Part 95

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Once Muggle Studies is over we make our way to the dungeons, for Potions. "Fight, fight, fight!" I run towards the crowd, break through the students. I see Draco punch a guy, a guy with red hair. Fred. I run to Draco trying to pull him off. But he pushes me away. Tears start to fill mye eyes again, I feel them run down my cheeks. "Draco please! Stop it!" "How dare you? How dare you kiss my girlfriend! You bastard!" Draco says, I get off of the floor and try to get Draco to get off of Fred. "Babe! Please, stop!" he stops, and turns to me. He looks bloody mad, I mean I get it. "Why didn't you stop him? How could you! I thought you loved me! We are over!" "Draco! Please, I do love you, I promised you that! Please!" I say and break down on the floor. He ignores me, stares at Fred one more time and stalks away. Fred sits up and sits beside me, putting an arm around me. I shake it off, and stand up. "You did this! Because you kissed me he broke up with me!" I yell at him, and make my way through the students to the Potions classroom. "Are you ok?" Hermione asks, sitting down next to me. "No. I am not, I really am not. I screwed up, bad, he broke up with me. I get it but it hurts so bad." "Are you ok Miss Soulton?" professor Slughorn asks walking up to my desk. I shake my head. "Do you need to be excused?" he asks. I shake my head. "No, I will be fine. Thank you." "Where is Mr. Malfoy?" he then asks. I shrug "He run off, Merlin knows where." "Ok, well let's start the class." he says and walks back to the front of the class. I sigh. I need distraction. Only ten minutes in the class, Dumbledore is standing at the door. "Can I borrow Mr. Potter?" he asks, I look at Harry confused, who looks not that confused, as if he knows what Dumbledore wants from him. Slughorn nods and lets Harry go. The class goes by so slowly as always. I can't even really concentrate, my head is with Draco and Fred. What am I going to do? Draco probably doesn't want to talk to me, so I can't explain what happened and that he doesn't need to worry, and that I still love him so bloody much. How did he even find out?  "Are you sure you are fine to stay in class Miss Soulton?" Slughorn asks. I nod, "I am sure professor, do not worry." I reply. He nods and goes back to his lesson. Finally class is over. We walk out of class and Harry walks in. "Aha. If it isn't the Prince of Potions himself, again. To what do I owe this pleasure? Class is already over." I hear Slughorn say. Hermione, Ron and I walk away. "Sir, I wonder if I might ask you something." I hear Harry say before I can't hear them anymore. "What do you think Dumbledore wanted from him? And what does he need to ask Slughorn now?" Ron asks, curiously. I shrug my shoulders. As we walk through the dundeons I see Draco. I look over at him, he was looking at me already. When he sees that I am looking at him he turns his head and looks out of the window. Breaking my heart even more than it already was, he doesn't even want to look at me anymore. "Go talk to him." Hermione nudges me towards him. I nod them away and walk over to him, he sees this and stands up to walk away. "Draco, please, can we talk about this?" "What is there to talk about, you cheated on me. I never thought you would. You broke my heart, and my trust." He says and starts to walk away again. I grab his arm. "Please Draco, you know me I would never cheat on you. Or anyone of that matter. Let me explain this please." "I don't want to hear it." he says, jerking away his hand. "Babe, please, I love you let me explain. I am begging you." I say, tears in my eyes, once again. "Stop calling me that, I am not your babe anymore, you screwed it up." "No, I did, I kissed her when I shouldn't have. When I knew you were dating. Everyone knew you were dating. I just couldn't help myself, and I am terribly sorry." Fred says, standing behind me. I see Draco look at him very angrily. "It is your fault, indeed, you had no right kissing Olive like that. Like at all, she is my girlfriend. How dare you." he says, not realizing that he called me his girlfriend. "Babe, I am sorry. I should've stopped him. I was just in shock, I didn't know what to do. I love you I do, please forgive me. I like him, but as a friend. I love you, and only you. I want to be with you and only you. Please." I say, Draco has still his eyes fixed on Fred. I place my hand on his arm and he looks at me, tears in his eyes. "I can't Olive. I can't, you cheated on me." "I didn't mean to. You know that! Please." I cry. "I can't." he says and walks away. "Fred, why did you have to kiss me?" I whine. "I am sorry, I never meant for this to happen. I really am sorry." he says, pulling me into a hug. I cry into his chest. This is so wrong, so very wrong, and I know it. But right now, I don't care. The love of my life just walked away, for a very good reason, but it hurts, so bloody much. "I truly am so sorry Olivia." he says making me cry harder. He holds me tight. We stand here for a couple of minutes, he lets me soak his shirt with my tears, he doesn't seem to care that is is all soaked. "I really am sorry, I wasn't thinking, I wish there was something I could do to make it up to him. I wish there is something I could do for you so he would forgive you. I am so sorry." is all he keeps saying. "I am afraid there is nothing you can do, I screwed up."

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