Part 26

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Trigger warning: Abusive behavior!

Andrew swings his arm and punches me again. I feel the pain shock through my whole body. "You won't leave this house!" Andrew says. He takes me back into the living room, and walks straight to the kitchen, opens a drawer and grabs a robe. Why is there a robe just lying there in the drawer?! This man is really crazy. "Come on girl, sit down on this chair." he says I do as he says and sit down. "Now before I tie you up, you will give me your wand." he says. I give him my wand and he puts it in his back pocket. Then ties me up in the chair. "I am going to find your mother now and I don't want to hear a sound out of your mouth. Understood?" he says I nod. He then walks out of the house. "Jillian baby where are you?" I hear him yell. I just now notice that my nose is bleeding. "Accio wand." I say. But nothing happens, either Andrew is to far away or he noticed that I tried it and held onto it. After what felt like hours mom and Andrew walk back into the house. "You tried to take your wand back, didn't you?" Andrew says angrily. I shake my head scared of what he might do to me. "Don't lie to me little girl!" he says he sits mom down on the couch behind me, making me not see her anymore. Then walks back to me. Taking me out of the robes. He grabs my arm and squeezes it tightly leading me to the couch as well. "If either of you tries to escape again there will be worse consequences. You don't want to find out. I am warning you now." he says sternly, "Now Olivia, I still haven't eaten yet, go to the kitchen and make me some food." he says I stand up from the couch and walk to the kitchen. Once again he hits me on the back of my head. I tear up, and I thought my life couldn't get any worse, how stupid was I? I start making dinner, crying. "Dinner is ready." I say. "Good bring me and your mother some and then go to bed." he says. "But Andrew, she needs to eat." mom says, "She has been bad, so she doesn't get any food. Now Olivia hurry and bring us the food." I grab two plates and split the food. After getting utensils and the plates I walk to the living room and see mom and Andrew sit together basically cuddling. I hand them their food and walk upstairs. How does she do that? Cuddle him right after he hurt her. I don't get it. I lay down on my bed crying. I need to get out of here. But how. School doesn't start for another 4 weeks. 4 weeks of being abused. I can't make it that long. I need to find a way out. I just can't think of anything, I also can't leave mom here alone with him. I just can't! Andrew took Dexter away from me too so I can't send a letter to Ron, Hermione or Harry. How am I getting out of this?


Three and a half weeks later I lay on my bed, you guessed it, crying. I have bruises all over my body, my whole body hurts. Just another 3 days and I leave again for Hogwarts. I am very happy I can get out of here, but I feel so bad I have to leave mom here with him. "Hey Olive, are you ok?" mom asks standing in my doorway, Andrew took out my door, taking away any privacy I had. "No mom, I am not. And neither are you!" "No honey I am fine." "No mom you are not!" I say to her. "Can't you see? He is abusing us. How can you still be with him?" it is like he wipes her memory every evening, she doesn't seem to remember a thing. She thinks I am just a clumsy person and bump into everything causing the bruises. "What is the fuss about?" Andrew says walking up behind mom and hugging her from behind. He disgusts me. Pretending to be a good person in front of her, but abusing me when she isn't around. Or abusing her and wiping her memory. "Olivia thinks you are abusing us." mom says. "Wha- mom." "Dear go downstairs I will speak to her." he says kissing her and motioning her to the stairs. "Now, you are trying to get her on your side again? Trying to stand her up to me? You little piece of shit" he says through his teeth. With an awful look on his face he walks to me. Hitting me right on my nose. So hard there is blood on his hand. "Au! You arse." I yell. Hearing footsteps run up the stairs. He punches me again. "Andrew! What are you doing?!" mom says. "We need to take her to the hospital! Clean yourself dear, Olivia get in the car." she says taking Andrew to the bathroom to clean his hand. I walk down the stairs holding my nose. On my way to the door I stop at mom and Andrews room and walk in, I grab his best shirt and hold it on my nose trying to stop the bleeding. I go to the car and get in. "That is my nicest shirt." "Oh I know." I say. "That is it, your mother is taking you to the hospital, I am going to pack your stuff. I am done with you, you are going to Hogwarts early this year." I smile, I did it. "Now honey, are you hurting really bad?" mom asks when Andrew storms back into the house. I nod. "Can we get to the hospital quick?" I say. She nods. We get to the hospital and the doctor wants to take pictures of my nose. "Miss Soulton? Your nose is broken we need to do emergency surgery." he says and I am being brought to the surgery rooms. I wake up and feel a heavy thing on my nose. A cast. That basterd broke my nose! "Oh honey you are awake, let's get you home. The train to Hogwarts leaves in two hours." mom says. I sit up, I feel dizzy. Mom grabs me and leads me to the car. She drives us home and there he is, smirking, looking at my cast. Mom stops the car and Andrew puts all my stuff in the trunk and handing me Dexter. "Now lets get this girl to the station." he says.

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