Part 85

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There is a knock on the door, I ignore it, it is nice and warm in bed. "Morning, are you almost ready? Breakfast will be served in 10 minutes." I hear Ginny say, "Olivia just won't get out bed. As always." Hermione replies. I giggle. "But it is cold out." I whine. "So? Get out!" Ginny says, I hear her walk over to my bed, in a second the cold air comes over me, she pulled the covers off of me. "GINNY!" I yell, sitting straight in bed, trying to get my covers back, but since Ginny is way stronger than me, I was unsuccesful. "Get out of bed! Breakfast is almost served!" Ginny says, putting my covers on Hermione's bed and walking out. "Fine." I whine and get out of bed. I walk to my closet and get my warmest sweater and jeans. When I am dressed Hermione and I walk to the common room, where Ginny, Harry, Ron, Fred and George are sitting. Waiting on us I think. "Morning." George says. "Morning. Ready?" I say. "We already were, you took to long." Fred says. I playfully hit him and he picks me up from the ground and throws me over his shoulder. I giggle, slapping his back, "Let me go!" I laugh. But he doesn't he walks with me over his shoulder out of the common room into the halls, down the stairs, towards the Great Hall. "Fred! Let go!" I laugh, right before he let's go of me and putting me back on the ground. "Well, you should thank me, you didn't have to walk all the way over here." I laugh, "You are right, thank you!" he laughs and I hook our arms and we walk into the Great Hall. "Won-Won!" Lavender says, I pretend to puke, Fred and George do the same. "Shut up." Ron tells us, making the twins chuckle. I grab a waffle and put sirup over it. "So, you have any idea what kind of dress you want?" Ginny asks me. "Honestly? No not yet. A short black dress I think. I don't know." I say, taking a bite of my waffle. "What are you planning on getting?" I ask her. "Don't know yet either, a short dress. But I don't know yet. You Hermione?" "A short pink dress, I think." "Dress shopping, eyh?" Fred asks, nodging my arm. "Yeah, I am going to Slughorn's party with Harry, so I need a dress." I admit. "You will look good in anything." he says, I blush. "Thank you." "Enough, we need to get going, if we want to be on time for class this afternoon." Hermione says. I get up along with Ginny and Hermione. We walk out of the Great Hall. Towards the doors when someone grabs my hand. "Baby, where are you going?" Draco asks, being the one who stopped me. "Hogsmeade. Dress shopping." I tell him. "For what?" "Slughorn's Christmas party." "Since when are you in de Slug Club?" "I am not, Harry asked me." "Pottah-" "As friends. Stop. We are just friends, besides he knows you and I are dating. Why does it matter?" "It doesn't. Can I come with you?" he asks. "To the party? I told you-" "No, to Hogsmeade, to help you pick a dress." "Really?" I look back at Hermione and Ginny. "I don't think-" "No, it is fine, let him come along." Ginny says, looking at Hermione who nods in agrement. "Are you sure?" I ask, excitedly. "Yes, let's go." Hermione says. I grab Draco's hand and the four of us make our way to Hogsmeade. "So babe, why did you want to come?" "Giving up the opportunity to see you in multiple dresses? Come on." he says, making Ginny and Hermione giggle. I roll my eyes. "Boys will be boys." I say, pocking him in his side. "Sorry." he says chuckling. "Here, this place has great dresses." Ginny says stopping in front of a store. It looks cute, "Alright, let's see." I say and push open the door, Ginny, Hermione and Draco walk in after me and Ginny walks straight to a blue-greenish dress, its cute, really something for her. "You should try it on." I tell her, she looks at me unsure. I nod, "Do it, you can always try. If you don't like it then don't get it." she nods, grabs the dress and walks into the dressing room. A few minutes later she walks out, wearing the dress. "Oh my God, Ginny, you look so pretty!" Hermione exclaims. "You do! You definitely should get it! You look so good!" I agree with Hermione. "You think so?" she asks unsure. "Yes! You should!" I say again. "Alright, I am getting it. Have you found anything?" she asks us. I shake my head. "No. Let's pay your dress and move on." Hermione says, Ginny gets back in the dressingroom. "How is this?" Draco says, a smirk on his face, playfulness in his eyes. Holding a weird looking dress. "I think this is the perfect dress for you babe." he jokes. "Haha, funny. Put it back. Besides, that is an ugly dress. I would never wear that. I hate dresses in general but that-" I say, but he cuts me off by kissing me. "I was only joking." he says holding my face, and kissing me again. "Gross." Hermione says, making me giggle. "Sorry." I say. We pay for Ginny's dress. And keep searching for a dress for me and Hermione, going in and out of stores. we finally found the perfect dress for Hermione. "You are one picky girl." Draco says. As we walk in to another store. "I know, sorry. But like I said, I don't like dresses." I say, looking around the store, there are color sections. I see the black section and walk towards it. Knowing I will be wearing a black dress. "Going for black again?" Draco says standing behind me, putting his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my head. "Yeah." I say, looking at the dresses. I grab a dress, it is gorgeous, a short dress. With a V-neck, spaghetti strings. It is so pretty. "Please, try that on!" Draco whines. I giggle. "Alright, it is really pretty." I say, he lets go of me and I walk to the dressingroom. I put on the dress, it is a little cold. But oh my god the dress is gorgeous. "Where is Olivia?" I hear Hermione ask. "Tryinh on a dress." Draco replies. "Really?" Ginny asks, I giggle, and open the curtain. "Oh, bloody hell. Babe you look hot." Draco says, nearly drooling. "Close your mouth, you will catch flies." I say, walking towards him. Putting my hand on his chin and pushing his mouth shut. "He is not wrong! You look bloody good." Ginny says. "You really should get it." "You should! And wear it for me, at least once." he says smirking, grabbing my waist and pulling me into him. "Oh my god! Babe!" I exclaim, feeling my cheeks turn red. "Besides, it is expensive." "I will buy it." he says, "No-" "At least let me pay the rest, that you can't afford." he says, "You look to good to let it hang here." "You really should get it!" Ginny says. "Fine, I will get it." We pay and walk back towards the castle. 

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