Two-Bit imagine

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"Come on Dariann just a little bit more." Two-Bit tells me. I groan and feel beads of sweat prick on my forehead. In case you're wondering I'm giving birth to Two-Bit's child. "S-shut up." I say through another another contraction. I squeeze his hand until it turns purple. He winced from the pain. "Owww goddamn!" "Shut up!" I snap. "Okay Dariann were going to push with this one." The nurse tells me. The next contraction is worse than the others. "Come on Dariann." Emily coaches me and wipes my forehead. I push. And push. And push. Finally I stop to breathe. "Last time, are you ready?" I nod and start pushing again. This time I felt a great relief and heard little sobs. "Ponyboy, Darry, Soda, Steve come in here!" Two-Bit yells with tears in his eyes. Slowly the gang comes in. As soon as Ponyboy walks to the end of the hospital bed he passed out. Emily rushed to his side and started to try to wake him up. After a few minutes the nurse held up a baby in a white blanket with Mickey Mouse on it and handed it to me. "Congratulations Ms. Lockhart and Mr. Mathews on your new baby girl." I looked down at the little bundle in my arms and felt tears drip down my cheeks. "I'm your new mommy." I whispered. Two-Bit sat next to me, tears in his eyes. "And I'm you new daddy." "What are you going to name her?" Soda asks. "Minnie." Two-Bit and I say at the same time. Darry laughs. "Now I know two of the most beautiful girls in the world." Two-Bit whispers and kisses mine and Minnie's foreheads.

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