Part 3

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We all go back to the great hall to see people put their name in the Goblet. Then the twins run in, with what I guess is potions in their hand. Confirmed just seconds later. "Aging potions." Fred says. "It won't work." Hermione says reading her book. They come over here and sit next to us Fred hanging over me to be closer to Hermione to talk to her. "And why is that Granger?" "Dumbledore has put a aging line on it, it can't be fooled my a aging potion." "Well this potion is so good. So we will see." They stand up and get up the bench. "Ready Fred?" "Ready George." "Bottoms up!" They say both and intertwine their arms and take the potion. Once they did that they jump off of the bench into the aging ring. Nothing happens, everyone cheers. Then they grab their parchment and put it in. Again nothing happens. But then the fire seems to get angry and swings them out. Everyone laughs. Fred and George join them. "I told you so." Hermione says making me giggle. The rest of the days go bye. Then it is Thursday night. We all take place and Dumbledore starts speaking: "Now the moment you've all been waiting for: The champion selection!" he dims all the fires around the room and goes to stand by the Goblet. Three parchments fly out of the fire, he catches them and tells us the names on them. Fleur, Cedric and Viktor. They all walk away, god knows where. But then the fire throws out another parchment. I look at Hermione confused, she shrugs her shoulders. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore then says. I look at him. He looks as confused as me. He couldn't have put his name in. Why would he. Hermione pushes him up and towards Dumbledore. Dumbledore leads him to where the others have been taken. Then he dismisses everyone. "Bloody Potter. Why would he put his name in?" Ron asks mad. "I don't think he did Ron." I say honestly. He looks mad at me and storms off. "So your little boyfriend is going to be in the Tournament eyh." Malfoy says standing behind me. I turn around. "You know he isn't my boyfriend!" "Oh do I?" he says with a smirk. Damn that smirk. "Now you do!" "Good, so you are single?" he says winking at me I roll my eyes and push him away and walk out of the great hall. "Watch where you are going!" He says mocking me since I told him that earlier this week. "Shut up Malfoy!" I yell. Hermione and I walk back to our dormitory. Her and I share a room, which is nice. "Do you think Harry put his name in the Goblet?" I ask nervously. "I don't know, it is nothing for him, but who else put it in then?" "But I mean how could he? He was with us the whole time." "He could've asked someone to put it in for him." "But why would he? He isn't 17 yet." "I know it is weird. But Ron seems to be really upset about it maybe we should talk to him?" Hermione says. "Yeah lets do that." I say and we get up and walk to the common room. Where we find Ron sitting in the sofa. "Hey." I say quietly. He looks up. "Oi." "How are you?" Hermione asks, sitting next to him putting her hand on his thigh. He looks up at her. She then pulls her hand away, and turns a bit red. Does she like him?! "I guess I am fine." he says. I go sit on the other sofa. When I see Neville walk down the stairs and towards us. "Hey Neville." I say, he sits next to me. "Hello. Do you guys think Harry put his name in the Goblet?" "I think he did." Ron says irritated. "I don't think he did." I say, getting a death stare from Ron when the words fall out of my mouth. "I am sorry Ron but I honestly think he didn't do it, he was as surprised as all of us when his name was being said by Dumbledore." I say looking at him. With a sorry look on my face. "Whatever, it is getting late I am going to bed." He says still irritated and stands up and walks to his dormitory. "Yeah I am going too. Goodnight." Neville says. And he also stands up and follows Ron. Hermione and I keep talking a bit and then Harry walks in. "Hey," he says "how is Ron?" "Mad..." I say, giving him a sympathetic look. "But Now I am going to bed, sorry guys." I say and get up, I hug Harry and walk to my room. I undress and get in bed.


The first thing in the morning we have potions. From professor Snape, I have seen him once this week he does not seem very nice. "Potions from Snape. Who is excited?" Harry jokes. Ron looks at him and rolls his eyes, obviously still mad. "I am!" I say sarcastically. Harry laughs. We make our way to the great hall for the feast. Ron doesn't touch anything. Like at all. I feel bad for him. "Ron come on, eat something." I whisper to him. "Not hungry." Is all he says. I give him a sympathetic look and join Harry and Hermione in their conversation. When I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look up and see Malfoy giving me a look, I can't quit make out what kind of look it is. But I do know it feels weird. He must have noticed me looking at him because he looked away. Harry and Hermione decide to go to the dungeons for the class, "Go ahead I will wait on Ron." I say and they walk away. "Why?" he asks. I look at him confused. "Why would you wait on me?" "Because, Ron, I don't think you should walk alone." I say giving him a smile. Which he returns. We then stand up and walk towards the dungeons. "Thanks for waiting on me, that is nice of you." Ron says, smiling a little. "Yeah Soulton is a very nice person eyh." Malfoy says passing us and turning around to wink at me. I roll my eyes and ignore him. As we enter the room Hermione has a place for Ron, and Harry already has a partner. Which leaves me to sit with, you guessed it Malfoy. Bloody hell, this will be interesting.

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