I can't find Harry anywhere so decide to go look for Hermione and Ron. But I wasn't looking and bumped into someone. "Sorry." I say looking at the person I just had bumped into, whishing I hadn't said sorry. Malfoy, with a disgusted but amused look on his face. "You again. Can't stay away from me huh?" he said with a grin on his face now. "No, I can stay away from you, you just can't stay away from ME." I say smirking at him, looking into his eyes, his beautiful grey eyes. Seeing a little shock in them but then turning cold again. "You wish." he says. "Looking for your little boyfriend?" "No. I already told you, Harry isn't my boyfriend." "I wasn't talking about Potter, I was talking about Weasley." "Uhm no, he also isn't my boyfriend. You know I don't have one." I say and roll my eyes, and walking away. Ready to find Hermione and Ron. But then I feel a hand on my arm pulling me inside a classroom, I almost scream. Then I see Harry. "Are you ok?" "Yes, what did Malfoy want?" "Oh nothing, just being his annoying self. So where did you go after what happened in the courtyard?" I ask. "Professor Moody wanted to speak to me. About the Tournament. Since it is almost starting." He says nervously, I hug him trying to comfort him which feels to help a bit, he relaxes a little. "You will be fine Harry. I know it. You are Harry Potter after all." I say and break the hug smiling at him. "But the first task has something to do with a dragon." he says, "A dragon?!" I say. Now feeling scared for him. "Wow, that isn't good." I say. "I know, but let's get to our dormitories dinner is in a couple of minutes. Rest a little." I nod and we walk out of the classroom and to our common room. We walk in after giving the painting our password. Hermione and Ron are sitting there with Neville talking. When they hear the door open, and Ron sees us he stands up and walks away. Hermione looks at us and walks to Harry who I know is sad that his best friend isn't talking to him. She hugs him he hugs her tight, I see tears form in his eyes. I hug him too. Once done hugging we sit down and talk, wait for it to be time to go to the great hall for dinner.
Ron and I are standing in the stadium, Ginny and Neville walk up to us. "Where is Hermione?" Ginny asks. "She was going to talk to Harry, wish him good luck I guess." I say looking over the crowd to see if she was already making her way back to us, but my eyes stop when I see Draco. Looking good as ever, looking right back at me. I smile at him, which he returns. I was not expecting that. I look away when I hear Fred and George yell: "Bets taken here! Bets here!" I sigh, always trying to make money those two. "Stop that, bloody." Ron says annoyed at his brothers. Who laugh and continue to do what they were doing seconds ago. Ron rolls his eyes. Then Hermione into the stadium trying to find us, I assume, so I wave trying to get her attention. It worked and she smiles and waves back at me, and starts walking towards us. I quickly look over to where Draco was standing a few minutes ago and see him still standing there, am I developing a crush on him? No, I can't be, can I? Hermione snaps me out of my thoughts when she places her arm around me. I see her looking in the direction I was looking at. "Malfoy? Why are you looking at him?" "What? I wasn't looking at him." I say getting red. "Ohh you so were!" Hermione says, "Do you like him?" she says almost disgusted. "No of course not he hates us, as a matter of fact I hate him too." I say, hoping she believed me because I know they hate him, but I can't help it, he may be a jerk but I think he could nice if he tried to. Then I hear people around me cheer and I see Fleur walk in, ready to grab her golden egg. Fleur, Cedric and Viktor all manage to get their eggs, now it is Harry's turn. I hear booing coming from some students and some cheering from others. Hermione, Ginny, Neville and I start to cheer. I see that Ron doesn't know what to do with himself. The dragon sees Harry and already tries to burn him alive. This is awful to watch, of course it was bad to watch the others but Harry is my friend. "Your wand Harry!" Hermione screams "Your wand!" "Accio firebolt!" Harry yells but nothing happens. The dragon starts to fly above Harry making it quit hard to see him. Harry's broom then flies over heads of other students, towards him. Harry jumps up from behind a rock, it looks like he jumps right in the fire of the dragon but he then flies away, on his broom. "YES!" I scream and I hear cheering all around me. He tries to grab the egg, but misses. I hear laughter and a big oof from where I knew Draco was standing, I look over and see him laughing. I roll my eyes. The dragon flies after Harry but is chained, he nudges his head and the chain breaks. "OH NO" Hermione yells. "Oh, my god." Ron exclaims. Harry noticed and flies away. But the dragon is pretty darn fast. And almost bites him. Harry then flies over the head of Draco and the dragon of course follows, almost knocking Draco out, which makes me laugh. He then looks at me mad. I smirk at him smiling. He smiles back, he has such a cute smile, I wish I could see it more often. Since Harry has flown out of the stadium it is hard to follow them, but I can see Harry fly around the castle and having the dragon right on his ass.

I Know You Fancy Me ||D.M.||
FanfictionOlivia Soulton, an Italian girl, moved with her mom to England and got excepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What will happen when she meets a particular boy, with blonde, almost white hair. Will she be able to resist him? We wil...