Part 22

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I walk into the common room to go to Dumbledore's office when Ron is sitting there. "Good morning." I say he looks up, looking away right after. "I thought I told you not to talk to me again while you are still dating that prick." "We are broken up Ron! Because of you!" I say my eyes filling up with tears again. "Don't lie to me!" he says angrily. "I am not Ron. I couldn't sleep last night so I went out for a walk, Draco was there and we broke up. Then Snape caught me so I am on my way to Dumbledore's office. So see you later." God I am mad at him, Draco broke up with me because of him and he doesn't believe me! Who is the prick now. I make my way to Dumbledore's office, I pass Draco, who looked sad at first but when he saw me he went cold again. "Dra-" I start but I know there is no point, so I stop. "Good morning Miss Soulton." Dumbledore says when I stand in his office. "Good morning headmaster." "I heard form professor Snape that you were wondering around the castle after hours." I nod. "Why was that?" "I couldn't sleep sir." "Ah I see. I am sorry but I do have to punish you for that." he says. "I know sir." I say looking at my feet. "Two days detention Miss Soulton, starting this evening." he then says. "Now get to the feast, and enjoy the rest of your day." I nod and leave his office. "So you and Malfoy really did break up?" Ron says as I sit down. I nod. "You were dating Malfoy?" Harry asks. I nod again. "Why would you date him?!" Harry asks. "Stop it boys, she really likes him, she broke up with him because Ron wouldn't talk to her if she didn't" Hermione says defending me. I see Draco look at me, and I feel the tears form again. I get up and quickly get out of the Great Hall. I run to the nearest bathroom, running into a stall and shutting it. "Why are you crying?" Moaning Myrtle asks. "None of your business." I say "Oh not very friendly." she says and floats off, leaving me alone with my sobs again. Great next class is potions.  


Later that night Harry comes into the common room, looking shocked. "What?" Ron asks. "I was in Moody's office right? And all of a sudden Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall burst in and Dumbledore walks to Moody and grabs him by his shirt. And Snape puts a potion in his mouth. Moody confessed he wasn't Moody." "What?" I say shocked. "I know, but there is more. The man who pretended to be Moody looks at the chest I was standing next to and Dumbledore commands me to stand away from it. Snape opens the chest, there come more and more little chests out. And finally the last one opens, so we walk up to it, and we look down. And there he is Mad-Eye Moody, chained up. Then the Moody, the fake one, starts to turn back to himself: Barty Crouch Junior." leaving us all in shock. "They send him back to Azkaban. It is a weird man that one." "So how long did he pretend to be Moody?" I ask. "No one knows." Harry replies. We all sit there in shock for a while. "Come on guys! Everyone is expected in the Great Hall immediately." Neville says walking down the stairs in a hurry. We get up and follow Neville to the Great Hall, where Dumbledore is waiting for students to take a seat. Once everyone is there he starts to speak: "Today, we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard-working, infinitely fair-minded, and most importantly a fierce, fierce friend. Now, I think, therefor, you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort! The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so would be an insult to his memory. Now, the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me- reminds us- while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship we've made this year-" Draco looks at me, I look back tears in my eyes "will be more important than ever. Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that! And we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true right till the very end." Dumbledore finishes. "You all may now go back to what you were doing." he speaks one more time. And everyone gets up and walks out of the Great Hall. Except, Hermione, Harry, Ron and I. We stay seated, not wanting to be stuck in the crowd on our way back to the halls of the castle. "I am sorry Olivia, I can see how you look at him." Ron speaks all of a sudden, I turn to him looking at him confused. "What do you mean?" "He means Malfoy." Harry says. "I see it too, you really like him." "Thank you, but it will not matter. I don't think he will forgive me. I forgive you for being mad, I get it, I should've told you, or not even date him in the first place. But we all know how he is. Not a really forgiving person. So I appreciate that you say this but, it is to late. I blew my chance to be with him." I say standing up and walking away. Knowing it is true, I blew it. Because of Ron. I may have said I forgave him, but I haven't. He is the reason Draco and I are not together anymore, and never will be. And I know it. 

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