Part 121

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I hear a dangling, its the chandelier. I look up and see Dobby hang in it. Bellatrix gasps. The chandelier is slowely lowering, until it has come loose and it starts falling from the ceiling. Bellatrix lets go of Hermione and pushes her our way, Ron quickly catches her. And Draco runs back to me and holds me again. "Sorry." he whispers I just nod, and gives all of us a wand. Lucius wanted to call Voldemort but Harry stupifies him before he has the chance. "Stupid elf!" Bellatrix yells, as Hermione, Ron, Harry, Draco, Griphook, Dobby and I stand together at the staircase. "You could've killed me!" "Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or... seriously injure." Dobby replies, making me chuckle a little. Draco squeezes me to make me stop. I look up at him. Draco's mother starts to swing her wand, but Dobby snaps the wand out of her hand. "How dare you take a witch's wand?!" Bellatrix yells. "How dare you defy your masters!?" "Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends." Dobby says mad. We turn around to hold onto Dobby, and in a second we are gone. I land on a sandy ground, Draco still holding me. I look up and see Harry, Ron, Hermione, Griphook and Dobby. Everyone starts to stand up, and Draco helps me up. But Dobby, stays still. It looks like there is a knife in his chest. Bellatrix's knife. "Hermione, you're all right. We're safe." Harry says walking to her and Ron. Giving me and Draco a look, to make sure we are all right. "We're all safe." "Harry Potter." Dobby speaks weakly. Now the others notice him as well. Dobby is now standing again, but as Harry walks over to him he falls to his knees. "Dobby.." Harry says and catches Dobby before he falls fully to the ground. I feel my eyes sting.  lump in my throat. A sob escapes my mouth and Draco grabs me by my waist and pulls me in. I grab him and lay my head on his chest. "Dobby. No, just... hold on. Hold on. Look. Just hold on. We'll- we'll fix you." I hear Harry almost cry. I can't take it. Not Dobby. "Hermione will.. have something." I look back at Harry only to see him look desperately at Hermione. "In your bag. Hermione. Hermione." and Harry breaks down, knowing from the look on Hermione's face that she has nothing that can help him."Help me!" he says. I hear Dobby say something, it is to weak for me to hear. This is just to much. I cry into Draco's chest. He holds me. Luna walks past us, rubs my back for a second and continues her walk to Harry and Dobby. She kneels beside Harry. And starts talking to him. "Come on baby girl, let's get to the cottage." Draco says and let's go of me a little. I nod and look back at Luna, Harry and Dobby. Draco takes me to the cottage. "I want to bury him. Properly. Without magic." I hear Harry say and stop walking. "I agree, we should." I say, looking at Draco, who has tears in his eyes. He nods in agreement. "Let's do it tomorrow. Get some rest now. We are all tired and hungry." Hermione says. We all agree and start to walk towards the cottage. Luna and I start making food for everyone, while the others rest a little on the couches that are in the living room. Once the food is ready we all eat, then I head to bed. "Need me to come with you?" Draco asks. "No." "Ok well good night then." he kisses my forehead. I grab his hand. "I want you to come with me." I giggle. He gives me a smile and we head to bed. Saying good night to everyone before doing so. "I love you, you do know that right?" Draco says once we are lying on the bed. I look up at him and smile. "I do know that. And I love you too, very much. I have missed you so bloody much, too." I say, he puts his hand on my chin and pulls my head towards his. Then he starts kissing me, passionately. God how I have missed this, his lips, his smell, being in his arms. He pulls me on top of him and starts to pull of my shirt. "No wait Draco. Not now, it doesn't feel right." I say stopping him. He looks somewhat dissapointed, but also seems to understand. "I'm sorry, I just have missed you so much." he kisses me again, I lay back down with my head on his chest and fall asleep almost immediately. I wake up by the sun shining in my eyes. "Morning, gorgeous." Draco says in his morning voice. Making me shiver. He chuckles. "Come on, let's get some breakfast." he pushes me off of him and gets out of bed. I follow him and get dressed. Once we are downstairs almost everyone is sitting at the table having breakfast. Except for Hermione, who is still asleep acording to Luna. "How are you feeling Harry?" I ask when I sit down. "Could be better, but could also be worse." "Positive attitude." I joke, but stop. "Good morning everyone." Hermione says walking into the kitchen. "Morning." I reply. "Ready to bury Dobby?" Ron asks. "Shouldn't Hermione eat first?" I ask, she shakes her head, "Let's bury him first, I don't think I will get one bite down my throat now." she says and I nod. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco and I walk towards Dobby's body and a shovel Harry had set up beside it last night. "I know a good spot." Ron says and we walk outside. Up a hill behind the cottage. It is a pretty spot. Looking out over the ocean. Harry kneels down and starts digging a hole. Draco holds me close while Hermione and Ron walk up the hill with Dobby. "Lay him in it." Harry says once the hole is big enough. Hermione kneels down and places Dobby in the hole. Harry, Ron and Draco start clossing up the hole. Hermione and I stand beside it watching them. I feel the tears run down my face. Ron made a grave stone for Dobby: 'Here lies Dobby a free elf'. He places it above Dobby's body. Harry and Draco took place beside me and Hermione, Ron takes Hermione's hand and pulls her in for a hug. I let go of Draco and hug Harry. Once we are done hugging one another we all head back to the house and rest the rest of the day.

I cried writing this, also, I was in class writing this. So therefor I was crying in class. Lol ok bye.

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