Part 105

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"He doesn't have the stomach, just like his father." one of the Death Eaters says "Let me finish him in my own way." "No! The Dark Lord was clear, the boy is to do it." Bellatrix says, as she does Harry and I hear the floor creack behind us, so we slowly turn around, only to see none other than Snape. Pointing his wand at us. "This is your moment. Do it." Bellatrix continues. "Go on, Draco." Snape lowers his wand and puts his finger over his mouth, to shush us. "Now!" Bellatrix yells. Then Snape leaves our floor and climbs the last stair to get to them. "No." he says scaring Draco, who lowers his wand and steps aside to let Snape come to stand eye in eye with Dumbledore. "Severus." Dumbledore says. "Please." "Avada Kedavra." Snape says and shoots the curse at Dumbledore. Who immediately falls of the Astronomy Tower. I want to scream, I want to punch the living hell out of Snape, but once again, I can't Harry is holding me tight. How does he dare? Dumbledore trusted him. Bellatrix walks over to the place Dumbledore was standing only seconds ago and yells. Draco and Snape are the first to leave the Tower. Followed by the other Death Eaters. Harry and I wait for them to leave then we quickly run down the stairs ourselves. I hear glass shatering. And yelling from what can only be Bellatrix. Harry and I follow them out of the castle, towards Hagrids hut. "Hagrid! Hello?" Bellatrix yells as they walk closer. Then Harry yells: "Snape!" making everyone turn around, including Draco, who looks at Harry, and then realizes I am with him. He looks at his feet, knowing I saw what happend minutes ago. "He trusted you!" Bellatrix throws a spell at Hagrids hut, making it blow up in fire. "Go on." I hear Snape say, and Draco turns around and walks closer to Bellatrix. "Incarcerous." Harry says I try to stop him, but I can't. Snape blocks the spell. "Fight back! You coward, fight back!" Harry yells and Bellatrix stupifies him, making him fall to the grounds a few feet ahead of me. I want to help him, but I don't know how."No! He belongs to the Dark Lord." Snape turns to Bellatrix. Who quickly walks away. Then Snape starts to walk away as well, Harry stands up. "Sectumsempra!" he says but Snape blocks it making it attack Harry himself. Who falls to the ground again. Snape walks over to him. "You dare use my own spells against me, Potter? Yes, I'm the Half-Blood Prince." What? How Snape kicks away Harry's wand, then glares at me and walks off. Following all the other Death Eaters, and Draco. I run to Harry, who is still lying on the ground. "Are you alright?" I ask helping him up. "No." he says angrily. Shoving me away and stalking back to the castle. "Harry! Stop, do not push me away right now!" I yell running up to walk beside him. "Please." I say grabbing his arm which he jersk away. I follow him silently from now. We walk onto the courtyard, where almost every student is standing. We make our way through them to get to Dumbledore's dead body. People are dead silent, some are crying. Harry walks to his body, I stay with Ron and Hermione, who are standing in front of everyone. Harry kneels down by Dumbledore and starts sobbing. He places his hand on the chest of Dumbledore and cries. Ginny walks to him and sits down next to him, to hold him. He leans into her and cries on her shoulder. McGonagall is standing next to me and hold out her wand over her head, pointing it up at the black sky. I follow her lead, after a couple of seconds, everyone is holding their wand up in the air. It feels so unreal. Everyone is silent, no one really knows what to do. We stand here for a couple of minutes until it is time to get back to bed. Hermione, Ron, Harry, Ginny and I stay for a little longer. Still, no one is talking. "I am sorry, Harry." Hermione is the first one to speak up. "Me too, mate." Ron says, Harry and Ginny are now standing with us and we all hug. All sobbing. But we go back to our dormitories after a while. Hermione and I sit on our beds. Not feeling like sleeping after what happened. "I am sorry you had to see that." "Draco, was the one who had to do it." I say before lying my head on my pillow. I am exhausted, but can't sleep. Feel like I need to talk to someone, but I can't. Feeling empty. After a while I hear Hermione's breaths get steady, telling me she has fallen asleep. I can't seem to do it, do I stay awake the rest of the night. Staring at the ceiling. Not knowing what to think, or do. Draco wouldn't have killed him, even if he had the chance to. He couldn't, he isn't like that. Is all I can think, until Hermione wakes up. "How did you sleep?" "I didn't" I say, as we walk to the common room where Ron is sitting. "Where is Harry?" "He went to Dumbledore's office." "Let's go see if we can find him, I don't think it is a good idea if he is alone." Hermione says and we agree. We walk to Dumbledore's office and Harry isn't there anymore. "I think he went to the Astronomy Tower." McGonagall says. "Thank you." I say and we go to the Tower. Where indeed Harry is. Hermione and I walk over to him, but Ron stays behind. "Do you think he would've done it? Draco?" Hermione asks. I shake my head. "No. No, he was lowering his wand." Harry replies, looking at me. Then he puts his arm around me to comfort me. "In the end, it was Snape. It was always Snape." he says. "And I did nothing." "We did nothing." I correct him. 

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