Part 33

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"Do you know where Harry is?" Ron asks as I walk into the common room, my textbooks under my arm. "I think he went to Hagrid's hut, I don't know why though." I shrug. "But I am heading to the library, to do some studying. You should try it too." I say. Knowing Ron has fallen behind already. He sticks his tongue out. "Really study ey, not hang out with your boyfriend!" he says as I walk through the painting. "I won't, besides he is out anyway, doing Merlin knows what" I tell him as I close the painting. "Hey, where are you going?" Neville says standing in front of me. "To the library. I have some catching up to do." "Spending to much time with-" "Stop! I mean it's true but still!" I say laughing. "Ok well good luck!" he says and I walk down the stairs. I get to the library and look for a quiet spot to study. "Sup, baby, wanna smush?" someone says making me jump. He laughs. "I am sorry baby girl, I didn't mean to scare you like that." Draco says walking over to me and gives me a quick kiss before taking a seat opposite of me. "Wait, what did you say? I heard you say it, but it sounded weird." I say giving him a questioning look. He chuckles. "No you just want to hear it again!" he says. "Wha- no I just didn't really hear it." I exclaim. "I said: Sup, baby wanna smush?" he says winking at me. "Ho there tiger. I am studying, I have fallen a bit behind because of all your smushing." I say giggling, getting a pouting look from him. "What? It is true." I say shrugging my shoulders. "So, could you stop looking at me like that and let me study?" I say jerking my head up and catching him look at me. "Sorry princess." A little while later Draco stands up, I look up from my books. "Where are you going?" I say. "Dinner." he states and walks off. "And you don't wait for me!" I say, hearing him chuckle. But he keeps walking, I grab my books and fast walk over to where he last was. Since he made a turn around the book shelfs I couldn't see where he went. "BOO!" he whispers in my ear as I walk past a path in between shelfs. I didn't see it coming so I let go of all my books and jump. "Bloody hell Draco!" I say and slap his chest. I look at my books and walk away. "Hey! Aren't you forgetting something?" he says. I turn back to face him, seeing him kneeled down on the ground grabbing my books. "No seems like you got it." I say and wait for him to join me again. We get to the Great Hall and it is still mostly empty, since we are a bit early. But I spot Hermione, Ron and Ginny already sitting at the table. "Imma join them ok?" I say and look up at Draco who is standing slightly behind me, he nods looking their way too. Then he looks back at me. I smile at him, he kisses me gently. "Here you go, your books ma'am." he says holding out my books for me. I grab them and kiss him one more time before walking over to the others. "Hey." I say and sit down. "How was study? Did you even have time to study?" Ron asks nodding over to Draco. I giggle. "He joint me about 15 minutes before we made our way over here, so yes I had time to." I reply to Ron, who is pushing a worst in his mouth. "Do you ever stop eating?" Hermione says disgusted. "What? I am hungry." Ron says looking up from the papers he was reading. Then Harry walks up to us, hesitating, I am not sure why. "Harry.." Hermione says. Oh yes it is because of the little fight we had, about Umbridge. I sigh. "Can I join you?" he asks. Hermione looks at us, then we hear Umbridge talking. "Pardon me, professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?" "I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students, you conform to prescribed disciplinary practices." McGonagall says, we all walk outside of the Great Hall where the two professors are arguing. "So silly of me, but it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom. Minevra." Umbridge says climbing a step on the stairs higher than McGonagall. "Not at all, Delores." McGonagall says climbing to the same step as Umbridge. "Merely your medieval methods." she says. "I-I am sorry dear." Umbridge replies. I feel someone hug me from behind and putting their chin on my head. I put my hands on theirs and feel it is Draco, of course it is him, who else was I expecting? "But to question my practices is to question the Ministry and by extension, the Minister himself." Umbridge states. "I am a tolerant woman but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty." she continues, McGonagall says nothing but just climbs a step down "Disloyalty." she says. Umbridge takes a step higher and turns to us. "Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action." she says, she turns around and walks away. "What do you think she means by that?" I whisper to mostly Draco but also the other four. "I don't know baby." Draco responds I turn around to face him. "But I don't think it will be good." he says. And he wasn't wrong...

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