Part 113

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"Aren't you going to bed?" Hermione asks when I put my quill. "What are you doing?" she asks and walks towards me. "I was writing." "What were you writing?" "A letter." "To Draco?! Are you crazy? You can't send that! That is dangerous." "I know, I wasn't planning on sending it, I just had to get it of my chest. Sorry." I say "It is all right. But please do not send the letter. It really is to dangerous. I know you love and miss him but you just can't." " I know, sorry." "Now, throw it away and let's get to bed." she says "Yes m a'am, I will throw it away, you go ahead, I will be right in." I say she nods and walks out of the room. I fold the letter and put it in and envelope, put it in between the books on the shelf and walk to the bedroom. "Come on, it has been a long day today, go sleep." Hermione says and points to the bed I have been sleeping on this whole time. I nod and walk to it and change into my pyjammas. I lay in my bed, I want to send the letter, but I know Hermione is right, it is dangerous. But I need to know how he is doing. I just need to know.  I get out of bed again, and sneek past their sleeping bodies, back to the bookshelf where I put the letter. I look in between the books, where I thought I put it, but it isn't there anymore. "Looking for this?" Dobby asks, I turn around and see him stand there with my letter. "Yes, Dobby please give it back!" Dobby shakes his head. "Please Dobby, this is important." "Miss Granger told Dobby to look after you when they were gone. But Dobby saw Miss Soulton write the letter earlier, and Dobby knew it wasn't good." "But they aren't gone yet, so you don't have to look after me yet." I tell him. He again shakes his head. "Dobby knows, but I need to destroy this letter." and with that he tears the letter in multiple pieces. "Dobby!" I yell. A little to loud, and Dobby smashes his head onto the table. "What is going on here?" "Harry asks rushing into the room, with Ron and Hermione behind him. "Miss Soulton is mad at Dobby." Dobby replies, still knocking himself on the head. "Why?" "Dobby destroyed Miss Soultons letter." I glare at Dobby, but he doesn't keep quiet. "What letter?" "The letter for Mr. Malfoy." "You wrote him a letter?" Ron asks I nod my head slowly. "Were you going to send it?" Hermione asks. "You knew?" "I did, and told her to throw it away, but apperentaly she didn't." Hermione says. Giving me a stern look. "I am sorry, but I couldn't help it. I want to talk to him. I need to know how he is doing." I whine "It has been a week Olivia, you have been doing fine without him for longer than this, why is it different now?" Ron asks annoyed. "Because last time we were fighting, this time we made up and were going back to being what we were." I say. They all sigh and walk back to their bed. "I am sorry!" "It is fine, just get to bed." Hermione replies. I sigh and follow them back into the bedroom. I lay back in my bed. "Dobby is really sorry." Dobby says standing at my footend. "It is all right Dobby, you did the right thing." I reply "Now, can you leave and let me sleep?" Dobby nods and leaves the room again. I stare at the ceiling until I feel my eyelids get heavy and I fall asleep. When I wake up Harry is already awake and sitting at the table. "Good morning." I say. "Morning." he replies, he is studying the locket again. "Why do you keep studying it when you know it is fake?" I ask. "I don't know." he replies. "I am going to wake the others, you need to go to the Ministry, before it is too late." I say and walk back to the bedroom. Ron is lying on the floor and Hermione on the sofa beside him. Their hands are almost touching. I wonder when they will get together. "Hey lovebirds, wake up, you need to get ready for the Ministry." I say and Hermione shoots straight up. "Bloody hell, Olivia!" Ron exclaims. I giggle "Come sleepy heads, like I set you need to get to the Ministry before it is to late." with that I walk back out the room and make my way back downstairs to the kitchen. Harry is still sitting at the table. "Bloody, Harry!" I say "What?" he jerks his head towards me "I thought you would've made breakfast by now, or at least started making it. You need to eat before you go to the Ministry, you have no idea how long you'll be in there and if you have time to eat." I say and roll my eyes at him. "Right, sorry." he gets up and walks to the counter to start making breakfast for the three of them. Hermione and Ron walk into the kitchen, Hermione is holding the Polyjuice Potion. "Is it done?" I ask, she nod. "Are you sure you don't want to join?" he asks "I am, it is better if I don't. I will screw it up, and that cannot happen." I shake my head. We eat our breakfast then it is time for them to leave. "Good luck! And please be careful!" I say hugging them and the three of them leave me with Kreacher and Dobby. I sigh, I hope they succeed. 

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