Part 117

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A couple of weeks have gone by, and Ron hasn't shown up yet. And Hermione's hope for him to come back has been going down everyday. We have been traveling a lot again. We even went to Gordic Hollow, to see if there was a horcrux there. But the only thing that happened there was that we got attacked by a snake. But luckely all three of us got out safely. The last couple of weeks have been weird and just tough. Especially on Hermione, since there is still no sign of Ron. I've been doing better, about Draco. But he is still on my mind, everyday, every hour, every second. I just can't help it. He is my everything and being without him just breaks me. It is like I lost a part of me. I know I am young, but it's true. I know it is. And I don't care what anyone thinks about it. He is the one for me, and will always be the one for me, nothing anyone says or does will change that. "Where is Harry?" I ask as Hermione walks into the tent. "Outside." "What is he doing? It is late and cold." she shrugs "He has my wand and the locket. I think he is going to try again." "Why does he have your wand?" "His broke, when we left Godric Hollow. So he demanded to have mine." "He does know he isn't going to destroy the locket with a spell, right?" "I think so, but let him try. He needs this Olivia, he needs this." she says and sits by the fire. I sigh and sit next to her. We sit here for a while, and talk about everything and nothing, mostly girl stuff, since we are now alone. For the first time in a while, and it feels good to have a girl on girl talk again. But after some time she gets up and goes to bed. I want to do the same but my brain wants me to check on Harry first, so I walk outside and see him sit at a tree. "Hey you." I say and smile at him. He looks up at me and smiles back. "Hello." "Are you all right?" I ask he nods "I am, just not really that tired yet, you go to bed. I will be right in." he says I nod and head to bed. For the first time in weeks I fall asleep easily. "Hermione, Olivia?!" I hear Harry say, I open my eyes and look at Hermione who already is sitting up in her bed. It is light out, I can see it. But if Harry is outside, and it is already light, does that mean he spend the night outside? Or did he wake up early and went out. Hermione stands up from her bed and walks to the door. I get up as well and follow her. "Hermione, Olivia." I hear Harry say again. "Is everything all right?" Hermione asks as I walk out of the tent. "It's fine. Actually, you know, it'sm more than fine." Harry replies. And points behind him. I climb the little hill in front of the tent and see Ron stand there, smiling at us. Well, at Hermione. "Hey." he chuckles. I wave at him, but Hermione doesn't seem to be amused. She stalks up to him and throws his back from his shoulder, then pushes him, and throws leaves at him. "You complete arse, Ronald Weasley! You show up here after weeks, and you say 'hey'?" Hermione says grabbing his back and punches him with it. "Where's my wand, Harry? Where's my wand?" she than turns to Harry. "I don't know." he replies. "I don't know." "Harry Potter, you give me my wand!" "I don't have it!" "How come he's got your wand?" "Never mind why he's got my wand! What is that?" Hermione asks looking at Ron's hand. I follow her gaze and see that he is indeed holding something. "You destroyed it." I say "How is it that you just happen to have the Sword of Gryffindor?" Hermione asks, not really impressed that he destroyed a horcrux. "It's a long story." Harry says. "Don't think this changes anything." Hermione says and starts to walk back to the tent. "Oh, of course not. I only just destroyed a bloody horcrux. Why would that change anything? Look, I wanted to come back as soon as I left. I just didn't know how to find you." "Yeah, how did you find us?" I ask. "With this." he says and pulls out his deluminator. "It doesn't just turn off lights. I don't know how it works, but Christmas Morning I was sleeping in this little pub, keeping away from some snatchers. And I heard it." "It?" Harry asks. "A voice- your voice Hermione- coming out of it." "And what exactly did I say, may I ask?" Hermione asks still not impressed, I mean of course, she is mad at him for leaving. "My name. Just my name. Like a whisper. So, I took it, clicked it, and this tiny ball of light appeared. And I knew. And sure enough, it floated towards me- the ball of light. Went right to my chest, straight through me. Right here." he says holding his hand over his chest. It all sounds a little, uh, weird, and made up. But sure. "And I knew it was gonna take me where I needed to go, so I disapparated and cam to this hillside. It was darl. I had no idea where I was. I just hoped that one of you would show yourself. And you did." he says and smiles. "Very touching." I say and turn back to the tent. "What is your deal?" Ron asks "Nothing, I just said it is very touching. 'Cause it is." "Well, it is true, every word of it." "I sure believe you Ron, I do." and I walk into the tent, lay back on my bed. And fall asleep again. All that sleep I have been missing the last few weeks has catched up on me I think. I dream about being back with Draco, in his arms, him holding me tight, and never letting go. I miss that, that feeling of his touch, the feeling of his lips. I miss everything about him. But, I don't think I will see him anytime soon, or maybe I will never see him again. 

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