Part 88

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I find Hermione standing in a corner of the room. I walk over to her. "Cormac just puked over Snape's shoes." I inform her with a giggle. "What?" "Because of the Dragon tartare." she starts to giggle, then we hear the door open. Draco walks in, with Filch behind him. What is he doing here? "Take your hands off me, you filthy Squib!" Draco says, struggling to get out of the grib from Filch. "Professor Slughorn, sir." Filch says, dragging Draco into the middle of the room. Hermione grabs my hand and drags me towards them. Draco still hasn't noticed me. I think that's best, for now. "I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party." Filch infroms Slughorn, but everyone else as well. I look at Draco, knowing that there is a look of dissapointment on my face. "Okay, okay. I was gatecrashing." Draco admits, making the dissapointment grow. "Happy?" he adds. Snape steps forward. "I'll escort him out." he says. Draco jerks his shoulder, making Filch let go of him. "Certainly, professor." Draco says, looking Snape dead in the eye. Then turns back to the door and him and Snape walk out. But before they have left, he sees me. The expression on his face doesn't change. What has gotten into him?  "All right, everyone, carry on, carry on." Slughorn says, when Snape and Draco are out of the room. Waving his hands in the air, as if he can fly. "What do you think he was up to?" Hermione asks. "I don't know, but I am about to find out." I say, walking out of the room, as quietly as I can, so I can follow them. They walk into the halls of the castle, rather fast. Almost to fast for me to keep up. They come to a stop in the middle of a hall, I hide around the corner. "Maybe I did hex that Bell girl. Maybe I didn't. What's it to you?" Draco says, I know he did, he told me. "I swore to protect you." Snape says, pushing him hard against the wall. I have to stop myself from walking over to him to see if he is ok. "I made the Unbreakable Vow." Snape says, I hear footsteps behind me, come to a stop. "What-" Harry says, I place my finger on his mouth to stop him from talking. "I don't need protection. I was chosen for this. Out of all others. Me! And I won't fail him." Chosen for what? "You're afraid, Draco. You attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious. Let me assist you." "NO! I was chosen. This is my moment." Draco says. Chosen for what?  "What is he talking about?" Harry whispers. I shrug my shoulders. "I have no idea." I say, I grab his hand and walk towards the Gryffindor common room. Where Hermione, Ginny, Dean and the twins are sitting on the sofa's. "Where did you go?" Ginny asks. "I followed Draco and Snape. Then Harry followed me apperently." I tell them. "What happened?" she asks again. I shake my head, not wanting to talk about it. Draco is hiding something from me. I feel tears fill my eyes. Fred stands up and walks over to me. "Hey, it is okay." he says holding me. I let myself fall in his arms and cry into his chest. This is wrong, so wrong.  But it doesn't matter right now. "Harry what happened?" Hermione asks. "Can I tell them?" Harry asks me. I nod. "I wasn't there the whole time, but Draco said he was chosen to do something. We don't know what. But it didn't sound good." I cry harder hearing him say it. Fred holds me closer. "I am sorry, Olivia." he whispers. "It is okay, I just want to get to bed. It is late, and we are going home tomorrow." I say, letting go off him. He nods and lets go off me too. "Come on, lets get to bed than." Hermione says supportive, walking over to me. "Good night everyone." I say and Hermoine and I walk off to our room. Hermione and Ginny follow me. "Are you okay?" Ginny asks when the three of us are in our room. I nod, "I guess. I don't know." I say, letting myself fall on my bed, face first. "You also have no idea what he was talking about do you? About being chosen to do 'it'?" Hermione asks "No, I have no idea. And that sucks. He is keeping stuff from me." I cry. Ginny and Hermione sit next to me on my bed. "It will be alright." Ginny says. "How do you know? He told me he wouldn't lie to me anymore." "He didn't lie, he just didn't tell you. God, why am I standing up for him?" Hermione says, making Ginny and me giggle. "What is going on between you and Fred by the way?" Ginny asks, after a couple of minutes of silents. "What do you mean? We are just friends. Besides he's your brother." I reply, shocked. "Well, it looks like you are getting closer." Hermione joins in. "So what if we are?" "Nothing wrong with it, but what does Draco think?" "I don't know. I don't care, he isn't going to force me to stay away from Fred. Fred and I are friends, and both Draco and Fred know it. Now I am going to bed, a long day ahead of us tomorrow." I say, pushing Ginny and Hermione off my bed. "Yes, you are right, good night." Ginny says, then walks out off our room over to hers. "Why are you acting so weird about Fred?" Hermione asks, while I am changing. "I don't know what you are talking about." I reply. "Well, you act weird about Fred, what is going on?" "Draco- uh, says Fred likes me. I don't believe it. We are just friends, besides he knows I am dating Draco, why would he like me if he knows I am taken?" "I think Draco is right, I think Fred does like you." "No, he does not. Now I am gonna sleep. Good night." I say, turn off the lights and lay down on my bed. Crawling under the covers and falling asleep.

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