Soda Imagine for Tobleedgrease

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Sorry that this is so short. I'm kinda tired. 😅 anyway here it is Beka. I hope you like it.

***SODA'S POV***
I drummed my fingers on the table nervously as I waited for Beka to come in. Beka is Steve's cousin, who came to live with him and he said no one in the gang can date her. Well, I guess I kinda broke that rule. Beka and I have been secretly dating for three months. No one knows. "Soda!" I hear and I turn around. Beka is standing there in a tight pair of jeans and a leather jacket, her long black hair perfectly curled to reveal her sparking bright blue eyes. "Wow doll you look beautiful." I tell her as she slides in the seat across from me. She intertwines our fingers and smiles. "You don't look too bad yourself." I blush in spite of myself. Then the waitress walks over and takes our orders. After she walks away, I rest my head on my knuckles and look at Beka. She's so gorgeous. "Everything okay there Soda?" I sigh. "Do I have something on my face?" She asks worriedly. I cup her face in my hand. "Just beauty." A light blush dusted her face. "Oh Soda." I grin and lean across the table to kiss her. She meets me halfway and I feel her soft lips against mine. I want to melt, but I keep my cool. When we break the kiss, she smiles. "You've got such a beautiful smile Beka." She blushed again and the waitress comes back with our food. We both begin to eat.
I took Beka's hand and lead her up the hill in the park. I wanted to take Beka to see a sunset since Pony and his girlfriend are always saying how pretty they are. I sit down and she sits next to me, laying her head on my shoulder. "It's pretty Soda." "It is," I breathe, "hey Beka c-can I tell you something?" She looked up at me with a worried expression on her face. "W-what is it Soda?" "IloveyouBeka." I said, quickly. She gives me a funny look. "Soda, I can't understand you." I took a calming breath and said, "I love you Beka." Her face lit up and she smiled brightly. "I love you too Soda." My heart skipped a beat and I leaned in to kiss her. As our lips touched, she cupped my face in her hands. I wrapped my arms around her waist. When we pull apart, breathing heavy, I said, "I love you so much." "Me too Soda. Me too."

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