Part 28

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"What are you talking about and who is Andrew?" I also show her my bruises, needing to show someone and telling someone, and she is the first and only person I trust with this. "Oh my god Olivia! Who is Andrew?" "M-my mot-thers boyfriend." I say, sobbing. "Oh my god! He broke your nose and gave you all those bruises? Did she break up with him?" I shake my head. "No she didn't she is still in London with him in her house. He kicked me out of the house three days ago, sending me here." I sob against Hermione's shoulder. "I am so sorry! Are you ok? Besides your nose and the bruises?" "Yes I am fine, I just feel terrible for leaving my mom back there with him. I wish I could do something." I say. "I know, me too. We should tell someone, maybe Dumbledore knows what to do." I shake my head, "I am not ready to tell anyone, I had to get it of my chest so I did with you. But no one else knows and I am really not ready to tell anyone." I say. "Olivia, I get it, but your mothers life may be on the line here! We need to do something!" we hear a knock on the door, Hermione walks over and opens it slightly and then walks out. I go to the door to listen. "She is here, but doesn't feel good, Harry. She needs time. She isn't in the right state to talk to him. He must understand, after all he is the one who left her without saying goodbye." "I know, but he wants to know what is wrong, I can't believe I am helping him." Harry says, making me giggle a bit. "But he deserves to know why she wouldn't look at him or speak to him. He told me he feels really bad for leaving, he didn't want to. He saw her crying as he was dragged away by his father and tried to get loose and get to her, but his father wouldn't let him." He did? I need to talk to him, but I am scared. "Tell him she will come to him once she is ready to talk to him. And that is not right now! If he really cares about her he will understand and wait, if he doesn't we will notice soon enough." She says opening the door again and walking back in. "You were listening weren't you?" she says, I nod "Guilty." I say. "Good then I don't have to tell you. Are you scared to talk to him because of your cast or?" "Well, my cast is one of the reasons. But the other is that we weren't speaking when he left, and I don't know if he is still mad. We broke up because of Ron, we had a fight because I couldn't choose. What if he is still mad. Or that he changed his mind and wants to get back together, I don't think I am ready to get back together after what happened to me and mom. Or changed his mind and doesn't. I am just scared I screwed it up I think." "There is only one way to find that out, I am afraid." Hermione says. I nod, knowing she is right. "Do you want to go have lunch? It starts in like 2 minutes. Or do you want to stay here?" "I want to have lunch, well not really but I want to be there with you, I have missed you. And I need to talk to Harry, about his uh court session." Hermione's eyes grow wide. "How did you find out about that?!" she says. "This kid was talking about it when Neville and I made our way inside the castle three days ago." I say walking through the door and down the stairs into the common room. "Hey guys, sorry Hermione and I just disappeared right after you got here." I say spotting Ron, Harry and Neville sit on the sofa's. "It is alright, we get it, Draco was mad though." Harry says standing up and walking over to me to hug me again. "So Mr. Potter, court huh? How was it?" I say letting go off him. "Uh, you heard about that. Terrifying to be honest." he says rubbing the back of his head. "Can we go to the feast? I am hungry, you can talk about this then." Ron says getting a mad glare from Hermione, I giggle "Yes Ron lets go." We walk to the Great Hall, Harry telling me what happened and why he used magic in front of a muggle, Dudley to be precise. We make it to the Great Hall, and I feel a lot of eyes on me. Because of my cast. I also hear whispers about Harry's court excursion. I then feel the burning of Draco's eyes on my I immediately cover up my nose. "You don't have to cover up, casty." A boy says. "Don't talk to her like that!" I jerk my head in the direction of the voice, looking right into the eyes of Draco. He is standing at the Slytherin table with his hands in fists, a very angry look on his face. "Oh, Malfoy has gone soft for a girl?" the boy speaks again. Draco storms toward him and punches him. "DRACO!" I yell running to him grabbing him and trying to get him off the boy. "Draco stop!" I say again. "Please it is not worth it." I say holding his arm. He yanks his arm from my grip and looking madly at me. "Are you crazy?!" I say. "You don't just punch a kid! That is how I got this thing." I say tearing up and pointing to my cast. "Exactly like that! Being punched. Let him go now!" I say to him as he is still holding the kid by his collar. He then lets go and looks at me, regret in his eyes. "Who did this to you?" he says. "No one, leave it. Why did you have to punch him?" I say shaking my head. "Because he called you names." "So? I can stand up for myself, I don't need you to do that for me!" I say and I walk away, bumping into him on purpose. "Olivia-" "No Draco save it! Leave me alone."

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