I walk out of the dungeons, but not ready to go back to my room I walk to the courtyard and sit on a bench. I really did screw up, why do I always screw up with him? It isn't fair. "Miss Soulton, what are you doing out of bed at this hour?" I hear McGonagall say behind me. "Oh, I couldn't sleep." I say quickly. "You should go to bed. Other wise I should take points from your house." she says, so I nod and get up. I don't even want to go to bed again. I just want to be outside, or with Draco. I miss him so much. I walk through the halls, making a little detour to my room. "Miss Soulton, I told you, you should go to bed. Now I have to take away house points." McGonagall says, once again standing behind me. I sigh, "I am sorry professor,-" "10 Gryffindor points, and detention this week. Now off to bed." she says before I can say anything else. I nod and this time I walk straight to my room. "Where did you run off to?" Hermione asks when I walk into our room. "Well, I went to talk to Draco, but he send me away after our talk, mostly because Snape came to us, then I went to the courtyard and McGonagall caught me, so now I lost 10 house points." I say letting myself fall on my bed. "Olivia! 10 house points? Are you crazy?" "I am sorry okay! I didn't feel like being up here, I wanted to be outside. I also got detention for this week, if it makes you feel better." I reply, annoyed. "Okay, well, I am sorry. What did you and Draco talk about? Was it a good conversation?" she asks. I shake my head. "He is still mad at me, I hurt him so bloody bad, Hermione. And I hate it. He still blames me for what happened. And I mean I get it, it was just two days ago. But it still hurts as hell." I say breaking out in cries again. Hermione sits next to me on my bed, but I push her away. "Sorry, I am not in the mood for hugs and all that juicy stuff." I say. "It is fine, I get it. I am sorry he is being like this. I know it doesn't mean much, but I am really sorry for you." she says, walking over to her bed again. Then there is a knock on the door. "Yeah?" Hermione says, and then the door opens and Ron appears in the doorway. "Harry still isn't back, should we go look for him?" "I think he will be fine, we already lost 10 house points, so we shouldn't go out right now." Hermione says. "What? We lost house points? What happened?" he says. I sigh. "I was outside and got caught by McGonagall. So I lost 10 house points and got detention for this week. Let's not talk about it." I say and turn my head and press it into my pillow. "Why were you outside in the first place?" "I said, let's not talk about it." "She went to talk to Draco, but it didn't go well, so she went outside." Hermione says, so I give her a glare. "Let's not talk about my love life, please. It is already screwed up as it is. And I don't need to get reminded of it thank you very much." "Sorry." Ron and Hermione say at the same time. "Can I sit here for a while, just untill Harry comes back?" Ron asks. "Whatever." I say. And lay back on my bed. Hermione and Ron start to talk, but I don't really listen to anything they are saying. The only thing on my mind is Draco, as always. I hate it that he won't even really talk to me, or even listen, or look at me. I want my Draco back. He is now the Draco I first met, but more broken, if that is possible. And I can't handle the fact that it is because of me. After a while there is another knock on the door. "Yes?" Hermione says. And Harry walks in. "What took you so long?" "I went to Hagrids, Arogog died, then I confinced Slughorn to give me the mermorie. And I took it to Dumbledore." He says, I sit up in shock. "You got the memorie?" I say he nods and sit with Ron on the sofa. "What was it?" "I can't say, it is dangerous." "Wait you said Arogog died?" Ron says a little too enthusiastic. "I did." "Thank Merlin!" "Ronald!" "Sorry! But you know I hate spiders!" "But what do you mean, it is to dangerous?" I asks Harry. "Like I said, I can't tell you." I sigh, "Fine, don't say anything." "What is your problem?" "Draco won't talk to her." Ron says, I glare at him, "Sorry, geez. I think I will go to bed, and leave you alone." "Sounds like a good idea." I say, a little to harsh than I intended. "Fine, good night." "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." I say but they ignore me and walk out. "Sorry Hermione, I am just not really feeling that great. All this with You-Know-Who and Draco and all that. I- it's just too much." "It is alright, I get it. It is plenty to keep your mind on. Even I think it is all to much, and we will get through this. We always do, don't you worry." she says, I smile at her. "Merlin, how am I so lucky to have you as my friend? You are the best. Thank you Hermione!" "Of course, now just get some sleep, I hope you will feel better tomorrow." I nod and get out of my clothes and into my pyjammas. "Good night." I say and turn off the lights. "Good night." she replies and I toss and turn but I just can't seem to fall asleep. Once it is like 5 in the morning I finally fall asleep, but wake up only two hours later. For breakfast. "How did you sleep?" Hermione asks, "I almost didn't." I say and walk to the common room to wait for Harry and Ron. But Fred and George walk down the stairs first. "Good morning." they say at the same time. "Olivia, are you ok?" George asks. I shake my head. "I didn't sleep much, so I am really tired." I admit. "Shouldn't you be in bed than?" "No, I have to go to school, I have detention later." "Why?" "I was out after hours." I say and Ron and Harry now walk into the common room and we make our way to the Great Hall.

I Know You Fancy Me ||D.M.||
FanfictionOlivia Soulton, an Italian girl, moved with her mom to England and got excepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What will happen when she meets a particular boy, with blonde, almost white hair. Will she be able to resist him? We wil...