Part 19

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"Right on. All that Moral Fiber, eyh?" George says. While we all get of the boat once back by the pier. "It's great. Moral Fiber?" Ron says. "Blimey, even when you go wrong, it turns out right." "Yeah well done, Moral Fiber." Fred says and we walk away, letting Harry alone with Mr. Crouch "Congratulations Potter." is all I hear him say, as I see Hermione point to Draco standing by a tree, alone. His eyes fixed on me, anger in them. I nod to Hermione and walk to him. Hoping Hermione won't let the boys find out. "Hey." I say once I stand in front of him. "Hi." he says cold. "What is wrong?" I say putting my hand on his. "You kissed him." he just states. "I did, on his cheek. Because he is my friend and I was proud of him and glad he is alright." I say, a little irritated that Draco got mad over this, though it isn't a surprise, it is still Draco after all. "Draco come on you can't seriously be mad at me over this? I mean, you technically don't have the rights to." I say getting a mad look from him "And why do you say that?" he says irritated. "Well, since you and I aren't a thing." I say and let go of his hand. "What do you mean?" he says grabbing me and shoving me onto the tree he was standing against. Which shocks me. "I-I mean, what I just said. We-" I point my finger between us. "Are not a thing." then he kisses me very intensely. Pushes me even harder against the tree with his full weight. I wrap my arms around his neck and placing one hand in his hair, pulling it a bit getting a groan from him and slipping my tongue into his mouth. Our tongues play with each other for a bit then he breaks the kiss. "Are you sure about that?" he asks catching his breath. I nod catching my own. "Bloody Olivia." he says punching the tree right next to my head making me jump. "What do you mean?" he says turning away. "I mean, Draco, you haven't even asked me to be your girlfriend yet. Yes we have been hanging out and making out and what not, but I ain't your girlfriend yet." I state. He then looks at me again. "I- uh," he starts regret on his face. "Sorry, you are right. I just wasn't thinking, in my head you were." "I was?" I say looking at the ground, he places his finger under my chin making me look at him again. He kisses me softly, "You were, or still are." I smile and feel my cheeks turn red. "Red looks good on you." he says chuckling. I place my hands on my cheeks, they even feel warm. Gosh what is this boy doing to me?  "But Olivia-" "Yes?" "Uh, here goes nothing. Do you want to be uh, my girlfriend?" He asks getting red himself now. I giggle. "Red looks good on you." I mimic him. "Oh shut up." he says, "Well what is your answer?" he asks impatiently, I kiss him "Yes." I say against his soft lips, feeling him smile, making me smile. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. Kissing me intently like he did before.  Then I think of something. Breaking the kiss, I give him a worried look. Looking around us to see if there may be people around. "What is it?" he asks. "What, uhm do we tell people we are dating? Or are we keeping it a secret? What are we going to do?" I ask concerned. He pulls me into a hug and I lay my head on his chest. "I don't know." he replies putting his head on mine. "Let's not think about that for now. Keep it a secret for now, we will talk about it later." he says running his hand up and down over my back. I look up at him. "I have to tell you something though." I admit. "Hermione knows. Well I told her about the Christmas break and all that. She also saw you looking at me earlier before I got over here, she told me you did, otherwise I wouldn't even have known. She knows. Can I tell her?" I ask. "I guess, if she already knows there is no harm in telling her we are now officially dating, right?" He says not sure about it either. "Right." "But if she tells anyone, I will-" he stops speaking. I raise my eyebrow "You will what?" "Nothing." he says pulling me closer to him again, I giggle. How did I end up here?  "Let's go back to the castle before people start assuming things, or what ever." Draco says letting go of me and grabbing my hand. We start walking towards the castle, when I remember Ron saying that they would go to Hagrid's. "Oh bloody hell, I was going to meet at Hagrid's" I say letting go of his hand. "Well uh ok. I will see you later, yes?" He says, I nod and he gives me a quick kiss and I walk towards Hagrid's hut, not being able to get the grin off of my face: I am dating Draco Malfoy. "Ah there you are." Hagrid says as they walk out of his hut. "Where in Merlin's bloody beard have you been?" Ron asks. "I forgot we were meeting here and walked to the castle." I lie. "Why are you grinning then?" Harry asks. "Because my good friend, you finished second in the second task. I am just very happy that you did, and that the three of you are still alive." I say cheerful and walk over to them and put my arms around Ron's and Hermione's shoulder as we walk towards the forest. 

"I remember when I first met you all." Hagrid says once we are walking in the forest. "Biggest bunch of misfits I ever set eyes on." causing me to giggle. "Suppose you remind me of meself a little. And here we all are, four years, and three months, later." looking at me when he says 'three months'. Ron chuckles: "We are still a bunch of misfits." "Well, maybe, but we've all got each other. And Harry of course." Hagrid adds, because Harry is walking a bit in front of us. "Soon to be the youngest Triwizard champion there's ever been! Hooray!" Hagrid chuckles. "Do you think he is ok?" I whisper to Hermione giggling. "I don't know" she replies also giggling.

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