We follow Draco up the stairs and into a corridor. He is a lot faster than us, since he is a lot taller than us. But we mannage to keep up with him. He takes a turn, and I hear bricks move. Once we get to the corner he just turned, there is an empty wall in front of us. "Where did he go?" I ask. Harry shrugs his shoulders, but I feel like he knows something. I don't feel like arguing right now so I don't ask. "Should we wait for him to come back? Or should we leave?" I ask "Let's leave. We have class in a couple of minutes anyway." Harry says, I nod so we walk to our class. I can't seem to concentrate. Where did Draco go? Did he manage to make the Room of Requirements appear? No way, what would he need the Room for? Something for his Death Eaters job? No, right? He is different, he wouldn't. "Hey, are you ready? It is lunch time." Harry says, "Already?" I say, he nods. I get up from my stool and we walk to the Great Hall. Harry and I take a seat next to each other and Ron and Hermione sit next to each other. I can see Lavender walk in the Great Hall. This should be fun. She sits behind me, so I can't see her, but I feel her gaze right beside me. I know she is looking at Ron. I also look at him, but his attention is also on Lavender. He looks guilty, sad almost. I do feel bad for him, but I mean it was Lavender, why would he date her in the first place? Then there are snowflakes falling from right above us. "Stop it, Ron. You're making it snow." Hermione says, Harry just now notices and whipes the snowflakes from the table beside his book. "Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again." Ron says. "Uh, well-" Hermione starts. "She came to visit you in the hospital. And you talked. I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation." I say, holding in my giggles even thinking about it. "Don't get me wrong, I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. It's just she seems a bit put out." Ron replies, making all four of us look at her. She looks sad, mad and broken. "Yes, she does, doesn't she?" Hermione says. "You say you don't remember anything from that night? Anything at all?" she than asks, "There is something." He replies, a little hesitant. I look at Hermione and back to Ron. Then he chuckles: "But it can't be. I was completely boggled, wasn't I?" "Right. Boggled." Hermione says, somewhat dissapointed. "Harry. That's Katie." Hermione than whispers, nodging her head slightly to her left, our right. "Katie Bell." she says when Harry looks at her confused. When he hears her name he immediately stands up from the bench. Before he walks over to her he closes the book that he was reading, I now see that it is the book from the Half-Blood Prince, and he takes it with him. He walks fast over to her. I can hear them talk: "Katie. How are you?" he says "I know you're going to ask, Harry, but I don't know who cursed me." she replies. But I do. "I've been trying to remember, honestly, but I just can't." then I see her look behind Harry, I follow her gaze and see Draco standing only a couple feet away from me. Looking at them, well mostly her. With a look of guilt in his face. I know he cursed her, but I still had hope that he lied to me and that he didn't, but seeing him look at her with guilt written all over his face, breaks me. He really did curse her. Draco looks at me, for just a second but, god how I miss him looking at me, I know it's been only a day, but I miss it. He quickly turns around and stalks out of the Great Hall, Harry quickly runs after him. I have the urge to follow him as well. I get up but Hermione stops me. "Don't, please, you are only going to hurt yourself even more." she says. I sigh, but sit down, knowing she is right. Then I feel a wind behind me, I look around and see Snape run out of the Great Hall aswell. Following them. "He did curse her." I whisper. "He did?" Hermione whispers back, I nod. "How long have you known?" she asks. "Almost the entire time." I feel a lump form in my throat. "Seriously? And you didn't think to tell us?" I shake my head. "He was my boyfriend, and you already didn't like him. How can you expect me to tell you he cursed her?" I ask. They don't respond, "I am going back to the common room, are you comming?" I say and get up, "Can I come too?" Ginny asks I nod, and the four of us walk to the common room. Harry is already back there. We take a seat with him. No one really knowing what to say. "Did you know?" Harry then asks. "Did you know he cursed her?" "I did." I say slowly. "Why-" "I didn't, because he was my boyfriend Harry, please understand that." I say. He shakes his head but stays silent. He places the book from the Half-Blood Prince on the table in front of him. I look at it. "You have to get rid of it." Ginny says as she slowly sits down next to him. "Today." Harry nods. "But where?" "I have a good idea." Ginny says. She stands up and takes Harry's hand in one of hers and the book in the other one. They get out of the common room. "Where do you think they will go?" Ron asks. I shrug my shoulders and grab a book to read. Ron walks out of the room a little while later.

I Know You Fancy Me ||D.M.||
FanfictionOlivia Soulton, an Italian girl, moved with her mom to England and got excepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What will happen when she meets a particular boy, with blonde, almost white hair. Will she be able to resist him? We wil...