Two-Bit imagine for OutsidersObsessed_

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I wiped my sweaty hands against my dress pants as I nervously waited behind the curtain for my chorus concert to start. I love singing in a group, but what I didn't know is that in this chorus, I'd be doing a solo.
I'd recently learned a few of the songs that I would be singing tonight, about two weeks ago actually, but I didn't feel too confident.
'What if I forgot the words? What if my voice cracked and everyone laughed at me?' My head was clouded with nervous thoughts that I tried to push to the back of my mind.
When I heard my name being called, my heart stopped and I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. Taking a deep, and what I hoped was a calming breath, I walked out onto the stage, immediately getting nervous again as I saw what seemed like a thousand pairs of eyes all watching me.
I silently cleared my throat and the music began. The first few moments of the song were shakier than I'd hoped. I looked out at the audience to see their reaction. That's when I saw Two-Bit and the gang sitting a few rows back from the stage. My heart immediately swelled with joy once I saw the huge grin on his face and the amazement in his eyes. I looked at all of their faces and saw nothing but amazement.
Emily was giving me a thumbs up and Pony seemed like he was off in his own little world, probably daydreaming about Emily. As I saw the delight on their faces, I didn't feel as nervous anymore. I continued singing the song, my pitch perfect.
Once I finished, I looked out at the crowd, who erupted into cheers and gave me a standing ovation. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. It was great that everyone else loved my singing, but when I saw Two-Bit screaming for me, I couldn't have felt any happier

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