As I am making my way through the huge station with all my stuff I grab my ticket. Platform 9 3/4 where in the bloody hell can I find that? I walk to platform 9 thinking it may be around there somewhere. I get to the platform and accidentally walk into a bin. Making most of my stuff fall of my trolly. "Bloody bin." I curse. "Need any help?" I hear from behind me so I turn around, and see a red headed boy walk up to me with 5 others. "Yeah, this stupid bin was standing in the way." I say, two other red headed boys, who i think are twins, start to laugh. A girl turns around to them: "Fred, George that is mean!" "Sorry mom.." one of them jokes. "I am Ron Weasly by the way." The red headed boy who already started putting my stuff back on the trolly says. "I am Olivia Soulton. Thanks for helping me." I say politely. The other boy, with brown messy hair started helping Ron. "And I am Harry Potter." He says, my eyes widen, did he just say Harry Potter? "Yeah Harry Potter, THE Harry Potter.. Nothing special about that kid." On of the twins says. The other starts to laugh. "And this is Hermione Granger, and Ron's little sister Ginny." Harry continues as he puts my last suitcase back on the trolly. "Thank you guys for helping." I say. "Of course, no problem at all." Ron says, "Going to Hogwarts, mate?" I nod "Yes, I just cannot find the platform." "Oh no worries, just follow us." on of the twins says, and grabs his trolly and runs, just straight up runs into a wall, I close my eyes, but when I don't hear the shatter of all of his stuff I open my eyes. What? He just fanished just gone! "Haha, that is the way to platform 9 3/4 just do the same as he did." the other twin says and runs, and he walks into the wall but yet again he and his stuff are gone, through the wall. "We will go first and Harry will follow behind you yeh?" Ron says, I nod "Ok, see you on the other side." he says and takes off, Ginny and Hermione follow him. "Are you new?" Harry says. "Yeah my first year, well fourth year but first at Hogwarts." I admit. "Bloody, then you are in the same year as we are. Are you ready?" "I guess, if one can be ready to run into a bloody wall." he laughs and I run, with my trolly and run into the wall, with closed eyes. But I don't hit anything so I open my eyes, and walk away from the wall. Harry runs through the wall, "Let's go find the others." he says and we walk over the platform to find them. Wow the platform is already so magical. The morning sun makes it look so pretty, I wonder how Hogwarts will look. "There you are. Now was that so frighting?" one of the twins say, "I am Fred by the way, and this is George." I nod knowing I will never know the difference. "Do not worry, I still don't know the difference either." Hermione says. I laugh and so do the others. We make our way to the train and get in. Our baggage is being put in by someone, so we walk through the train to find a spot to sit. Fred and George already have one. So now it is just the 5 of us but Ginny walks of as well. We find a spot and sit down. "So first time at Hogwarts, excited?" Harry says. "Yes! My mom has been teaching me magic since I was eleven but we moved to England over summer so we decided it was better to go to a real school. So here we are." I say "Where are you from then, mate?" Ron asks, "I am from Italy." "Bloody, explains the accent." Hermione nudges Ron in his waist. "You don't say that, Ronald" "Hermione it is no big deal, honestly."
The train comes to a stop and we get out. A tall blonde boy walks by, and says in despite: "Pottah." And gives Harry a awful look. "Malfoy." Harry says and does the same. "Who is that?" I whisper to Hermione, since I am walking next to her. "That is Draco Malfoy, Harry's biggest fan." she says sarcastically and rolls her eyes at him. "I despise him." Ron says with a gross look on his face. I think he is rather tasty I think and we walk to a boat. "Come on Olivia get in, this is our way to Hogwarts." Harry says already sitting in the boat holding his hand out for me to grab. I do so and he helps me into the boat. "Well hello Harry, Hermione and Ron. Oh we have company? Who might you be?" A half-giant says. "Hello Hagrid, this is Olivia Soulton. She is new this year, in our year actually." Ron says. "Good meeting you Olivia, I trust you are going to be fine friends with these three." Hagrid says and looks over to Harry, Hermione and Ron. They nod and Hagrid smiles and walks off. "He seems nice." I say, "He is the best!" Hermione says. Then the boat floats of, on it's own, and may I say it is weird to see a boat do that. But eventually we get to the castle. And bloody hell it is big, but so gorgeous. "It is pretty eyh, I am surprised every year I come back." Hermione admits. And we walk through the massive doors to what I assume is the great hall, there are 4 very long tables, each its own colour. The houses I assume. Harry, Hermione and Ron walk to the front of the table in the middle on the right. They told me that that is the Gryffindor. And there is also Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. I see the tall blonde boy walk past me again, almost shoving me aside. "Watch where you are going!" I say. He turns around "Oehh, the new girl has an attitude?" He says and walk up very close to me, I have to look up and he looks down on me. "Let her be Malfoy." I turn my head and see Harry walking up to us. "Oh now I am scared." He says mocking Harry, but walks off.

I Know You Fancy Me ||D.M.||
FanfictionOlivia Soulton, an Italian girl, moved with her mom to England and got excepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What will happen when she meets a particular boy, with blonde, almost white hair. Will she be able to resist him? We wil...