Part 23

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"Olivia, you didn't blew your chance, I did." Ron says following me. "That is right! You did!" I yell at him "So you haven't forgiven me?" I shake my head. "No I haven't I thought I did, but I haven't. I am so mad at you, I really like him! And you blew it! How would you feel if I blew your chance with someone you like? Huh how would you feel?" I say and turn around storming off. I head to Hogsmeade, knowing they won't think I will go there. Walking into Three Broomsticks I am being greeted with a lot of chatter and happy faces. Not feeling their moods I turn around and walk right out again. I take a seat on a bench in the town. Just watching people for a couple of minutes before walking around town abit. Then I see the tall blonde haired boy walk by with his sidekick Crabbe. He didn't see me, phew. I get up and quickly return to the castle. "There you are! We were worried sick!" Hermione says as I walk into the common room. Her, Neville, Ron, Harry and Ginny sitting there. "Where have you been?" Ginny asks. Not wanting to talk to anyone right now I keep walking to my room. I start packing since this year is coming to an end. In 3 weeks I will be back home with mom, not having to think of anything or anyone from here then. That thought makes me happy, seeing mom again in a couple of weeks. I miss her. I need her right now. I am almost done with packing and I grab a piece of parchment and my quill. I am going to write to mom. It has been a while since I spoke to her. 

Dear mom,

I miss you, this year has been crazy. So much has happened, to much to write about. But in a couple of weeks I will be back home and we can talk about all of that. I also want to hear all about your year! How it was working in the hospital. Like I said I miss you! But I will see you soon! I love you!

Your Olive

I put an envelope and close it. I walk back into the common room. "Where are you going?" Harry asks. "The owlery." I say opening the painting and walking out. On my way to the owlery I hear people talk around the corner. "But father, school isn't over yet I can't leave with you yet." "Don't you dare speaking back to me!" what I guess the father figure is. "You are coming with me now Draco, no buts nothing we are leaving now." he speaks again. Draco? I hear footsteps walking towards me. I pretend I wasn't eavesdropping and walk around the corner. Draco looks at me as he walks past me, in the grip of his fathers hand. I stops walking, but gets yanked by his father and continues to walk. I walk back to the corner to see him walk away, he turns his head. I see the tears in his eyes. I have never seen him cry. It hurts seeing him cry. I watch them as they disappear out of the castle. I continue my walk to the owlery and attach my letter onto Dexter and send him off to find my mother. Draco is gone. He left, without saying goodbye. 


"Have you heard? Draco has been taken away from school by his father." some kid says at the feast the next morning. "He has? Did you know?" Hermione asks me. I nod. "I heard him and his father talk when I was on my way to the owlery." I admit. "Why didn't you say anything?" Ron asks. "Because Ron, I am still mad at you. You are the reason him and I aren't speaking, the reason he didn't say goodbye to me before he left." I say mad and sad at the same time. "I know and I told you I am sorry! I don't want to leave this school in a fight with you!" he says, I look at him, I know he is honest. "I know, I don't either. But I just don't know anymore you guys." I say throwing my hands in the air and letting them fall on the table. "Olivia did you know Draco left? You are his girlfriend right?" A girl asks me. "No I didn't know he left, and no I am not his girlfriend, now leave me alone please." I say irritated, she is one of the many students asking me that question. "Sorry." she says and walks back to her spot. "Are you alright?" Harry asks. "Honestly? I don't know. Draco left, when we weren't doing so good. And I don't know when or if I will see him again. I really like him! And everyone keeps asking me about him, that is not making it better." I say. "That must be hard indeed." Hermione says. I nod. "I want to say sorry again, Olivia. I still don't like Malfoy, but I can see you truly like him. And I have seen him watch you, he does too. I shouldn't have make you break up with him because of me." "I told you Ron, it is fine. I forgive you. I do, I think it wasn't fair how you reacted." "I know, it wasn't and I truly feel bad I did." I stand up. I gesture him to do the same, since he is sitting next to me. He also stands up and I hug him, he hugs me back. He lets go smiling at me. "Thank you for forgiving me." he says hugging me again. Harry and Hermione come over to our side of the table and we have a group hug. "So we are all good again?" Harry asks looking between the three of us. "I say we are." I say and they agree with me. "I am also sorry for getting mad at you, even though you two didn't really do anything. I don't know why I did that." I say looking at Hermione and Harry, "It is alright, we are fine." Harry says.

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