Part 118

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"Hey Olivia." I feel someone shake me awake. It's Hermione. "Wake up, last night we decided to go to Xenophilius Lovegood." "And we need to leave now, if we want to make it before it gets to dark." Ron adds. Now sort of awake and processed what they said, I sit up on my bed. "What? Why?" "The symbol, that keeps cropping up everywhere, we all know he was wearing it to the wedding. And we want to know what it means. So please get up and we can get going." Hermione says and I now see that most of the tent is already sort of packed. I get up and get dressed as quickly as I can. When everything is done we get moving. Towards the Lovegoods. A long walk later, Ron and I stand still on top of a little hill. And look at a house, a little further. "Luna." Ron says. I nod my head, the house looks like it is costum made by Luna herself indeed. "Luna." Harry and Hermione say. I start walking towards the house, the others follow. We make it to the house and it really looks like Luna's house. Hermione walks up the stairs first and knocks on the door. "Keep off the dirigible plums." I read off the little wooden board that is standing in the middle of a huge plant. A few seconds later the top of the door opens and Xenophilius is standing in the doorframe. "What is it? Who are you?" He asks looking from Hermione, to me to Ron to Harry and back to Hermione "What do you want?" he asks again. "Hello. Mr. Lovegood. I'm Harry Potter. We- we met a few months ago." Harry says from behind Ron. Then he walks past me up the stairs to be at more eye level with Xenophilius. "Could we come in?" Harry asks, I see Xenophilius consider, but he lets us in. "Go sit, I will make some tea." he says when we walk upstairs. He points at the chairs and walks back downstairs. We all take a seat and wait for him to come back upstairs. He gets back upstairs and hands us a cup of tea. Then sits down himself. For a couple of minutes its awkwardly silent. "Where's Luna?" Hermione asks to break the silence. "Luna? She'll be along." Xenophilius replies. What a weird man. I start to take a sip from the tea, when I see that the other four do exactly the same thing. "So... How can I help you Mr. Potter?" Xenophilius asks. "Well, actually.. it was about something you were wearing 'round your neck at the wedding. It was a symbol." Harry starts, then Xenophilius reaches for a necklace he is wearing and pulls it out from his shirt, to show it to us. "You mean this?" he asks. "Yes." Harry replies and reaches out to look at it more properly. "That exactly. What we've wondered is.. what is it?" Harry asks and let's go of the symbol. "What is it?" Xenophilius repeats. The four of us nod. "W-well, it's the sign of the Deathly Hallows, of course." "The what?" "What?" "The what now?" Hermione, Harry and I ask at the same time. "The Deathly Hallows." Xenophilius repeats. "I assume you're all familiar with 'The Tale Of The Three Brothers.' Hermione Ron and I say "Yes" but Harry says "No." Right he is muggle raised. "I have it in here." Hermione says and reaches for her bag. Then pulls out the book and starts reading the story. "So there you are." Xenophilius says when the story has ended. "Those are the Deathly Hallows." he says standing looking outside the window. "I'm sorry, sir. I still don't quite understand." Harry says, making him turn back to us again. "Uh. I'll have to get a proper pen. I nedd to get a pen. That's what I'll find- a little pen. Where's that pen? Ah, here it is, a pen." he mumbles. He grabs the pen and the parchment that is lying beneath it. The four of us walk slowely over to him, and he starts drawing. A straight line: "The Elder Wand- the most powerful wand ever made." then he turns back to the paper and draws a circle: "The Ressurection Stone." and back to the paper and draws a triangel: "The Cloack of Invisibility. Together, they make the Deathly Hallows. Together, they make one master fo Death." he explains. "That mark was on a grave in Godric's Hollow. Uh, Mr. Lovegood, does the Peverell family have anything to do with the Deathly Hallows?" Hermione asks. "Uh, I-I, Ignotus- excuse me- and his brothers Cadmus and Antioch, are thought to be the original owners of the Hallows and therefore the inspiration for the story. Uh, uh. But your tea's gone cold." he says and looks into the teapot. "I'll be right back. Have to go down here. Sorry." and he walks down the stairs. "Let's get out of here." Ron says and grabs his back. "I'm not drinking anymore of that stuff, hot or cold." he says and Hermione, Harry and I grab our backs and we head downstairs. Xenophilius is mumbling stuff again, looking out of the window. "Thank you, sir." Hermione says, making him jump, as if he didn't hear us walk down the stairs. "You forgot the water." Ron says "Water?" Xenophilius asks "For the tea." "Did- did I? How silly of me." he laughs. "It's no matter. We really should be going anyway." I say, politily. But Xenophilius bursts into an angry rage. "No, you can't!" he says and stalks to the door, to stand in front of it to make sure we can't leave. "Sir?" Harry asks, I exchange looks with Ron and Hermione. Xenophilius is turned around again, facing us. "You're my only hope." he says, almost sobbing. "They were angry, you see, about what I'd been writing. So they took her. They took my Luna. My Luna." he says and slowly walks over to Harry. He places his hand on Harry's forhead and removes his hear to reveal his scar. "But it's really you they want." "Who took her, sir?" Harry asks taking his hand from hisown face. Xenophilius looked at Harry frightend, but I already knew the answer: "Voldemort." he tells Harry. Once the name is out of his mouth I hear whoosing come from outside. And spells are cast and break the glass windows. Hermione screams and we all fall to the ground. Spells are cast everywhere breaking everything in the house. We all crawl to each other and grab Hermione's hand. Once we all have ahold of each other, we are gone. I close my eyes, and when I open them we are in the middle of a forest.

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