Part 27

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They drop me off at the station with my ticket and leave me there. I say goodbye to mom and walk away. Andrew put all my stuff on a trolly. I roll it through the station to Platform 9 3/4. I run through the wall and see the train standing there. Not many students are there so the train is smaller than the last time I saw it. I hand my stuff to the guy who puts it all in the train and get on board of the train. I make my way through the train looking for a quiet compartment. Once I find one I sit down. I close my eyes and I fall asleep. Having not been able to sleep these last few weeks, really tired me out. I sleep the whole way to Hogwarts. I wake up by someone shaking my shoulder. "Miss, the train has come to a stop, I would like to ask you to get of the train." the person says I nod and get up. Feeling dizzy again. Why did he have to break my nose?  I ask myself. I get of the train and make my way to the carriages. Getting on one, I see Neville. "Mr. Longbottom!" I say. He looks my way smiling, but his smile drops seeing my cast. I motion him over to the carriage I am on. He joins me on the carriage. "Hey! How have you been?" he asks. "Honestly? The worst Summer ever." I say. "I can see that." he says pointing to my cast. I feel my eyes tear up again, thinking about it. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to-" I shake my head. "No, it is fine. How was your Summer?" changing the subject a little. "Good, glad I could make it here early, I love it when almost no one is in the castle. I try to get here early each year." "Three days early?" I ask. "Sometimes longer, what about you? Why are you here early?" "Kicked out of the house by my mothers boyfriend." I say quietly. The carriages comes to a stop. "Come on, lets get to our rooms." he says getting off the carriages holding his hand out to help me off of it too. "Can I ask what happened to your nose?" he asks once we are walking to the castle. Damn it is so good to be back! I love it here, the castle looks so pretty once again. "Uhm yeah, I broke it." I say not really ready to tell the whole story. "Do you want to tell me how? Or not? It is ok if you don't." he asks, like he feels that I am not ready to talk about it. "Sorry Neville, I want to tell you but it is hard. I will tell you and everyone eventually." I say as we walk through the doors of the castle. "Have you heard it? Harry Potter was taking to court." some kid says walking past us talking to some other kid. "Wait what did you say?" I say stopping them. "Harry Potter was taken to court." he repeats. "Yes I heard that, but what happened? Why was he taken there?" I ask looking from the kid to Neville, who shrugs his shoulders also not knowing what happened, back to the kid. "He used magic in front of a muggle." "Harry would never do that!" I say. "Well he did, but they let him off with a warning." phew, "Ok thanks. Now walk on." I say seeing him stare at my cast. I sigh. "Harry must have a good reason he did! Don't worry." Neville says. I nod and walk to my room to see if all my stuff made it there. I see it did so I start to unpack. 


Today all the students should be arriving. Right before lunch feast. I get dressed and walk to the library to do a little reading before everyone gets back. "Hey, they are almost here, are you coming to the Great Hall?" Neville says standing beside me a little while later. I nod, I feel nauseous, scared to see Draco again. I haven't seen him in three months and he left when we were fighting, I don't know how it will be seeing him again. Neville and I walk to the Great Hall. "Good afternoon students, everyone else will be arriving not to long from now! I hope you are as excited as we all are! To start the new school year." Dumbledore says. A few seconds later we hear chattering coming from the halls of the school: they are here. Hermione, Ron, Harry and a girl I have never seen before walk in, in front of everyone. "Wow she is gorgeous." I hear Neville whisper I giggle. I smile at them. They smile back but as soon they see my cast they look concerned. They run up to us hugging Neville and me. Carefully that is. "Welcome back!" I say cheerful. "What happened to your nose?" Ron says as unsubtle as ever. I hesitate. "You don't have to tell them yet, it is ok." Neville whispers in my ear. "I- uh broke it." I say feeling a lump form in my throat and the tears in my eyes. "Hey it is ok! Like Neville said, you don't have to tell us." Hermione says hugging me. As I hug her I see Draco walk in. I quickly let go of Hermione and turn around not wanting him to see my cast. "What?" Hermione asks, guessing she turned around she says: "Oh, you don't want him to see it do you?" I shake my head. "Hey, uh." I hear Draco say. I don't turn around, I just walk away. "What did I do?" he asks the others. "Nothing." Ron says. I want to go to my room but in order to do that I need to walk past Draco. So I am stuck here. Hermione grabs my hand, and all of a sudden we are in our room. "Wha- how did you do that?" I say. "I learned it over the Summer." she says, "Thank you! I just don't want him to see me like this." I say crying. "It is ok! You are here now." "Andrew did this to me." I then say.   

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