Part 79

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"Did the You-Know-Who really tell you to curse Katie?" "Yes." "Why? Why did she have to bring that necklace to Dumbledore? He could've been dead if he touched it, Katie is lucky she didn't die." I say, he doesn't reply. "Babe?" "It is getting late, let's get you to bed." he stands up and lets go of me. "Babe? Answer me." "I can't ok. Now get to bed." he says and walks away. Bloody hell. "Good night." I say and walk the opposite direction. After a couple of minutes I finally get to the common room. "Hey, where did you run off to?" Harry asks. "The courtyard. Didn't feel like seeing you, because-" "Because I accused Malfoy." Harry says, nodding his head. "Good night." I say, walking up the stairs to my room. Why was Draco acting so weird when I said Dumbledore could've died? And why won't he talk to me about it. He is not making it easy on me, to trust him. If he keeps acting like this... I get in bed and fall asleep. Tomorrow is a long school day. "Olivia wake up, you are going to be late for breakfast." Hermione shakes me. "Whatever, one time missing breakfast is not that big of a deal." I groan. But get up as she told me too. I grab my clothes and get dressed. "Are you ready?" Hermione asks me, I nod. "Ok, let's go than." we walk out of our room to the common room, it is empty, everyone must already be in the Great Hall. "Tonight you have dinner with Slughorn right?" I ask as we walk down the moving stairs. "Yes, I don't know if I am too excited to be there, to be honest." she replies. "Why is that?" "Cormac will be there too, Ron told me he has a thing for me." "Cormac is not that bad, in fact, I think he is rather cute." "You are not supposed to say that!" "Why?" "You have a boyfriend!" "So what? I can still think Cormac is cute." I shrug. "Sh, everyone will hear you." she says putting her hand on my arm to quiet me down, since we are near the door of the Great Hall. I hear chatter coming from within. We walk in and see almost all students eating, when I say almost, I mean that I don't see Draco anywhere. "Good morning." someone says from behind me, I jump. They place their hands on my stomach and their chin on my shoulder, I feel them chuckle. "Good morning babe." I say, now knowing that it is Draco. "I am sorry about last night." he whispers. I turn to look at him, "It is ok, I get it. I am annoying with all my questions, I am sorry." I reply. He shakes his head "No, it is not your fault. It is a little annoying all those questions, but that is just because I can't answer them. I get that you want to know, but I just can't give you the answers you are looking for. I am sorry." I says, guilt filling his eyes as he does. "Oh baby it is ok. Don't worry." I say holding his face, I smile at him. Then he kisses me, pulling me closer to him. There are 'oohs' and 'aahs' coming from behind me, I break away from him. Only to see him look mad at the people behind me. "You could've expect this, you did it too yourself." I giggle kissing him again. I turn to look at Hermione, but she is already gone. I don't blame her. "Now, go eat, before nothing is left." I command Draco, he kisses me once more than walks away to his table. I also walk to my table and search for Harry, Ron, Hermione. I see them sitting in the spot they usually sit. "Morning." I say and sit down next to George. "Morning." he replies, but goes back to eating immediately. "Sleep well?" Harry asks. "I guess, I don't know." I reply honestly, Draco being on my mind all night didn't help with the sleeping. "Excited for dinner with Slughorn?" I ask Harry "Hermione isn't." I giggle. "Why not?" "Cormac." I whisper. Nodding my head towards where Cormac is sitting. Hermione stomps my arm, "Wha-" I say. "Your own fault." she shrugs. "But Harry? Are you?" I ask again, turning back to him. "I think so. I don't really know what to expect." he shrugs. "I guess you will find out then." "Neville, aren't you going too?" "I don't know if I want to go, actually." he replies. "Why is that?" Hermione asks him, "I don't really like Slughorn, he makes me uncomfortable." he says. "Yeah, he does the same to me." I laugh. "Students, time for classes!" Dumbledore's voice rings through the Hall. Students start to get up and leave the Hall, we all wait a little so we don't get stuck in the crowed. Transfiguration is first, with McGonagall. Hermione, Ron, Harry and I make our way to the classroom. "Good morning students." McGonagall says as we walk through the door. Ron and Hermione sit next to each other, so Harry comes and sits next to me. "Today, we will learn how to transform a goblet into an animal. We have done this before, but as you all know, it takes practice and time to get it right. So all go get a goblet and start." Harry gets up, and gets two goblets, one for me and one for him. I get out my wand and start working on the spell. Harry gets it right the first time he tries. I humph. "What?" "Mr. the Chosen One gets it right the first time, again." I joke. He laughs, "It has it's perks." After a couple more tries, I got it too. "Good work everyone, class dismissed." McGonagall says after a while. So I put the goblets back and get my bag. Next up, History of Magic. I like professor Binns, especially because he is a ghost. I still can't get over the fact that there are real ghosts flying through the halls of this school. I have been a student here for over two years, but I still think it is strange.

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