Dally imagine for LivelyTheRipper

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I put another piece of popcorn in my mouth when I felt Tim Shepard put his arm around me. Smiling at him, I snuggled in closer, watching the movie. "You look real pretty tonight Angel," Tim said, smiling at me as he laced our fingers together. Tim and I have been dating for quite a while now. The gang seemed to support it, but whenever I mentioned anything about Tim and I being together in front of Dallas, he stormed off. I never understood why. Dally hates me. All of the sudden, I felt someone put their feet on the back of my chair and repeatedly kick it. "Hey cut it out!" I yelled at them, turning around, but not looking at who it was. "Who's gonna stop me huh? Your little boyfriend?" I recognized that voice. It was Dallas Winston. "As a matter of fact I will," Tim said coolly, eyeing him. "Now get outa here and let me spend some time with my girl before you regret staying. I saw Dally smirk evilly. Even though Dally and I aren't all that close, I knew that when he smirked like that, it meant that you'd better get out of there. "I ain't going nowhere Tim," Dally spat. "But you are. She can do a hell of a lot better than you." I saw anger flash in Tim's eyes, and before I could react, Tim jumped on Dally. Both of them were punching and cussing. The fuzz eventually came and got them apart. But not before Tim's eye had a cut above it and both of them had a bunch of bruises. "C'mon get outa here!" the cop yelled, shooing them in either directions. Tim looked over at me and yelled, "Angel I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" "Didn't mean to what?! Beat the hell out of him?! Just don't talk to me anymore Tim! We're through!" I ran out of the Nightly Double, tears running down my cheeks. I was sure that my makeup was messed up, but I didn't care. "Angel wait!" I heard Dally call from behind me. I stopped walking. "What do you want?! Come to make things worse?!" He completely ignored my question. "You been crying?" "Well duh! But what do you care anyways?! Just get out of here!" "I don't wanna leave Angel," Dally said, taking my hand. I yanked it away. "Too damn bad! I don't want you around!" "I ain't leaving you. No matter what you do." That was exactly what Tim said to me on our first date. That's when I lost it. I buried my face in Dally's chest and bawled my eyes out. The whole time, he stroked my hair and whispered that it was going to be okay. "Angel look at me for a second." I did as I was told and looked up at him. For the first time, feeling butterflies when I looked into his eyes. "I ain't never leaving you. I don't even hate ya. I just got a rep to keep ya know." "What're you saying Dallas?" I asked, a little sass in my voice. He did the unexpected and crashed his lips onto mine. My heart stopped as I kissed back, him pulling me closer. When we broke the kiss, both of us were breathless. "I could never hate ya Angel," he smirked. "You're too damn perfect." "So what's this make us?" I asked breathlessly. He slid his ring on my finger. "It makes you mine." I smirked and leaned up to kiss him again. "I wouldn't have it any other way Dallas," I whispered against his lips

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