Part 59

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Voldemort stands up straight and throws a spell at Dumbledore, who tries to shield it. But Voldemort throws another spell, which Dumbledore can't shield making him fall backwards, and all the windows burst. Glass flies everywhere even the flag of Fudge tears apart because of the glass pieces. Voldermort collects all the pieces with a spell and shoots them at Dumbledore and Harry. "NO!" I yell but feel a hand on my mouth to stop me from screaming. I look up at the person from who the hand is. Ron. "Ssh! Otherwise he will hear us! And attack us too!" "So you want me to just do nothing?" "I do, I know it is hard, I need to do something to. But we can't." Dumbledore is trying to shield himself and Harry from the flying pieces of glass. He succeeds the glass changed into sand and is now covering Dumbledore and Harry. Voldemort does not look ammused. Bloody, he looks pissed. But tries nothing more. He vanishes. All of a sudden Harry starts to choke and falls to the ground. Dumbledore kneels beside him. "You, you've lost old man." comes out of Harry's mouth, it is not his voice. Then harry grunts again. And looks to have a flash back. He struggles, badly, to breath normally. "Harry." Dumbledore says, Harry's response is just groaning. Another flash back it looks like. "Harry, it isn't how you are alike. It's how you are not." Dumbledore says, as if he know exactly what Harry needs to hear. It seams to have worked, Harry gets his normal breathing back. "Harry!" I yell and run towards him, I let my self fall to the ground once I made it to him. I place my hand on his side. He groans, another flash back. God I wish I could help him. "You're the weak one and you'll never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you." he whispers to, I assume, Voldemort inside of his head. He starts groaning again. Then he shifts over to his back making my hand fall off his side. There is a black orb coming from his chest. Making him breath heavily, but it slows down after a couple of seconds. He is now just lying beside me, not moving, just breathing. "You're a fool, Harry Potter." Voldemort says now standing over him. "And you will lose ...everything." he finishes before we all hear whooshing coming from the fireplace like portals all down the hall. People start appearing, the Ministry of Magic. Voldemort sees this and dissapears again. Leaving us, before anyone can say anything else. "He's back." Cornelius Fudge states. Neville, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Luna are now, too, walking closer to Harry. Dumbledore is now holding Harry, as if he is dead. I know he isn't but it hurts seeing him like this. "Harry." Hermione exclaims and lets herself fall beside me. I hug her, "He will be alright. We all will be. We just need time." I say. Ron, Neville, Luna and Ginny kneeled down beside us as well. We hug each other. "We will be! We always are!" Ron says reassuringly. We sit there for a while, hugging each other untill Harry moves. When he does we let go and look at him. He has a dead look in his eyes, his godfather just died, who wouldn't have when that happened. Besides, Sirius was his only real family left. "Are you alright?" I ask quietly. "No." he says. I crawl to him and pull him in for a hug. "You will be, I promise." I say hugging him tight. The rest joins again. "Let's get back to Hogwarts." Dumbledore says after a couple of minutes. We all agree and make our way out of the Ministry. Once we are back at Hogwarts, it is like no one knows what happened. Everyone is walking through the halls excitedly, happy, or just bored. Like Sirius didn't just die. It's sickening, knowing he did and knowing no one knows. I feel weak, tired, defeated. I see Draco, and I break down. "Hey, hey, it is alright." Neville says holding me standing. "It is not." I say and turn to hug him and cry in his chest. "It will be." he the says. "Olivia?" I hear Draco say. "What?" I say letting go of Neville to turn to Draco, I feel so angry at him. "What's wrong?" "What's wrong?" I practically yell. "What's wrong, I just saw someone dear to me get killed..." I say and see Draco look at everyone surrounding me, checking if everyone is still there. " broke my trust. You broke me! Draco, I loved you! Scratched that, I love you, but you broke my trust. You lied to me, you told me you hadn't singed up for that stupid Squad from Umbridge, but I saw you walk into the office and I saw you walk out. I asked you about it, you lied to my face! I even told you that I wouldn't be able to fogive you if you did. And yet, you still did! You broke me." I say tears streaming down my face, I fall to the ground crying. "I am sorry." he says. "You think that is enough?! You selfish piece of crap!" I yell, I now have formed an audiance. "Yes, I am a selfish piece of crap. I know, but you made me so much better when we were together, Olivia please I love you. I don't even know why I singed up for that Squad, or why I lied to you about it. And I hate myself for doing so..." "Good, 'cause I hate you too." I say getting up from the floor to walk to him. I slap him across his face. "Don't ever talk to me again. Good bye. Have a nice Summer, or don't I don't really care." I say storming through the students to my room, to start packing, since the Summer break is in a week. I run to my room, crying my eyes out, not even seeing clearly where I am going. Why is this castle so big when you are in a hurry? To get away from, like everyone. 

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