Dally imagine for Lyrics_of_the_fallen

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"Who's gonna go first?" Two-Bit asked, looking around the circle at all of us.
We were pretty bored waiting around, so we decided on playing truth or dare to pass the time until the movie that we wanted to see started. My heart was pounding against the inside of my chest. You see, I've never kissed anyone before. I didn't tell anyone in the gang, but I was pretty sure that they were gonna know real soon.
"I'll go since no one else will," Two-Bit said, tapping his chin. "Pony truth or dare."
Ponyboy seemed kinda caught off guard because he jumped.
"T-truth," he nervously stuttered, obviously Two-Bit knew something that Pony didn't want the rest of the gang to know.
"Who's your girlfriend?"
Pony gulped and quietly muttered something that none of us could hear.
"What was that Pony? Didn't quite catch it," Two-Bit teased.
"E-Emily. H-her name's Emily."
The gang all said "ooooh" which made Pony turn bright red. During the game, Darry had to sing, Two-Bit had to prank call his girlfriend, and Steve had to eat an entire chocolate cake without using his hands. I was pretty relieved that no one had picked me yet.
"Lyric truth or dare," Steve finally asked.
My heart started pounding against the inside of his chest.
"Hmm... Have you ever kissed anyone?"
I turned a million shades redder once the words came out of his mouth. Now the gang would know the truth.
"N-no.. I haven't."
The gang all looked at me shocked, like they were expecting me to say yes.
"Alright, Lyric. Your turn," Steve said.
I looked around the circle and decided on Dallas. He hadn't gone yet either.
"Dally. Truth or dare?"
"Truth," he replied, smirking.
"Would you ever settle down for a girl?"
The gang all turned to look at him, anxiously awaiting his answer. I have to admit, it was something I was wondering about myself.
"Maybe. Depending on who she is," he said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Alright. Your turn Dal," Two-Bit butted in, taking a bite of the second cake Darry made.
"Lyric, truth or dare."
I was pretty caught off guard. I wasn't expecting to be asked again.
"Um... Dare?"
It came out as more of a question than an answer.
"I dare you to kiss me," he said, smirking.
I felt myself blush and I gulped as everyone started looking at me.
"D-do I really have to..?"
"It's the rules of the game," Two-Bit said.
I sighed and crawled closer to him, nervously leaning closer until our lips met in a gentle kiss. I have to admit, I liked it. Dally's lips felt like silk against mine and he was a lot more gentle than I thought he was gonna be. When we broke the kiss, the gang all clapped and cheered.
"It's about time you two!" Soda teased, slinging his arm around my shoulders.
I shook my head and looked down at my lap. I saw Dally grab my hand and slip his ring on my finger. After he did, I looked up in his eyes.
"Now you're mine," he said, leaning in for another kiss.

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