Part 44

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I lay on my bed and close my eyes. I fall asleep and dream about Draco, the fact that he is mine is still a wonder to me. That he would want me, out of all the girls he could choose from, still is a surprise to me. I just can't believe it. "Good evening Olive. Come on lets get some dinner." I hear mom say as she shakes me. I open my eyes and smile. "Hey, get up." she says again. I sit up and get off my bed. "Where do you want to eat?" she asks. "We are going out?" I ask. She nods. "To celebrate you being home." I smile. "Ok well, I don't know. You pick." I say. "Are you sure?" she asks. I nod. "Okay I know somewhere to go then." I grab my shoes and put them on, then I follow mom down the stairs. "It isn't that far away so we can walk, if you are ok with that?" "Of course." I say I grab our coats and hand her her coat. "Let's go then." she says while putting it on. I walk out the door and close it behind mom. We start walking towards the restaurant she wants to go. "Mom, I have to tell you something." I say playing with my ring. "What is it honey? You can tell me anything, you know that right?" she looks worried. I nod. "It is nothing bad, I just don't know how you will react." I say and mom grabs my hand and we walk into a very cute looking little restaurant. "Tell me." she says. "Good evening, a table for two?" a man asks us. Mom nods with a smile. "Great, follow me then." he says and we do as he told us. "Here you go, take a seat and I will be right back with the menu's." "Thank you." I say and sit down. "Now honey what is it you want to tell me." "Uh, I have a uh boyfriend." I say hesitating. She gasps. "And you tell me this now?" she asks excitingly. I nod. "Yes, I didn't really know how you would react." "Is it that Harry kid?" she asks sparkles in her eyes I giggle "Nooo! He is one of my best friends! Besides he likes someone else. His name is Draco." "Here you are." the waiter hands us our menu's with a smile "Can I get you something to drink?" he asks. "A glass of water please." I say "A glass of wine for me please." mom says he nods and walks away. "So this Draco boy, how is he?" mom asks focusing on me again. "He is so great. He is tall, has very light blonde hair. He is so good looking. And the sweetest." I say smiling even thinking about him. "Do you love him?" mom asks, my eyes widen. "No, mom, of course not! We have been dating about  4 months now!" I say. Do I love him? I don't know. "So? You can love someone in 4 months." she states. We order our food and eat, talk and laugh a lot over the night. It is great to be back with her. 


I have been home for 4 days now, and I go back in 2. I am excited to see Draco again. But I am also sad to leave mom again. There is a tap on my window, and I see a owl sitting there. I think it is Draco's. I am not sure I have seen him 1 time before. I open my window and take the letter. There is a little box attached to its claw. I take it as well and let the owl back to where it came from. I open the letter

Hello baby girl,

Sorry I haven't responded earlier, I was busy trying to find you a Christmas present. And I didn't want to send this letter before I did. But I did, as you can see. I know we will see each other when it is actually Christmas but I thought, why not send a little something beforehand? But I am glad your mother is doing alright! And no need to thank me, after all, you did it yourself. I was just there to support you. I miss you too! Once this letter has arrived to you, we will see each other either the day after or in 2 days. I really am looking forward to spend next week with you! I miss you.


I smile at his kind words. Then I look at the little box. It is a green box with a silver lint around it. The Slytherin colors. How cute. I unravel the lint and open the box. There is a necklace in it. With a little green apple on it. I smile, him and his love for green apples. I love it. I rush down to show mom and ask if she will put it on for me. "Mom! Draco send me something!" I say as I walk down the stairs. "Oh, how sweet! Show me!" she says from the living room. I walk through the door and show her. "A green apple?" she asks confused. "What does that mean?" "He loves green apples. It is his thing. I think it is very sweet." I say blushing. "Oh dear! That is very sweet! You need to get him something too!" mom says. "I know! I was wondering if we could go shopping? And can you put this on for me?" "Yes! We are going shopping! And, of course come here I will put it on." she says I go stand in front of her and hand her the necklace. I take my hair and pull it to the side of my head so she can put the necklace on. "So there you go!" she says and I let my hair fall back and take the necklace in my hand to look at it. "I love it." I say smiling. "Now we are going shopping tomorrow, let's eat first, then we will watch some television and you go to bed afterwards." I nod in agreement and we do as she says. After watching television all night I go to bed.

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