Part 99

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Hermione and I stay in the common room for a little longer. Both reading. Then Ginny walks in. She is blushing a little. "Did you do it?" I ask. "What?" "Hide the book, what else?" "Oh, yes, we did." she says. "Where?" "I am not going to tell you, then it is not hidden anymore." she says. "What aren't you telling us?" I say, "I am not telling you where I hid the book." she says a little confused. "No, I know that, but there is something else." I say again, getting a look from both Ginny and Hermione. "Oh come on. You know what I mean." "Fine, we kissed." she finally admits. "You did what?" "We kissed." Ginny repeats. Then Ron and Harry walk in. "Ginny, can the four of us talk?" Ron asks, "Yes, I need to study anyway." she replies and walks out of the common room up to her room. "What?" Hermione asks. "Dumbledore wants me to get something out of Slughorn, a memorie. But I haven't had any luck." Harry starts. "Then, I remembered, I have the liquid luck." he says, pulling out the little bottle, does he take that everywhere with him? "Maybe I can use it. Maybe it will help me." he says. "Well, try it!" I say. He sits down on the sofa and the three of us sit on the ground in front of the sofa. Harry takes of the cap and brings the bottle to his mouth. With two gulps the whole bottle is empty. "Well, how do you feel?" Hermione asks. "Excellent. Really excellent." Harry replies standing up from the sofa. I stand up as well and so do Ron and Hermione. "Remember, Slyghorn usually eats early, takes a walk, and then returns to his office." she says. "Right. I'am going down to Hagrid's." Harry says. "What?" I say "No, Harry, you've got to go and speak to Slughorn." I remind him. "We have a plan." "I know, but I've got a good feeling about Hagrid's. I feel i-it's the place to be tonight. Do you know what I mean?" "No." the three of us say. "Well, trust me, I know what I am doing. Or Felix does." he replies and turns around. Two students walk into the common room and as Harry walks past them he says very enthusiastic: "Hi!" and walks out. Leaving the three of us, well five of us I guess, standing in the common room. "Why Hagrid's?" I ask, Ron and Hermione shrug their shoulders. "I guess we will have to wait and see." Hermione says, and goes to sit back down. "Well, I am going to go for a walk around the castle, I don't feel like sitting down anymore. I will see you later." I say. They nod and I walk out. I walk through the halls of the castle. Not really knowing where to go, or where I want to go. That is a lie, I know bloody good where I want to go: Draco's room. To talk to him, to see him, to feel him, to kiss him. But I can't, I know I can't. "What are you doing here?" someone says, I just now realize I am in fact in the dungeons, I turn around to come face to face with Draco. "You shouldn't be here, right now. Or ever, except when you have class. And I highly doubt you have class at this hour." he says, "I-I don't know what I am doing here, I didn't even realize I was walking here. Sorry." I say, turning back around to walk away, but I stop myself. "Screw it, I wanted to come here anyway. I want to talk to your Draco, I miss you." "I doubt that." he says. "I do, I really do. You know I love you, I love you so bloody much. And I really miss you, I want you back Draco." "Yeah? Well, I think you screwed that up, didn't you?" he says, angrily. I nod. "I know I did, but that doesn't take away the fact that I want you back. I know I will never get you back, but I still want you back." I say tears in my eyes, I can see that he is struggling to hold his own tears back. So he turns around "You should go." "Bu-" "I said you should go." he says pretty loud, and cold, making me jump. It has been so long since he has acted cold on me, and I hate it. "Draco please, don't do this, don't push me away." I say "You did this to yourself, the minute your lips touched his." he says "You know I didn't do anything!" "No that is the bloody problem, Olivia!" he is now yelling. The tears stop falling from my eyes, I am just mad now, not sad, just very mad. "You can't blame me Draco! I couldn't have known he would kiss me! I was in shock, when I realized what was happening I stopped him! This isn't fair!" I yell back. "Go away." he says "No, I am not done talking to you." "I am done talking to you so leave!" "You can't just order me around like I am one of your slaves Draco! I was your girlfriend, how can you act like I mean nothing to you anymore? When two days ago you told me you loved me." "I never said that you mean nothing to me! You mean the world to me, that is why it hurts so much that you kissed him!" "For the last time! I DIDN'T KISS HIM! He kissed me!" "Who cares!" "Well, apparently you do! And so do I. Draco, I never meant for that to happen! And you know it! I would never cheat on you, not on purpose! Please, at least look at me when I talk to you." I say putting my hand on his arm, which he jerks away. But he does turn back around. "Babe-" "No, don't. Can you please just leave?" he says a crack in his voice. "What is going on here?" Snape's voice roars through the hall "Nothing, sir, I was just leaving." I give Draco one last look then turn around and walk away. 

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