Part 66

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"Come on Olivia. Today you are going to the Weasley's before you return to Hogwarts in three days. And you still haven't packed." I hear mom say while she is shaking me awake. I groan "It is way to early!" "It is not even that early, it is 10 am." mom says jerking the blanket off of me. "Don't do that!" "I didn't have to do it if you just got out of bed immediately. Now get up and start packing. I want to leave in an hour!" mom says and leaves my room. I groan but get up anyway. I let Dexter out of his cage while I pack, because he won't be able to fly before we get to the Burrow. I pack everything then call Dexter to get him in his cage again. "Are you ready?" mom shouts from underneath the stairs. "Yes!" I yell back. I manage to get all my stuff down the stairs in one trip, which is pretty amazing since, everything is heavy and there is a lot. But I celebrated to early, on the last step I trip and fall ontop of everything. "Au, bloody hell." I curse to myself. "Wow, are you ok?" mom asks rushing into the hall. "Yeah, just fell down the stairs." I say. "Here, let me help you up." she says holding her hand out. I grab it and we struggle to get me back standing. Since I was laying on all my trunks. "Phew, ok let's get all this in the car." mom says and I open the door. We put everything in the car and go back inside to have some breakfast before heading to the Weasley's. "Ready?" mom says before getting in the car. "Yes! I am so excited to see everyone again. But sad thing I will be leaving you again." I tell her. "Ah, yes. But we will be fine. Besides, I won't be any fun, I have to work a lot. So you can better go back to Hogwarts, that will be funner than staying with me." she says while starting the car and driving off. After 45 minutes we reach the Burrow. We get out off the car to get my stuff out of the trunk. I knock on the door and Miss Weasley opens it. "Oh Olivia dear! How great to see you again! Come in come in!" she says after hugging me. Mom and I follow her into the house. So weird that I have never been here, I have heard a lot of stories but I never have seen it with my own eyes. "Olivia!" Ginny yells and runs over to me. I hug her and see Ron standing behind her unsure what to do. After all we left on bad terms, but Draco and I are good again so I walk to Ron and hug him too. "Hey." I whisper. "Hey." he whispers back "Are we good?" he asks I nod, he hugs me tigther then lets go. "Good." "How was the ride here?" I hear Molly asks mom, who is now sitting on the couch. "Fine, not to long, traffic wasn't that bad." mom replies. "Are Harry and Hermione here yet?" I ask Ron and Ginny. The shake their heads. "No, Hermione will come today I think, but Harry hasn't let us know, so we don't know when he will get here." I nod and walk to the couch to sit down next to mom. "Do you want anything to drink dears?" Molly asks. "No thank you, I am good." I say politely. "A cup of tea sounds good actually." mom says Molly nods then walks to the kitchen. I just now notice that the dishes are doing themselfs. "Bloody brilliant right?" Ron says noticing that I was looking. I look up at him "Yes, I could never." I say laughing. Then there is a knock on the door and Ron jumps up to get the door. "Hermione!" he says and hugs her tight, they are totally in love, and I love it. Then Fred and George walk down the stairs. "Hey you." Fred says, I stand up and hug both of them "Had a good Summer?" George asks "Yes, it was a lot of fun with mom and Dra- uh with mom." I say quickly. "Who?" Hermione says now standing beside me. I turn to her and hug her. "With mom?" I say unsure. Mom starts to laugh. I glare at her she immediately stops. Hermione giggles. "Stop, I was just with mom." I say. "We all know that is not true." Fred says. "What?" Ron asks obliviously. I laugh. "Olivia says she only spend her Summer with her mom, but she almost said Draco, so I think she also spend at least a part with him." George informs him "That is why we are good?" Ron asks. I blush and nod. "Yeah, he came to our house, and we spend the day together." I tell everyone. "Really?!" Hermione and Ginny say together. "Yes." I say. "How was it?" Ginny says pulling me back into the couch. "Well, we spend the day in the mall, after that we made pizza for us three." I point to mom "And he stayed the night..." I say. "He did?" Hermione asks with wide eyes, "Yes, he did." I say blushing from head to toe. "So you two are good again? Are you back together?" Ron asks. "I don't know, we are good again. But we haven't really talked about it." I say feeling a little uncomfortable with mom and Molly in the room. "I think I will be going, work later today." mom states. "Ah, I will miss you mom!" I say and stand up to walk her back to her car. Everyone follows us outside. "Goodbye Miss Soulton." Ginny says. "Oh please call me Jillian." she says smiling at Ginny. "Well Jillian, have a great trip back home and goodluck at work!" Molly says hugging her. I hug mom one last time before she gets in the car and drives off. "He really stayed the night?" Hermione whispers while we walk back into the house. "He did, now stop it." she giggles but drops it like I told her too. 

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