Part 20

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Hagrid and Ron start to sing "Hogwarts, Hogwarts." Hermione and I join in: "Hoggy Warty Hogwarts. Teach us something, please." "MR. Crouch?" Harry then says, making us look over at him. I see Mr. Crouch laying on the ground. "Oh my god." Ron says. With fear in my eyes I walk over to Harry and MR. Crouch. "I-is he dead?" I ask, not wanting to know, but knowing I have to know. "I don't know." Harry says. "He feels cold." Hagrid says lifting him up. "We need to get him to the hospital, like right now!" Hermione says, we quickly make our way to the castle. I feel tears run down my cheeks, but it doesn't feel like I am crying. 15 minutes ago I was happy, Draco had asked me to be his girlfriend, 10 minutes later we find a corps. How is this my life? Making our way through the courtyard people are looking at us with fear in their eyes. Chattering starts as we make our way to the front door. I see Draco standing near the door, seeing him want to walk to me I slightly shake my head telling him not to. "You can go to him once we get out of the hospital." Hermione says, she must have seen him too. "You know," I say. "He asked me to be his girlfriend like 15 minutes ago, and now this happens." I say still looking at him, but breaking the eye contact as I walk through the door. "He did? That is why you had that grin on your face earlier?" Hermione asks. I just nod, still crying. Ron takes place in between us and putting his arms around us. "It will be fine." he says, as we walk. Why is the bloody castle so big when you don't need it to be. "How do you know Ronald?" Hermione asks with a shaking voice, then Ron lets go of me to hug her. She starts crying in his chest, they would make such a cute couple. After we brought Mr. Crouch to the hospital I go to the library, looking for a quiet corner, to think and read something. Trying to clear my head. After a while someone taps on my shoulder, snapping me out of the book I was reading. I look up and see Draco standing there. I quickly get out of my chair and hug him. His strong arms hold me, as long as I need to. I cry, I just can't help it. I just saw a corps. It is traumatizing. "It will be alright, baby girl." Draco says, making me shiver. I feel him chuckle a bit because of my reaction of him saying baby girl. I just hug him tighter, his arms make me feel save, it feels good. I then let go of him, "Thank you for checking up on me." I say still sobbing a little, he kisses me gently. "Of course, you are my girlfriend now, I need to take care of you when you don't feel good. And I felt guilty not being able to hold you earlier." I smile at him, "No don't I told you not too." I say "I know, but still I wanted to hold you and comfort you, I hate seeing you cry." I kiss him, he is so sweet when he wants to be. 


Once again we are standing in the stadium, the third and final task is today. Cheering and trumpets are sounding all over the stadium. It is quit beautiful really, the sight of everyone together and cheering all together. I love it, but the fact that it has to be in a Triwizard Tournament where people can die is sickening actually. When Cedric and Mr. Diggory walk into the field, the Hufflepuffs cheer. Then Fleur walks in, her group cheers in French. When Viktor walks in you hear what must've been the loudest cheers of the three of them. Then Harry walks out, making me, Hermione, Ron and Ginny scream very loudly. He looks at us, I give him a smile. Then he turns to Dumbledore. Who just nods him inside of the ring. "Silence." Dumbledore speaks. And the crowd quiets and the music stops. Everyone sits on their place and Dumbledore continues: "Earlier today, professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup, deep withing the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory," The Hufflepuffs start to cheer again. "and Mr. Potter," now it is our time to cheer him on. "are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum" his party cheers now "and Miss Delacour." "Krum, Krum, Krum, Krum." is all I can hear now. "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner." Dumbledore finishes. Everyone starts cheering again. "I've instructed my staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants! Gather around. Quickly." Dumbledore adds. The four champions walk up to him and form a circle. Dumbledore speaks to them softly, only for them to hear. "What do you suppose he is telling them?" Ron says. "Ronald, stop being so nosy and just wait." Hermione says. I look over everyone to find Draco, I spot him and stare at him. "Who are you looking at?" Ron says looking in the direction of Draco. "Malfoy? Why are you looking at him?" he says disgusted. I roll my eyes. "I wasn't." I say quickly. "You so were! Why?" Ron says. "I don't know, I am just tired so I snoozed out, looking at him apparently." I shrug my shoulders. "Whatever." Ron says giving up. Hermione giggles. "What are you laughing about?" Ron says irritated. "Nothing." she says looking my way. "Shut up." I whisper. "Champions, prepare yourselves!" I then hear Dumbledore say. And we all start cheering again. The champions take their places. "On the count of three. One-" and Mr. Filch fires the cannon, getting a disappointed look from Dumbledore. The champions are now off into the maze. For god knows how long. As they walk in the maze closes behind them. We cannot see a thing. 

I Know You Fancy Me ||D.M.||Where stories live. Discover now