Part 47

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We walk into the castle and I immediately see all the rules. I sigh, I almost forgot what terrible thing is going on at school. "Hey, it isn't that bad." Draco says grabbing my hand, reassuringly. I look up at him. I am so glad that he is here as well so I don't have to be all alone this week. "Want to go to the library?" I ask. "I kind of want a new book to read." I admit. "Sure let's go." he says and we walk towards the library. As we walk in I see Neville and Luna sit together. "I am going to say hi ok?" I say letting go of his hand, but he grabs it again and walks me to them. "Hey you two." I say smiling at them. "Hey, good to be back?" Neville says standing up to hug me, but looks at Draco scared. I ignore Draco and hug Neville. "Yeah, it's only  been a week but I missed it here." I say and let go of him to hug Luna. "It has been really quiet here without you and the other three." she says. "Yeah, I am the most fun anyway, so I get it." I joke confidently. Making Neville and Luna laugh, I look at Draco who chuckles. "Oh what? It is true!" I exclaim pretending to be hurt. "Right?" I pout. "Yes baby girl, you are the most fun." Draco says petting me on the head. "You are mean." I say and walk towards a shelf with books to look for a book. After all that is what we came here for. "Ah baby, don't be mad." Draco says and I feel him hug me from behind. I smile. "But you are mean." I say. he turns me around and kisses me. I hear Neville fake gag and Luna giggle. I open my eyes and look at them, then I break the kiss. "You are just jealous." I state and kiss Draco again. "Stop it you two." Neville says. I have the feeling they don't hate Draco anymore, at least not as much as they all did, before we started dating. They aren't friends or anything but they appreciate each other. And I appreciate that. I break the kiss and turn back around to go look for a book. Draco is still holding me but lets go when I try to walk away. I grab a book and read the summary. "This sounds interesting. Come on lets go I have a book." I say to Draco and say goodbye to Luna and Neville as we walk past them towards the door. 


Draco and I are sitting in his dormitory. All of his roommates are at home so he has the room for himself now. "Draco." I say looking up from my book, I am sitting on the sofa and he is sitting on his bed. "Mhm?" he also looks up from his book. "I want you." I state. "But baby you have me." He replies. "Yes I know, I don't mean it like that, I mean-" I start biting on my lip nervously. His eyes widen and he places his book on his nightstand and walks over to me and kisses me slowly, I stand up not breaking the kiss. Then Draco lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He walks to his bed and lays me down still kissing me. "I am still-" "Ssh, I know." He says he stands back up straight and I sit up unbuttoning his shirt. Once its off I trace his abs with my hand. I knew what was under his shirt all this time, I just have never seen it. "Stop staring." He says chuckling and pushes my hands off of him and unbuttons my shirt. "Stop staring." I mimic him when my shirt is off. I stand up to take of my jeans. He then pushes me back on his bed and does the same. When he is done he inspects my whole body and takes of my bra, my panties and his boxers. "Are you sure?" he asks grabbing a condom from his nightstand. I nod and he slips it on. "Just go slow." I say. Then he pushes himself inside of me I gasp. He leans in and kisses my lips, my cheek, my jaw, my neck and my collarbone. Then makes the same way back to my mouth, all while pushing himself softly in and out of me. Damn. He is good. He knows what he is doing. I bite my lip, to try and manage my moans from getting to loud. He takes this as a sign to go harder. I can't hold them in anymore and our moans fill the room. "Oh my god Draco." I whisper and he goes harder. He places his hand on my throat and goes faster. "Oh god." he says. After a while I feel myself stiffen up and I scream his name. Then my whole body relaxes. Draco collapses on top of me and pulls himself out. Then rolls off of me on his back. Both heavily breathing. "Oh my god." I say trying to process what just happened. "Are you ok?" Draco asks me. I nod. "I am great." I reply. God, I just had sex with Draco. I get up from the bed to get a shirt. I pull it on and walk, well limp to the bed. Draco snorts. "Shut up" I say "Did I go to hard?" He asks. I slap his chest making him chuckle. Then we get under the covers and I lay my head on his chest, both still trying to catch our breath. "That was-" I start not even knowing how to finish that sentence. He chuckles "It was." and pulls me close as I trace my finger over his chest and abs. Then I hear his breaths get slower and steadier. He fell asleep. I look up and just admire the view. I am his. I mean I already was, but I just gave him my virginity. I feel like I am really his now. I smile to myself as he pulls me even closer in his sleep. "I love you." I whisper. Did I just really say that? I ask myself as my eyes widen. I did. But it's true, I love him. I really do. With a smile on my face I close my eyes and fall asleep. A deep sleep that is, I am in the arms of the man I love. This is the best feeling ever.

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