I walk through the Forest, and come to a place where I can sit. I sit down and break down. How could he? I trusted him, I loved him. He told me he didn't join the Squad. He lied to me? "Olivia!?" I hear from afar. "Olivia! Where are you?" "Olivia?" I hear, Hermione, Ron and Harry. I sigh and wipe my tears, I get up. "I am right here." I yell back. A few seconds later I hear footsteps run towards me and the three of them appear. Hermione runs over to me and hugs me. "I am so sorry." she says. "About what?" I say. "About Draco of course." she replies and lets go of me. I shrug my shoulders. "Whatever." "No Olivia it isn't whatever. He is your boyfriend-" Hermione starts "Was, he was my boyfriend." I cut her off. "Fine, he was your boyfriend, and he lied to you." she says. "I am sorry." Ron says hugging me now too. "Who cares. The boy is a ars. I knew it from the beginning, I could've expected this to happen." I say. "No, he changed. We all saw it, he changed because of you. No one thought he would do it." Harry says putting his hand on my shoulder. I feel my eyes sting again and sit down on the fallen tree I was sitting on earlier. "It is ok to cry Olivia." Ron says. "But I don't want to!" I exclaim turning away from them. "Come on, let's at least get out of this Forest. We aren't supposed to be here and it is scary." Ron says. I nod and get up. We walk back into the castle and I see Draco. He looks broken, even more so then I knew he already was, before. "Oli-" he starts but shuts up. "Ignore him." Harry says and puts his arm around my shoulder to comfort me as we walk to the Gryffindor Common Room. We walk to the moving stairs, and all the walls are empty. I look up and see Mr. Filch clear all the paintings and taking them down. "All students from 'Dumbledore's Army' to the Great Hall immediately!" Umbridge says through the intercom. I sigh. "Let's go then." I say and turn around to walk back down the stairs. "We can't just give in." Hermione says. "I know, but I am to exhausted to fight right now. So let's just go." I say and Fred and George appear from the Common Room. "How are you?" George asks. I nod. "Fine." I say and the six of us walk to the Great Hall. "Good, now all take a seat and a quill." Umbridge says and takes a seat in the golden throne in front of all the tables. I sit down at one and grab the quill that is lying on the table. "Now, write this, 'I will never mis behave again', go on!" she says and grabs her tea cup from the tray that is standing in front of her. I start writing. And again every word I put on the paper appears on my hand. Once we are done we all walk out of the Great Hall, and Cho is standing there. We walk past her, then I hear her say "Harry" I look back but Harry ignores her and follows us. I feel bad for her, but she betrayed us. "You did everything you could. No one could win against that old hag." Ron says as we walk on the bridge away from the castle. "Even Dumbledore didn't see this coming. Harry, if it's anyone's fault, it's ours." Hermione says prefering to her, Ron and I. "Yeah, we talked you into it." Ron says. "Yeah, but I agreed. I tried so hard to help and all it's done is make things worse." Harry says. "Anyway, that doesn't matter anymore. Because I don't want to play anymore. All it does is make you care too much. And the more you care, the more you have to lose. So, maybe it's just better to..." "To what?" I ask. "To go it alone." Harry replies turning to face us. "Psst." we hear and look over to where it came from. Then we see Hagrid standing on the other side of the bridge. He shuffles away. I look at Ron confused. "Hagrid?" Harry asks. Then Harry follows Hagrid. We follow him into the Forbidden Forest. "Any idea where he's taking us?" Ron says as we walk further into the Forest. "Hagrid, why can't you just tell us?" Harry says a bit annoyed. Then we hear centaurs yelling. There are a ton of them and they run away really fast. "I've never seen the centaurs so riled. And they're dangerous at the best of times." Hagrid says when they are all gone. He sighs. "The Ministry restreicts their territory much more they're gonna hve a full uprising on their hands." he says. "Hagrid, what's going on?" Hermione asks a little scared, I mean I understand. "I'm sorry to be so mysterious, you four. I-I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it, but... with Dumbledore gone... I'll likely be getting the sack any day now. And I just couldn't leave without telling someone about him." Hagrid says sobbing a little. "Him?" I ask, but I immediately get an answer when a giant starts to stand up. "Grawpy?" Hagrid says. "Down here, you great buffoon." Hagrid says again. But the giant is very much preoccupied by the birds swoosing and chirping around its head. He goes to catch one that is flying right above our heads. We notice on time so we duck. He claps his hands together. "Oh, Grawpy..." Hagrid says dissapointed in the giant. "brought you some company." he says and now Grawpy is looking at us, with a smile on his face. He starts walking towards us, so we turn around and try to run away, before he catches us. But then he stops. I look at his waist, there is a rope holding him to a tree.

I Know You Fancy Me ||D.M.||
FanfictionOlivia Soulton, an Italian girl, moved with her mom to England and got excepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What will happen when she meets a particular boy, with blonde, almost white hair. Will she be able to resist him? We wil...