Part 77

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"For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it, and yet you have no desire to find out who the Half-Blood Prince is?" Hermione asks, as we walk towards Hogsmeade. "I didn't say I wasn't curious, and I don't sleep with it." "Well, it's true. I like a nice chat before I go to bed. Now all you do is read that bloody book. It's like being with Hermione." Ron says getting a glare from Hermione, and getting a giggle from me. He isn't wrong. All Harry does now is read that book. It is like his life is written in it. Which I highly doubt. "Well, I was curious, so I went to-" Hermione says, "The library." Ron and Harry finishe her sentence. "And?" Harry asks. "And, nothing. I couldn't find a reference anywhere to a Half-Blood Prince." she says annoyed. "There we go. That settles it, then." Harry says. "Settles what?" I ask. "Filius, I was hoping to find you in the Three Broomsticks." Slughorn says before Harry can answer me. "Uh, no, emergency choirpractice, I'm afraid, Horace." Flitwick replies. And quickly shuffles away from Slughorn. "Does anyone fancy a Butterbeer?" Harry asks, ignoring my question. Fine, don't answer me. I sigh. "Yeah, why not?" I say, Hermione and Ron agree so we walk to the Three Broomsticks. It is nice and warm in here, I still don't feel to good, but the warmth helps a lot. "A chum of mine was sledging down Claxby Hill. We had a very long, homemade, Norwegian-style sledge." I hear Slughorn say to the bartender. "No, not there. Over here." Harry says to Hermione who was going to sit at a table by the window. Harry walks to the table he wanted to sit at. We just followed him. Ron and Hermione walk to sit next to each other, but Harry obviously has other plans. "No, sit beside me." he says to Ron. Who just looks at him confused but walks to the other side of the table to sit next to Harry. Hermione and I take our seats opposite of them. "Something to drink?" a waiter asks. "Um, four Butterbeers, and some ginger in mine, please." Hermione replies. I look at the waiter, but see Draco walk behind the stairs in the corner of my eye. He looks intensly at Harry, not even looking at me before walking out the door. What's his deal? "Oh, bloody hell." Ron says. I look in the direction he is looking and see Ginny and Dean sit in a booth in the corner of Three Broomsticks. "Slick git." Ron curses. "Honestly, Ronald, they're only holding hands." Hermione says. "And snogging." I say, seeing them kiss. "I'd like to leave." Ron says, I understand, after all it is his little sister. If I had a little brother or sister, and saw them kiss someone, I would be uncomfortable as well. "What?" Hermione asks. "You can't be serious." Hermione says, and the waiter places our Butterbeers on the table, I nod at him as a thank you, while Ron and Hermione are disgussing the 'problem'. "That happens to be my sister." "So? What if she looked over here and saw you snogging me? Would you expect her to get up and leave?" says, making Ron look akward. Harry waves, so I turn around, Slughorn. Seriously, Harry has a new obsession with this man. It is kind of creepy to be honest. "Hey, my boy." Slughorn says. "Hello, sir. Wonderful to see you." Harry says getting up and shaking his hand near my head, I have to lean sideways to let them shake hands properly. "And you, and you." Slughorn says, walking around me to stand next to the table. "So, what brings you here?" "The Three Broomsticks and I go way back, further than I care to admit. I can remember when it was One Broomstick." he says, holding his cup so croocked that his drink spills all over the table, and landing on Hermione and my laps. "Hands on deck, Granger." he says, not noticing that he also spilled on me. Then turns back to Harry right away. "Listen, my boy, in the old days I used to throw together the occasional supper party" Slughorn tells Harry, while I try to clean my pants "for the select student or two. Would you be game?" he asks. "I'd consider it an honor, sir." Harry replies. Really what is this weird obsession with Slughorn all of a sudden? "You would be welcome too, Granger." he says, turning to Hermione. "I'd be delighted, sir." "Splendid. Look for my owl." "Good to see you, Wallenby. Oh and you too of course-" "Soulton, sir." I say. "Soulton." he says, then walks away. Harry sits back down again. "What are you playing at?" Ron asks, asking what I have been thinkin the whole time. "Dumbledore's asked me to get to know him." Harry explains. "Get to know him?" I ask. "I don't know. It must be important. If it wasn't, Dumbledore wouldn't ask." Harry says playing with his fingers. Hermione puts her glass back on the table, she is the only one who even touched her Butterbeer. Ron looks at her, "You got a little bit.." he says pointing to his mouth. Hermione looks confused, but gets it a second later. With her sleave she brushes her mouth and gets the foam off of her lips. I now take a sip of my Butterbeer. It has a weird taste, but it is good. "Olivia? What do you think Draco was doing here earlier?" Harry asks. Right, he was in here. "I honeslty don't know, maybe he was in here with Crabbe, Pansy, Daphne and Blaise? I don't know. But he can do what he wants right?" "I guess so." Harry says unsure. Making me anxious. "Right?" I ask again. "Yes, he is his own person, he doesn't need to tell you what he is doing all the time." Hermione says comfortingly. I nod. After we all finsihed our Butterbeers, we pay and walk around Hogsmeade for a little more. Finally we decide to head back to Hogwarts.

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