Johnny imagine for sj13396

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Just so you guys know, I closed requests until further notice. I have a bunch of them to do and I have to do stuff for school too. So if you already requested, your imagine will be done in due time. If I messaged you asking for more info please send it to me! And I know I keep saying it guys but please when you request an imagine include EVERYTHING I asked for in the story description.
I was in the kitchen icing a chocolate cake for the gang, when I saw Johnny walk in for a glass of chocolate milk. I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks. I liked Johnny. A lot. But I just never found the nerve to tell him. He probably didn't like me that way anyways. Ponyboy was the only one that knew. And I made him promise never to tell anyone. Not even Sodapop.
"H-hey Stacey..." Johnny said quietly, looking down at his shoes.
"Hey..hey Johnny." I smiled.
"Is that cake ready yet?! I'm starving!" I heard Two-Bit whine from the living room, making both me and Johnny chuckle a bit.
"Guess I'd better get this in there before Two-Bit freaks," I said, chuckling.
When I walked in, Two-Bit took the cake out of my hands and started stuffing his face.
"Save some for the rest of us Two-Bit!" Steve complained, grabbing some cake for himself.
I chuckled and sat down on the couch next to Ponyboy, seconds later to be joined by Johnny. As soon as he sat down, we stared into each other's eyes. I felt myself blush and just as quickly as we made eye contact, we both looked down at our laps.
"Hey guys, I wanna do something," Pony said as he closed his book.
I gulped, knowing exactly what he wanted to do.
"Let's play truth or dare."
And so we started playing. Soda had to let Two-Bit rub raw eggs into his hair, Darry had to sing, and Dally had to give one compliment to everyone in the room. It was pretty fun until it was my turn.
"Stacey, truth or dare?" Pony asked, smirking.
It was a double-edged sword. I couldn't get out.
"T-truth," I nervously stuttered.
"Who do you like?"
The question made my heart race even faster and my stomach get butterflies. I knew I had to say it.
"I-I like..."
"C'mon Stacey! Spit it out!" Dally said, smirking.
Oh no... Did he know too.
"Johnny..." I said quickly.
I saw Johnny grin, a blush on his cheeks, as the gang started wolf whistling and cheering.
"I-I like ya too..." Johnny smiled, looking the happiest I've ever seen him. "Stacey... Do ya wanna be my girl?"
I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him as tight as I could.
"I wouldn't want anything more Johnnycakes.

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