Part 65

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We get back home and start making pizza. "If you prepare the dough then I will cut the greens." I say to Draco. "Sure." I grab a knife and a cutting board and start cutting the bell pepers. Once I get to the onion I start to cry. "Don't cry baby girl- I, sorry. Here let me cut those and you go put the other things on the bases." he says taking the knife out of my hand and pushing me lightly towards the other end of the kitchen. "Thanks." I say and wash my hands to get the onion smell off of them. "No worries." he says giving me a small smile. I dry my hands and place the pieces of chicken and bellpepers on the bases, Draco already put the sauce and the cheese on so it's almost done. Just the onions. I see Draco wipe away a tear himself, I giggle. "What?" he asks looking at me with glossy eyes. "Don't cry." I say. He rolls his eyes and goes back to cutting the onions. "I think we have enough Draco." I say placing my hand on his, to stop him from cutting. He puts the knife down and turns to me. "Thank you." he says. "For what?" I ask confused. "For giving me a second chance." he says, I place my hand on his chest, he puts his on my waist. "Stop saying that." I say "It is alright." he closes the gap between our faces and presses his lips against mine. I can tell he wanted to do that for weeks now. Same goes for me so I don't blame him. "Are the pizza's done yet?" mom yells from the living room making Draco and I step backwards. "Uh, yes almost. Just need to put then in the oven." I yell back. "Let me do that." Draco says letting go of me and walking towards the oven. He carefully places the pizza's in, in the mean time I clean the kitchen. I feel his arms around me as I clean the kitchentop. "I love you." he whispers in my ear. I let go of the dishcloth and turn around in his arms. "I love you too." I say and put my arms around his neck. Once again our lips meet. After a minute or so we break appart, he places his forehead against mine. "I have missed you baby girl." "I've missed you too." I say kissing him quickly before turning back to continue cleaning. "What are you two doing over there?" mom asks, Draco lets go of me and turns around. Mom is standing in the kitchen. "I was just cleaning." I tell her. "And you think I believe that?" she says. I start giggling when I notice that Draco is rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Mom sees it too and starts laughing. "Don't worry, Draco. I am only joking." mom says I start laughing. "You are just like your mom, did you know that." he says turning to me. I look at her and walk to stand beside her. "I know, and I am very proud of it." I say hugging her. "You should be." he says "She is awesome." he whispers putting his hand beside his mouth when he does, trying to not let her know. She giggles. "Thanks, you are not so bad yourself." she says. In this moment, I feel so happy. "Now, let's set the table, the pizza's are almost done." mom says letting go of me and grabbing three plates. "Wait, we will put the pizza's on the plates, it is easier that way." I say grabbing the plates from her. "Ok, well Draco can you pass me the utensils? Drawer behind you." mom says holding her hand out. Draco turns and opens the drawer, grabs three forks and 3 knifes, then hands them to mom. The oven peeps and I turn it off. "Come on, let me. Before you burn yourself." Draco says. Grabbing the ovenmits and opens the oven. I can't help but look at him. Gosh I love him so much. "It is rude to stare." mom says making me jump. I hear Draco chuckle. "Don't worry, I catch myself looking at her when she isn't looking." he says. Can ones heart melt? If it can mine just did. "Oh my god!" I exclaim feeling my cheeks burn. "Dinner is ready." he says changing the subject. I grab a plate from the counter and walk to the diningtable. "Bon A Petit." Draco says and we start eating. "You did a great job!" mom says once we are all done eating. "Agreed." Draco says, I stand up and gather all the plates and utensils. "I will wash them, you already made dinner." mom says walking into the kitchen. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yes, just go have fun with Draco while he is here." "Thanks." I say and walk back into the living room. Draco is now seated on the couch I sit down next to him. "Want to watch a movie?" I ask. "Sure, what do you have in mind?" he asks. "A scary movie?" I ask. "Are you sure? Isn't that to scary?" he asks. "That is why I have you." I wink. He chuckles "Fine, let's watch a scary movie." once we have decided on a movie mom walks back into the living room and sits on a chair. "Oh, we are watching a scary movie? I am out. Good night." she says standing up almost immediately. "Oh, mom, is it ok if Draco spends the night here?" I aks before she can walk out of the room. "Yes, of course. But be quiet, I have an early shift tomorrow." she says and we say goodnight. I cuddle up to Draco and we watch the movie. Most of the time my eyes are closed or I hide my face into Draco's neck, because I am so scared. "That was one good movie." Draco says once the credits roll on the screen. "Yeah sure." I reply sarcastically. He chuckles. "You wanted to watch it." he says petting my head. "Yeah, well-" I start but stop to pout. "Now, let's get to bed, it is late." Draco says pushing me off of him. Making me pout even more. "Oh stop that." "But-" I start, he cuts me off by kissing me. I can't tell you how much I have missed him doing that. We go upstairs and get dressed. I climb into my bed Draco already laying in it. "I have missed you so much." I say as I place my head on his chest. "You don't know how much I have missed you baby girl." he says kissing the top of my head and wrapping his arm around me. My safe place is here, it always will be, no changing my mind. I drift into a very deep sleep.

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