Part 60

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I get to my room and throw myself on my bed. Tired of what happened today, I close my eyes and fall asleep. I know I shouldn't, and that I should pack, but I don't have the engery to do such a thing right now. I just can't wait to go home for the Summer and spend it with mom. And no one else. "Olivia? The feast is about to start. You need to eat something after today." I hear Hermione whisper beside my head. I open my eyes. And look straight into the ones of Ron. Which startles me. "Sorry." he says and stands back up, Harry, Ron and Hermione are standing in the room with me. "I am not hungry." I say, not completly lying. "I don't care that you are not hungry, you haven't eaten that well lately, I know you are heart broken because of Draco, but you need to eat." Hermione says, sternly. "Really, Hermione, I am not going to eat anyway, even if I am sitting at the table." "With all the food in front of you." Ron says. A sparkle in his eyes, the joy of food filling him. I giggle at him. "Well if I don't eat there is more for Ron." I say. "Sounds good to me!" Ron says. "No Ronald, Olivia needs to eat. Come on. It is important Olivia. Like I said, you haven't eaten in, what 2 days?" Hermione says agian, slapping Ron on his arm. "I have eaten!" I exclaim. "What? What have you eaten?" she says, like a mother who is mad at her kid. I mean, I guess it is the same thing, Hermione is our mother figure when we are here. "Uh, I don't remember." I say, giving in. "See, now let's get to the feast before it is all gone again. Then you can go back to sleep." Hermione says and I stand up. As we walk into the Great Hall, once again everyone's eyes are on me. Probably because of the fit I threw not to long ago. But I can't seem to care. I sit down, my back towards the Slytherin table not wanting to face Draco, not wanting to break down again. 


Tomorrow we are going home for the Summer, finally. These last couple of days have gone so slow. A couple of classes here and there, but nothing to special. "Ready?" Hermione asks. We are going to Three Broomsticks one more time before Summer. I nod. "Let's go to the common room, I think the boys are there already." "Yes let's go." I say. We walk into to the common room but no one is there. "Strange, let's just wait here then." Hermione says. I walk over to the sofa and sit down. I hear chuckling from somewhere. "Do you hear that? Or am I just going crazy?" I ask Hermione, and the chuckles grow louder. "No I hear it too." Hermione says looking around the room. I get up from the sofa and walk around the room. When I stand at the desk the chuckles stop. I hear soft breaths. I reach forward and feel fabric, I pull at the fabric and it reveals Ron and Harry standing very close together holding their mouths not to chuckle to loud. "You caught us!" Ron says throwing his hands in the air defeated. I start laughing. The three of them join me. "It is good to see both of you laugh again." Hermione states when we are all a little calmed down. I look at Harry and give him a smile, I get one in return. "Now, let's go before it get's to late." Ron says. We agree and make our way into the halls of the castle. We walk through the halls, when I hear some sobbing. I place my finger on my mouth to tell them to shut up. I poke my head around the corner and see Draco sitting on a little bench in the empty hall way. Head in his hands, sobbing. It breaks my heart to see him like this. "Who is it?" Ron whispers quriously trying to have a look himself. I push him back. "No one we know." I say. "Let's take another way out of here." they agree and we walk back the way we came. I feel guilty. "Who was it?" Hermione whispers as we walk behind Ron and Harry. "Draco." I admit. "Really?" she asks "Was he really crying?" I nod, feeling a lumb form in my throat. I don't talk the rest of the way to Hogsmeade. "What can I get you?" the waiter asks when we have taken our seat in the Three Broomsticks. "Just four butterbeers, thanks." Harry says politly. The waiter nods and walks to the bar to get our drinks. "Who was it really? Crying in the hall? I know it was someone we know, otherwise you wouldn't have reacted like that." Ron says. I wanted to answer but then he walked in. I look at him, his eyes are still a little glossy and red. He looks at me and turns right back around. You don't know how badly I want to follow him right now! "Was it him?" Harry asks. Again a lump forms in my throat, I just nod my head slowly. Tears welling up. "Why was he crying you think?" Ron asks. "Stupid questions don't excist they say..." Hermione says ".. because of Olivia of course! Why do you think he left when he saw her?" "Here you are." the waiter says putting our butterbeers on the table. "Thank you." I say. He smiles at us and walks away. I grab a glass and take a sip. "I- uh don't know, sorry." Ron says also taking a sip from his glass. For a couple of minutes it is quiet at our table. No one knows what to say. "I am going to see if I can find him." I say and get up, but Harry grabs my hand. "Don't, you told him that you didn't want to see him anymore." he says pulling me back down onto my chair. "I know, but I feel bad. I still love him, very bloody much, I can't just not love or care for him anymore." I say feeling beated. "I get that, but it might give him the wrong idea." Hermione agrees with Harry. "But what is the wrong idea?" I ask. "What do you mean?" she asks. "Well, what is the wron idea? What is the right one?" I ask again. "I think the wrong one is, that if you go after him now, he will think you want to get back together. And if you don't he will know you don't want to." Hermione explains. "But which one is the right one and which one is the wrong one?" "You don't know?" Ron asks in a little shock. I shake my head. "Like I said, I still love him, and I don't know what to do with it or him. I don't know if I want to get back together." "Have you forgotten what he did to you?" Ron asks. "No, of course not. But-" "No, you can't just go back to him like that, after what he did to you." Ron says mad. "We are not doing this again Weasley! I am not going to choose between the two of you again." "Fine, I will make it for you, choose him! After all, you love him." Ron says, slamming on the table and pushing himself up. Then storming out of the Three Broomsticks. I sigh.

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