Part 41

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Once again we are in the Room of Requirement, practicing. We formed a circle with the statue looking thing in the middle. "Expelliarmus!" "Stupefy!" "Expelliarmus!" spell after spell is thrown towards the statue. It is being pushed all over the circle. "Reducto!" Ginny yells and the statue becomes dust. "Good job Ginny!" Harry says. We then part and all practice our own spells again. Harry walks around the room to check up on everyone. I look over when he walks past Cho. She looks at him shyly and returns to her spells. He smiles at her. They would be cute together. "Expelliarmus!" I hear Neville say and Parvati's wand flies out of her hand. I gasp, did Neville just? "Yes there you go Neville!" I say cheering at him. I walk up to him and hug him. People join me and congratulate him. "Fantastic, Neville. Well done, man." Harry says. Neville is still a bit in shock that he just did that. But seems to be pleased by himself. "So that's it for this lesson. Now we are not going to be meeting until after the holidays." Harry says standing with me Hermione and Ron in front of everyone. I hear people ah and see them look disappointed. "But, you can still practice on your own, or with someone!" I say trying to cheer them up. "As a matter of fact. I expect you to!" Harry says looking at me and then back to everyone. "Well done, everyone. Great work." everyone starts applauding. Cho is looking at Harry, she can't keep her eyes off of him. "Top job, mate." Ron whispers to Harry making me look at them I smile. I have the best friends ever. "Thanks." Harry replies. I see him look at Cho as she goes to grab her stuff. "We really need to couple them." I whisper to Ron. "What are we whispering about?" Hermione joins us as she looks as to where I am looking at. "Harry and Cho." Ron says. Hermione's eyes widen. "You see it too?" she asks I nod. And take a step closer to Harry. I nudge him, he looks shocked to me. "Talk to her." "Wh-what who?" he asks. "Don't play dumb with me, Cho of course!" I say and nudge him again. He starts to walk towards her. Everyone has already left the room so Hermione, Ron and I leave too, so Harry and Cho can talk alone. "You are really not going to go with us this Christmas?" Hermione asks as we walk through the halls waiting for Harry and Cho to come out. I shake my head. "No, I already made plans to go to mom the first week and with Draco to spend the second week together here." I say. "You are still doing that after he lied to you?" Hermione asks. "He lied to you?" Ron joins. "I don't know if he did. I asked him about it but he said he wouldn't, he sounded sincere." "About what?" Ron asks again. "About him joining the Inquisitorial Squad." Hermione states. His eyes widen. "He joined the Squad?" he asks. "I told you I don't know. He said he wouldn't so I believe him. After all he is my boyfriend, he wouldn't lie to me. Would he?" I ask not knowing what to believe anymore. "I mean it is still Malfoy we are talking about." Ron says. I sigh, "He has changed." I say defending him. "I don't know." Ron says, sometimes I hate it when he is being brutally honest. Then we hear a door open and Cho and Harry walk out. Both with a smile on their faces. "What do you think they have done?" Ron asks, making me giggle. "Good night Cho." Harry says blushing. We walk to the common room and Harry is quiet the whole time. I sit on a chair while Hermione and Ron take their seat on the sofa and Harry sits down with his back towards the fire. "We kissed." he then says. I gasp. "You did not!" I say looking at him shocked. "Oh my god Harry!" Hermione exclaims. "Well how was it?" Ron asks. "Wet." Harry says I look at Hermione confused who just shrugs her shoulders. "I mean she was sort of crying." "Oh, that bad at it, are you?" Ron says joking Hermione glares at him "I am sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory." she says. Harry nods and Ron just chuckles softly. "Cho spends half her time crying these days." Hermione continues. "You'd think a bit of snogging would cheer her up." Ron says chuckling. This kid can't take one thing serious can he?  "Don't you understand how she must be feeling?" I ask him "Well, obviously, she's feeling sad bout Cedric, and therefore confused about liking Harry and guilty about kissing him conflicted because Umbridge is threatening to sack her mom form her job at the Ministry and frightened of failing her OWLs because she's so busy worrying about everything else." Hermione states. "If one person can feel all that, they'd explode." Ron says. "Just because you've got the emotional rage of a teaspoon..." Hermione says to him. Making both Harry and Ron chuckle, then Hermione and I burst into laughter too. We stay in the common room for some time. "I am going to pack for the holidays." I say and stand up. "Good night, I will see you tomorrow." I walk to my room and open my closet, grab a ton of my clothes and throw them on my bed. Then the door opens and Hermione walks in. "Are you ok?" she asks. "I mean, are you ok with going home after what happened this Summer?" she states. I nod. "I am, it is scary, but I know Andrew is gone and that mom is ok! I am so excited to catch up with her. On how she has been after he left. And tell her about Draco, she doesn't know yet." Hermione looks shocked. "She doesn't?" I shake my head. "No, we broke up right before I went home so I thought there is no point telling her that I had a boyfriend. Also I thought it would be more fun to tell her face to face and see he reaction." I admit. "I mean, I understand." "How is it going with you and Ron, actually?" I ask "What do you mean? There is nothing between Ronald and I." she says I giggle. "Sorry, I thought- Never mind." I say and continue to fold my clothes and place them in my suitcase.

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