Part 45

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Mom and I walk through the streets of London to find the perfect present for Draco. We both just don't really know what it would be. We walk in and out of stores. "It is so hard!" I groan. "I don't even know the kid, I don't know what he is like so I can't really help you!" mom says pretending to be annoyed. Gosh I missed spending time with her! I giggle. "I know, it is fine!". We walk through the city hall and come across a little booth with jewelry. "Hello beautiful ladies, see anything you like?" the man behind the booth says. I smile at him and look through the rings. I see a ring. It is perfect, the ring itself is a snake and it has olive green eyes. The snake represents Slytherin and the olive green represents me: Olivia/Olive. "Look mom this is perfect!" I say picking up the ring. "Oh honey he will love it!" she says. I nod and turn to the man. "I would like this one!" "If you get this one you can match!" he says walking over to our side and grabs a ring that looks similar, the ring is just a little thinner. The lady version of the ring I am holding. "Oh my god! I love it!" I exclaim. "I will take them both." I say and hand the man the ring for Draco. "You get discount!" he says smiling. "The second half the price off. Then it is 15 pounds please." he says I hand him the money and he hands me the rings. "Oh mom, he will love it!" "I think he would too! I love them! It is so cute." I blush. I can't wait to give it to him! "I need to get something to put them in! Like a little box!" I say. "Oh I have something just right at home!" mom says as excited as I am. "Okay!" I say and we make our way back to the car. "Oh mom, I love them! They look so good together!" I exclaim so excited that I found something. "They do look super good! I am happy you are happy!" mom says. We get in the car and mom drives home. "You go make dinner and I will go look for the box ok?" mom says as we walk through the door. I nod and head to the kitchen. I open the refrigerator to see what I can make. Fish and chips it is. I grab the fish and prepare it. Mom comes down the stairs. "Here you go sweetie." she says holding a little box out to me. It looks like a little pirate chest, it is shut and hold shut with a little clip. I open it and see that there are two rolls of cotton in it to hold the rings up. I grab the rings from my pocket and place them in. "Oh mom! It is perfect!" I exclaim. I set the box down and hug her.


Today is the day I go back to Hogwarts, back to Draco. I get dressed, I packed everything last night with mom. I walk down the stairs and grab the little ring chest and put it in my pocket, so I can't forget it. "Good morning sweetie." Mom says when she sees me walk into the living room. "Good morning mom!" I say "Are you ready? Oh it is so sad that you will be leaving again!" "I am mom, and I know, I wish I could stay. But I made plans with Draco!" I say pouting. "I know sweetie, it is ok!" she says. "Now lets go we will get some breakfast at the station!" she says. I nod and we grab my stuff and walk to the car. I place Dexter on my lap when I sit. "Are you excited to go back?" she says. "I am! But I don't want to leave you this soon!" I say. "Well, you will see Draco again and your friends!" she says cheerful. "I will not see Ron, Hermione and Harry for another week mom." I say. "Oh right. Well a whole week with your boyfriend, who doesn't want that?" she says I giggle. "I don't know!" Mom parks the car and we get out. "I am going to grab a trolly from inside ok? You wait here." I tell her. She nods and I walk inside. "Hey baby girl! Where is your stuff." I jerk my head to the voice. "Oh my god Draco!" I yell and run towards him. He opens his arms and I jump into him. "Pfff, slow down princess." He says chuckling. "Oh my god babe what are you doing here?" I ask into his neck. "I thought I would surprise you and come here so we can go back to Hogwarts together." he says. I pull my head out of his neck and kiss him. Oh how I've missed this. He breaks the kiss, "So where is your stuff?" he asks again. "Oh, it is outside in the car with my mom. I was getting a trolly before you, well, showed up." I say and let go of him. "So your mom is here?" he asks nervously. "Yeah. Do you want to come meet her or wait in the train?" I ask unsure. "No I want to meet her." he says confidents shining in his eyes. "Lets grab a trolly and go outside then." I say and grab his hand to lead him to a trolly. "Here let me grab it." he says. I can't believe he is here! I know it is stupid, it has been a week but god I have missed him I am so happy he is here. I kiss him quickly. "Thank you." I say and we walk back outside. My moms eyes grow wide when she sees him. 'Is this him?' she mouths I nod and giggle. "What?" he asks "Nothing." I respond and keep walking.

I Know You Fancy Me ||D.M.||Where stories live. Discover now