and Ron sit next to each other. "I thought you were going to be my pillow Mr. Weasley." I state standing in the doorway with my hands on my hips, looking at him sternly. "S-s-sorry ma'am." he says jokingly and turns to Hermione. "I am sorry, but I did promise her." he pushes her of the bench and pets on the spot she was sitting in. Hermione gasps. "Sorry Miss Granger, he did." I say and sit down. We all laugh, except for Harry who seems to be in deep thoughts. We let him be. I lay my head on Ron's shoulder, not long after that I fall asleep. "Care for something sweet my dears." I hear a lady say. I open my eyes and tilled my head off of Ron's shoulder, knowing he wants some. "Thanks." He whispers and stands up to walk over to the lady with the trolly full with candy. "Anyone else?" she asks when Ron has taken his seat again. I shake my head "No thank you." she smiles and walks off. I put my head back on Ron's shoulder. We talk about everything and nothing until the train stands still. We get off of the train and grab our stuff. "Harry, it is not your fault that Mr. Weasley got injured." I say and hug him. Trying to get him to feel better. "No it is not." Hermione agrees with me and hugs him too. Ron joins the hug and we stand there for a couple of seconds before someone clears their throat. Fred, George, Ginny and Miss Weasley are standing in front of us. "Hey mom." Ron says hugging her. "You remember Olivia right?" he says letting go of her and pointing to me. "Of course! It is nice to see you again." she says and hugs me. This is the nicest woman ever. "Good to see you too Miss Weasley." I say politely. "Now children lets go home." she says and everyone follows her back to the main station. 

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