Part 4

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"Soulton, I saved you a seat!" Malfoy mocks me. "Ah I am glad thank you Malfoy." I say as I grab my stool and drag it to the furthest end of the table to not sit to close to Draco. "Don't want to sit close to me?" He asks smirking. "No thank you." I say and give him a disgusted look. Even though I think he is rather cute, he is still an arse so not being to close to him must do. I think. Professor Snape starts the class. I open my book. I feel Malfoy move closer. I look at him. "Didn't bring yourself a book?" "Nope, but I knew the person sitting beside me would have on. And lucky me she did." "And what if they didn't?" "I would've send them away and let someone else sit here." "Thats just cruel." I say annoyed and looking back in my book. The rest of the class passes by slowly. Since Draco is annoying me very much, or attracting me. I don't know. After class I walk up to Hermione, Ron and Harry. "Hey sorry you had to sit next to Draco." Hermione said. "It's fine. He is a prick but wasn't bothering me that much." "So I am a prick? I see, I thought you quit liked me." "Yes you are a prick! And no why would I like you?" "Because Olivia, I am pretty likable." He says with a smirk standing very close to me. Gosh his cologne smells so  good. "Making you lose your mind huh standing so close to me?" He says, still wearing that awful smirk. "No! Your cologne is just very strong." I say and walk off. "I bet you think it smells nice!" he yells. Hermione rolls her eyes and grabs my arm. "Ron is still very mad at Harry, there is something we should do to loosen them up again. I hate this." "Yes me too, I know I don't know you guys as long as you know each other but I really dislike this. But I don't know what we can do about it." "Don't worry, I will never like him again." Ron says. Shocking me and Hermione. "What Ronald, he is your best friend! Don't let that go about such a stupid thing like this!" Hermione says. "Stupid?! It is the Triwizard Tournament, it is a pretty big deal!" "Tell me then Ronald, what makes it such a big deal?" Hermione responds, "Well Hermione, he could die!" Ron says mad. "Yes he could die! We all know that Ronald, but he didn't put his name in! He told us and we trust him! Just apologize to him!" Hermione says again. Making Ron seem sad, but I don't think he will apologize yet anyway. Harry had run off with Neville right after class and Ginny, Hermione, Ron and I have been trying to find them. "Maybe we should try the tree by the river?" I say. They nod and we head that way. We almost made it there and I see Neville stand in the water, and Harry siting against the tree. Assuming he saw us he stands up. "Could you tell him that Seamus told me that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for him?" Ron asks Hermione. "Why don't you tell him yourself? You could apologize while you are at it." Hermione responds, "Because.." "Fine. Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you." "What?" Harry says confused. "I am not going to say all that again. So short version, Hagrid is looking for you." "Well tell Ron that..." "I am not an owl!" Hermione says in anger and walks off, Ginny and I follow her. And Ron follows us. 


Hermione and I are standing in the courtyard, when Harry busted through a couple of students to get to the courtyard. Walking up to Cedric, I heard Harry ask him to talk to him. They walked off. "What do you think he wants from him?" Hermione asks me seeing me looking at them. "Honestly I don't know." I say and shrug my shoulders. When they are done talking Harry walks to Ron who was walking with Seamus. "You're a right foul git, you know that?" Harry says, I look at Hermione in shock. "You think so?" Ron says, "I know so." "Anything else?" "Yeah. Stay away from me." "Fine" Ron says and walks into the courtyard giving Harry a nudge. All of a sudden I hear Malfoy yell at Harry: "Why so tense, Potter?" Harry looks at him, sitting in a tree. But walks off. I look at Malfoy, why does he always have to pick on him. But Malfoy continues: "My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you're gonna last 10 minutes in this tournament." He jumps out of the tree. "he disagrees. He thinks you wont last 5." I see Harry getting fussed up, walking up to Malfoy he says: "I don't give a damn, what your father thinks Malfoy." And he pusses him, which makes Malfoy even madder than he already was. If I didn't think he was as hot as I thought he was I would've gone up to them and helped Harry, after all he is my friend. But right before I could move professor Moody turns Draco into a ferret. Everyone around them starts to laugh as the professor puts Draco into Crabbe's pants. I laugh a bit myself but feel bad for him and Harry. Professor Mcgonagle notices what the other professor was doing and warned him and turned Draco back to his human self. "My father will hear about this!" "Is that a threat?" Moody says chasing him around the tree he had been sitting in not too long ago. Finally Draco ran from underneath the tree, towards me since I was near the caste. "You think this is funny, do you?" he askes with a humph as he stops in front of me. I feel my cheeks turn red, so I look away. Then he continues to storm into the castle. I watch him walk away, he looks so good. I feel eyes on me: Hermiones eyes. "Why did you blush? You never blushed, even though he was standing so close." "I don't know, honestly." I say. "if you say so. I am going to check on Ronald, will you please check on Harry?" she asks. I nod and walk to where Harry left.

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