A week later I wake up by the ticking on my window, an owl I have never seen before is ticking on it. I get out of bed and walk to the window, opening it and letting the owl in so I can get the note from its peak. I carefully take it and let the owl out again. Opening the note:
Sorry to wake you on this early morning, but I need you to come to the front door of the castle. As soon as possible.
Who could this note be from? I did not recognise the handwriting, but it sounded urgent. So I got dressed and went to the front door. Only to see Draco standing there. I walk up to him "What? What is so urgent that you had to wake me?" I say standing put in front of him, I see a grin on his face. "Nothing really, I wanted to take you to Hogsmeade, I thought you deserved a day out." I slap his chest. "That is why you dragged me out of my bed this early?" I say irritated. "Meaning I could've still be sleeping if it wasn't for you." "So you don't want to go to Hogsmeade with me? Alright then go back to bed." He says turning around and walking away. "No sorry I would like to go to Hogsmeade with you." I say feeling guilty, not knowing if he was being serious or not. He then turned back around and smiled at me. "Good lets go then." he says putting his arm around my shoulder and walking us out the door. We have been hanging out in secret the last week. I think it is still a secret, I haven't heard anyone talk about it anyway. But it still makes me anxious when he does things like putting his arm around me when we are still in or around the castle. We made it to Hogsmeade, it is a cold day, lucky I put on thicker clothes otherwise I would be freezing to death right now. Draco takes me to Three Broomsticks first. "Care for breakfast?" he asks as we sit down. I am not feeling to well so not really in the mood for food, but I also not wanting to spoil it so I nod my head. He smiles, instantly making me smile. Why does he does this? Like yes we have been hanging out but just as friends, right? So why does he take me here? A waiter comes up to us. "Good morning, what can I get you two?" he says, Draco wants me to order first, so I do so: "Just a plate of pancakes for me please." I say and then look to Draco so he can order. "The same for me please." he says. I play with my ring on my hand when he puts his hand over me making me look up to him. "Are you ok?" he says with a concerned look on his face. I nod. "Sure about that?" he asks again rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand. I smile at him and nod. "Yeah, I think so." I say, "You think so?" "Uh, I am not really feeling to well actually." I finally admit. He gives me a sympathetic look. "Do you want to go back to Hogwarts?" I shake my head. "No, I think I just need some food, and I will be fine." I lie, really not wanting to spoil today. He nods but keeps his hand on mine rubbing the back of it. It feels so good, sitting here with him. We eat our pancakes, well I eat half of one and Draco eats the rest of them. He pays and we walk outside. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. We walk a bit around town. When I see a store I want to look in. We walk in it is a bookstore, it looks so magical. I have always loved bookstores. I walk from shelf to shelf looking for interesting books, while Draco is standing by the door watching me. I know he is watching me I feel his eyes on me. But I don't care. After a while I walk back to him. "Didn't find anything?" he asks ready to leave. "I did but it is to expensive." I admit. "Let me get it for you." he says insisting I shake my head. "No Draco, lets just leave." "No I insist, take it as a late Christmas present." he says, he smiles and grabs my hand wanting to move. "Uh where is it?" he than asks making me laugh. "Outside, lets go." I say pulling him to the door, but it is like he is nailed to the floor, I can't make him move. "No Olivia, where is the book you want, I will get it for you. Please let me do this." he says with a pleading look on his face, I roll my eyes but give in I walk to the back of the store still holding his hand. I get the book and we walk back to the front of the store to pay. We walk around town joking, chatting, laughing, holding hands. Once it is getting late we decide to go back to the castle. The way back is full of snow, so I decide to well, throw a snowball at him. He throws one back but misses. I laugh: "Ha to slow!" And run towards the castle throwing snowballs back at him. Having a little snowball fight, like the day we started hanging out, I guess. I run and run, but he is to quick. He gets in front of me and just stops, just stands still. Making me run into him. "Ah, Draco!" I scream, he grabs me and puts his arms around me, I place my hands on his chest. I look in his eyes, they are filled with joy. Both out of breath we stay there for a couple of seconds, before he closes the gap between our faces and places his lips on mine. So this is what it feels like to kiss Draco Malfoy, not bad I think kissing him back. I have been wondering what it would be like for weeks, but this, this is way better than I ever could imagine. He breaks the kiss. I look at him and smile, I feel my cheeks turn red so I bury my face in his chest. I feel him chuckle. "Oh come on, Olivia. Don't hide your face from me now." He says letting go of me with one arm to put his finger under my chin to make me look at him. And he kisses me again.

I Know You Fancy Me ||D.M.||
FanficOlivia Soulton, an Italian girl, moved with her mom to England and got excepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What will happen when she meets a particular boy, with blonde, almost white hair. Will she be able to resist him? We wil...