Part 17

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Another week has gone by, Draco and I spent almost every minute of the week together after what happened in Hogsmeade. But tomorrow everyone is coming back. So it is our last night to be together without having to worry about to many students. We made plans to meet after hours in the courtyard. So I was waiting for it to be time to head there. In the Gryffindor common room reading the book he bought me a week ago, the day of our first kiss. That damn kiss. I can't stop thinking about it. We have kissed maybe one or two times after that but that was it. I am fine with it, but I want to taste his lips again. "Not tired at all?" Neville says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Huh, what. Oh no. The fire is nice so I like staying here for a bit, you?" "I am, but I never heard you walk up to your room, so I thought I would check up on you before going to bed." he says. "Ah thank you Neville, but I am fine. You go to bed!" I say smiling at him. He nods and says goodnight and walks back to his room. I sigh. It is almost time to leave for the courtyard. I could already go, it is just 5 minutes anyway. Oh wait Neville just left, lets wait a couple more. Before he hears me leave the common room. I fall asleep, but woke up a few minutes later by the knocking on the painting. "Olivia, are you there?" I hear Draco say. I get up and yawn, walk to the painting and open it. "Hey, yes sorry, I fell asleep." I say giving him a guilty look. He just laughs and grabs my hand and walks away, I turn around to be sure the painting was closed. "Sorry, Neville came to the common room where I was sitting right before I wanted to leave. To make sure he didn't hear me I waited, but fell asleep." "It is fine, I was just waiting in the cold, but you didn't show." he says chuckling. "I said sorry!" I whine. Stopping us from walking. I turn to him he looks confused, place my hand on his face and stand on my tiptoes. Figured out what I wanted to do, he leans down and kisses me. I break the kiss. "What was that for?" he asks, "As apology for letting you stand in the cold." "Well in that case, you are not forgiven yet." he says smirking at me, I giggle and kiss him again. Soft and gentle at first, but it fires up as Draco pulls me against him, his hands around my waist. I then hear footsteps, breaking the kiss. "Bu-" Draco starts I put my finger on his lips. "Sush someone is coming." I whisper, he lets go of me and I drag him into the nearest classroom I can find. 


Hermione, Harry, Ron and I are now sitting in the library, Ron snoring a little. Harry resting his head on the book that is laying in front of him, Hermione walking back and forth. Trying to figure it out. I just sit there, not knowing what to do. "Harry, tell me again." Hermione says, "Come seek us where our voices sound." "The Black Lake, that's obvious." she says walking past Ron and nudging his shoulder waking him up. "An hour long you'll have to look." Harry continues. "Again, obvious." I say. "Though, admittedly, potentially problematic." Hermione adds. "Potentially problematic?" Harry says in somewhat an angry voice, now looking at Hermione. "When is the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?" he says irritated. I mean I don't blame him. "Look, Harry, we- we can do this. The four of us can figure it out." she says. "Hate to break up the skull session. Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office." Moody says, we all stand to walk away, but clearly he wasn't done. "Not you, Potter, just Weasley, Granger and Soulton." "But sir, the second tasks is only hours away." I start. "Exactly. Presumably Potter is well-prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep. Go" he commands us, and we walk away leaving Harry with Moody. "What do you think McGonagall wants?" Ron asks. I shrug. As we make our way to her office we bump into the professor. "Professor, professor Moody said you wanted to speak to us?" Hermione said. McGonagall looks confused. "Sorry dear, but I never asked him to send you to me. Well enjoy your evening." she says and walks off. "Huh weird." I say. Ron just shrugs his shoulders and walks off. "So, uhm we haven't had the time to talk now did we?" Hermione says now facing me. I giggle. "No we haven't." I say. "Let's do that then." she says. "Fine but let's do it in our room." I say knowing I won't be able to get out of it. She nods and we head to our room. On our way there we come across Draco. Not knowing if he should interact or not he just walks past us. I laugh a little, thinking it is funny how insecure he acts. "Ok tell me! What happend when we were gone? I know he stayed in the castle." Hermione says once we sit on her bed. "Easyyy." I say playing with my ring nervous about how she will react. "You can tell me, I already told you I am fine with the two of you, as long as he doesn't hurt you. If he does, he will feel it." "Ok fine, well we had been hanging out the first week, it was all fun and stuff. In the beginning of the second week he took me to Hogsmeade for the day. On our way back here we had a snowball fight, andd" I start blushing at the end of the sentence. "And what?!" Hermione says. "And we kissed." I say smiling at the thought of our first kiss. "WAIT REALLY?" Hermione yells "How was it?" "Magical, I had been fantasizing about it for weeks, it was better than I even could imagine." I admit. "Ew, I don't need the details though, I still haven't made up my mind if I like him yet." she says making me giggle. "But you asked how it was!" I exclaim. 


I normally don't do these, but I was just wondering, which house are you in? My house is Ravenclaw! Who is my house buddy?! Haha hope you all are enjoying the story as much as I am writing it! Okii byyeee

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