Johnny imagine for on Instagram

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Here's yet another imagine for my favorite fanboy and best friend Jeremy! Hard to believe we actually started talking through me writing you an imagine. I love you so much bb! 🐷💛 <---- if you were Jeremy, you'd understand that. At first this imagine is gonna seem like you're never gonna come in, but I promise you do. Alright enough from me. Here's your imagine bb!
I sat on the bleachers with Ponyboy while everyone else was dancing. I don't know how Emily ever convinced me to come here, but she did. "Can't believe she suckered me into coming here," I said, leaning back and sighing. "It ain't that bad Johnny." "Easy for you to say. You have a date." Pony's face reddened, it was even noticeable in the dimmed light. "Emily is not my date!" I chuckled. "Sure man. Sure." Ponyboy went back to looking around. I sat there for a little while, listening to the music, when I heard Emily chirp, "Johnny! Ponyboy!" We both turned to look at her. Pony's eyes just about popped out of his head as he looked at her dress. "Damn..." I heard him whisper under his breath, making me chuckle. "Hi guys!" she said excitedly and gave each one of us a hug. "Why are you so excited?" I asked her, making her smile get bigger. I thought it was impossible, but it happened. "Jeremy's here!" I jumped up. "What?! He is?!" Jeremy was Emily's best friend. Ever since they first started talking, Emily's done nothing but brag about him. I was interested in him from the start. Just then I heard someone shout, "Emily!!!" When I turned to look at who it was, my heart skipped a beat. He had a kind of chocolate brown hair, and gorgeous hazel eyes. "Jeremy!" Emily squeaked and engulfed him in a hug, laughing. I felt a pang of jealousy, and looked over at Ponyboy, who looked exactly how I felt. When they broke the hug, Jeremy still had his arm around Emily's waist. "Johnny, Ponyboy, this is Jeremy." Neither of us moved or said anything. "Don't worry about them Jeremy. They're just fuddy duddies," Emily teased, ruffling up both of our hair. "Hey watch the hair," I complained, trying to fix my hair, and could've swore I saw Jeremy smile. The thought of making Jeremy smile made my heart pound. No one said anything for a while until a really catchy song came on, making Emily and Jeremy look at each other and squeal. "Let's go dance!" Emily said, taking Pony's hand in hers, leading him to the dance floor and leaving me alone with Jeremy. "W-wanna dance Jeremy?" I nervously stuttered, but saw him smile. "Sure!" I took his hand in mine and lead him to the dance floor. Everyone but me was dancing. I was too afraid I was gonna look like a fool in front of Jeremy. But eventually, I loosened up and started dancing too. Jeremy and I had a lot of fun dancing together. After a while, we decided to take a break and sit on the bleachers. "So Jeremy, Emily's told us a lot about you." He raised both of his eyebrows. "She has?!" Emily put her arm across his shoulders. "Oh shut up. You know I love you." Jeremy smiled. "So what has she told you about me?" I started to list off all the things she told us, from him liking polar bears, to him wanting to buy her a pair of Vans for her birthday. "Wow you really told them all of that?" Emily smiled and went to go say something, but was cut off by the DJ making announcement. "Alright everyone! It's time to take things down a notch," and with that, the lights dimmed and a slow song started playing. I saw Pony take Emily's hand and they were up dancing. I watched them for a little while, picturing myself up there with Jeremy, who was biting his lip, making me blush. I have a weakness for lip biting. "They sure do make a cute couple," he said, leaning back. I took a deep breath and went to ask him to dance, but said, "I need some air. Let's go outside." He nodded and we both made our way outside, a cool blast of air hitting my face as we opened the doors. We both sat down in the grass. It was a clear night, the sky full of stars and the moon was high in the night sky, everything seemed to be sparkling. I looked over at Jeremy. The moon was hitting him in all the right places, making his eyes sparkle and his lips look so perfect and kissable. I saw Jeremy blush and say, "They do?" I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment as I realized I said it out loud. I decided to take a chance. "Yeah. They do." I saw the blush on his cheeks darken. I felt a sudden rush of confidence and cupped his cheek. Then before I could stop myself, my lips were on his. Jeremy's lips were softer than I expected. He was a really amazing kisser! I licked his bottom lip and he opened his mouth. I started licking around and I heard him let out a contented sigh. This lasted for a few moments before we broke the kiss, both of us panting and grinning. "That was amazing..." I heard him say. I didn't say anything. Instead, I leaned in for another kiss, when I heard whistling behind us. "Get him Johnny!" It was Ponyboy! "Get your man Jeremy!" And Emily. I saw Jeremy turn bright red. "Awe cut it out," I said as I helped Jeremy up. Emily giggled and Pony said, "Johnny, it's getting pretty late. I really should get home before Darry skins me." I nodded and wrapped my arm around Jeremy, putting my hand in his front pocket as we walked. Turns out, Jeremy was staying at Emily's house while he was here. "This is our stop," Emily said sadly as we got to one of the houses. Emily walked up the stairs. "I'll see you around Ponyboy, Johnny." Just as she opened the door, Ponyboy ran up and gave her a passionate kiss, making Jeremy and I wolf whistle and make cat calls. Once they broke the kiss, they were both blushing like mad. "I-I'll see you around," Pony stuttered nervously and started down the steps. "Some night huh?" I asked Jeremy. "Yeah. Is it always like this around here?" I shrugged. "Sometimes. But it's gonna be a lot more fun with you." This made him blush really hard. "Jeremy, I know we just met and all...but, I was wondering....if you wanted to be mine?" He smiled and jumped into my arms. "Oh my god! Yes!" I chuckled at his reaction. And to complete the night, leaned in for one more passionate kiss.

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