Part 96

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"Let's get you to bed." Fred says after a while. "But it isn't even dinner time yet." I cry. "I know, but since I know you won't eat anyway, I think it is better for you to just take a shower and go to bed." he says, I don't say anything. So he lets go of me slightly and leads us to the Gryffindor common room. Once we get inside I see George, Ron, Hermione and Harry sit on the sofa's. "What happened?" Hermione asks standing up from the sofa to walk towards Fred and I. "He didn't really want to talk." I say a crack in my voice. I feel the tears still fall from my eyes, my sight is a little blurry because of them. "I thought I would bring her to bed." Fred says. I see them nod and Fred walks us to my room. "Are you good to stay here alone?" he asks. "Yes, besides, you need to eat." "I don't need to, I need to make sure you are doing alright." "Fred, it is not like someone died. I am going to be alright, I promise." I say sitting down on my bed. Not really believing the words that come from my mouth. But I can't let him know that. "If you say so, now go shower and then go to bed." he says, I nod and he starts to walk out of the room. "Are you sure you don't want me to bring you some food from dinner?" I smile at him and shake my head slighlty. "No thank you. Good night Fred." I say he nods and walks out. I grab a towel and my pyjammas. "Is she alright?" I hear Harry ask Fred. "No, but she won't admit it." I hear Fred tell them. "Is there anything we can do?" George asks. How are they all so caring, when Draco is, well, their enemy? "Let her be, for now I think." I keep walking to the bathroom to take a shower. I turn on the shower, as hot as I can handle. I take a long, long shower. I needed this. God how can I be so stupid? I cheated on Draco with Fred, why am I letting Fred take care of me now? This is bad, bloody bad. I should not be doing this. I am making it only worse for myself. If I keep hanging out with Fred, Draco would never want me back. I need to stop this. I get out of the shower and wrap my towel around myself. I stand in front of the mirror and look at myself. I am disgusting, I hate myself. I let the love of my life walk away, how could I? I cheated, that is disgusting. Bloody hell.  After staring at myself for a couple of minutes I finally get the motivation to get dressed. I am broken, I am hurt. And I am the one to blame. I did this to myself. I should've stopped Fred when he kissed me, when he comforted me, when he took me to my room. I walk back to my room and hear that the feast is already over. Did I really shower that long? "Did you see how misserable Draco looked just now?" I hear a kid say as I walk to my room. "Yes, do you think they broke up?" the other kid replies "I heard she cheated on him, that's why." another kid says. Then they see me and immediately shut up. One of them looks mad, the other one looks sad and the other kid just has no expression. I sigh, well the word is around. I am a cheat, in everyone's eyes. This will be fun. I quickly get into my room and close the door. But someone sticks their foot in between the door and the doorframe, making it impossible for me to close it. I open the door again and look into the eyes of Fred. I sigh and turn around. "Fred, I appreciate you taking care of me. But I am perfectly capable to take care of myself. Besides, this feels wrong, I cheated on him with you, I should not be spending this much time with you right after I cheated on him. It just doesn't feel right." I say letting myself fall on my bed. He doesn't say anything. So I look at him, he looks hurt. Again. "I am sorry Fred, I love you. But it is wrong. It really is, you know it too." I say. "I know, I am sorry. You are right, it is wrong. But like I said, I really like you and I like being around you, I just can't help it." he says, ugh, why me? Why not Hermione? Or Lavender? Why me? "Sorry, I will leave." he says turning around to walk out the room."Thank you Fred..." I say he turns back to me looking confused making me giggle a little "thank you for taking care of me, and comforting me. Like I said, I really appreciate it. You are a really good friend." I say slamming my hand on my mouth, nice once, putting him in the friendzone for the fifth time today. He chuckles. "It is alright, I don't mind taking care of you. Now go sleep, you need it." he jokes, I gasp. "What do you mean by that?!" "Oh, well that you look bad." he winks and walks out the door, closing it behind him. I giggle and pull the covers over myself. After a couple of minutes the door opens again. I look up and see Hermione walk in. "Hey, how are you feeling?" she asks, I sit up and motion her to sit next to me. "Well, to be honest, not so good. He broke up with me because I cheated, and I get that, but it hurts so bad. And the fact that he doesn't want to listen to me, makes it not easier." I say, starting to cry midway. Hermione pulls me in for an hug. "I know, and I am so sorry. And I am sorry that Fred did this to you." she says. I shake my head. "No, it is not Fred's fault, it is mine. I didn't stop him." "But he kissed you, and you didn't kiss him back either. So it is not your fault." she says grabbing my shoulders to make me look at her, "Please, don't blame yourself for this. I hate blaming Fred for this, but he did kiss you, when he knew you had a boyfriends whom you love." she says. "I-" I start, not even knowing what I want to say. I know she is right, but I feel so bloody guilty. "But, it is my fault Hermione, I didn't stop him." "But you also didn't kiss him back, so stop blaming yourself. And go to bed. Please, stop blaming yourself, promise me that ok?" she says, I nod slowly and she hugs me again. Then walks to her bed and changes in her pyjammas and gets in her bed. I turn off the light "Good night." I say and lay my head back on the pillow.


For the one who hasn't noticed yet: I have fallen in love with Fred (oops) this story will still be a Draco fanfiction! Don't you worry, but the twins will be a bigger part of the story from now on I think. We will see, but yeah, I have siriously (get it) fallen in love with Fred sorry. Haha, don't get me wrong Draco is Fawking HOT and I will alwaysss love him, but Fred has stolen my heart as well. *shrugs shoulders*

Ok, that is it for todayy. 

Can you all please vote, and comment, and let me know what you think of the story? That means the world to me. Thank you! I love youu.

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